12 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy – The Magnum Opus
This article is the culmination of The Law of Attraction Series. If you have missed my earlier articles on Law of Attraction, links to Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV are here. Three years ago upon my own awakening, I began to research everything about Twin Flames once I realized I was one myself. My findings could not explain The Twin Flame Stages then, and three years later, I still do not teach nor believe there is one. Dealing with collectives for over 2 and half years, I have seen that each couple have their own different stages and timeline, often stemming from past life wounding and trauma to their present vibrational energetic blocks. The blocks are often a combination of past life and this life’s trauma and wounds, both on subconscious and conscious level.
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate ~ Carl Jung
My point I am making here is that there is no such thing as Twin Flame Journey Stages. Do not spend your time nor energy on watching or reading any articles on this subject. You are better off listening to self-help books or reading other Twin Flame Articles. You will find that only 3% of the collectives will resonate with Twin Flame Journey Stages but the rest will find as months and years proceed, the journey is what they make of it by doing their own Soul Alchemy.
The 12 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy.
Number 12 is a very auspicious number dating back to the Biblical Times. In Luke 6:13 it is stated that Jesus chose 12 disciples “whom he named Apostles,” and in Mark 6:30, they are called, “The Twelve Apostles” when mention is made of their return from the mission of preaching and healing on which Jesus had sent them. We have 12 months in a given calendar year. In fact, the biggest myth debunked from Revelations is regarding 144,000 light workers or Twin Flames. This is nothing but ego based concept by making claim regarding “The Chosen One”. You can read the full article here how I debunked this myth.
What I am concluding with this article is, yes 12 number is auspicious when it comes to one’s own Soul Alchemy, and this is not only exclusive to Light Workers or Twin Flames. In fact, anyone on a Soul’s journey can be in Alchemy. 12 X 12=144 (000 – New Beginning) – You are your own Alchemy once your focus is on you through shifting your paradigms and by bringing down your Heaven on Earth. To learn more, see my article on number sequences.
What is Paradigm?
Shifting paradigm is an important change, the usual way of thinking about or doing something by replacing with new or different way. Paradigm shifts are important because they define how we perceive our reality, by bringing down our Heaven on Earth.
Law of Attraction Coach, Bob Proctor explains it brilliantly about paradigms and beliefs. An example of paradigm change will be of two biological twins, both born in an African family, later one is adopted by a Caucasian family and the other to an Asian family, both of the children’s upbringing will be different. From culture, religion, food, language, this will be all different from even their biological parents who are African to the ones who adopted them.
Now that we have learnt how important number 12 is, let us begin looking at what these 12 Alchemical Stages are…
1. Calcination

Calcination is a decomposition or breaking down from ego, shame, fear, old paradigms, old patterns, old beliefs, past life trauma, subconscious to conscious trauma into the higher consciousness. This is the beginning stages of the process from lead based ego to gold consciousness, the beginning of one’s Soul Alchemy. Calcination is usually a natural humbling process as we are gradually overcome trials and tribulations of life, though it can be a deliberate surrender of our fiery ignition through self-introspection and self-evaluation from a Soul’s perspective. Most often this happens after one is awakened to the Twin Flame journey. Once wakened, meeting your Twin is eminent, no matter which dynamics, whether in embodiment or not.
2. Dissolution

The process of Dissolution is further breakdown of the artificial structures of the psyche by total immersion in the unconscious, the rejected part of our consciousness through form of dreams, voices, visions, and strange feelings, which reveal a less ordered and less rational world existing simultaneously with our everyday life. In this stage, you become aware of your spiritual transformation and begin to surrender to your Soul Alchemy. You begin to train your mind to relinquish control so that buried subconscious trauma and negative energy are released to be dissolved. Your Twin Flame will begin bringing repressed old wounds through mirror effect for you to address and heal. Soul Shock happens in this stage.
3. Separation

The process of separation involves rediscovering our authentic self or feelings for a person. In this stage, many things surface up example, anger, frustration, or disappointment towards one another or ourselves. This is the shadow period of the “Dark Night of the Soul,” or self-reflection by reviewing what is hidden material, decision on what needs to be discarded and what to reintegrate into our refined personality. Much of this shadowy material are things we are ashamed of, or deep known or unknown wounded traumas. Rather than reverting to the old habit of dutifully trying to “forgive” or “forget”, you face your dragon and demons here and meet them in the eye.
4. Conjunction

Conjunction is empowerment of our true selves, the union of both Masculine and Feminine sides, The Hieros Gamos, our inner marriage and union of our personalities into oneness, a pure state of consciousness. The Heaven on Earth experience. Often synchronicities begin to occur at this stage during the leap from 3D paradigm to 4D paradigm. This confirms that you are on the right track of your spiritual transformation. You are on the road to shifting your paradigms from 3D ego based to 5D consciousness.
5. Putrefaction

Putrefaction process is of decomposition in all darkness. Removing all ego based false beliefs, patterns, old stuck paradigms. As per Carl Jung, there are two main psychological senses. The first sense represents a subject’s initial state of undifferentiated unawareness, an objective state only visible from the outside. An unconscious state of non-differentiation between self and object, consciousness and the unconscious.
The second process of individuation is experienced by painful growing awareness of shadow aspects through massive spiritual healing. Many Alchemists believed that it is the first step in the pathway to the Philosopher’s Stone; all Alchemical ingredients had to be cleansed and cooked extensively to a uniformed black matter.
6. Coagulation

Coagulation process is when a new confidence that is beyond all things, though many experience it as a Second Body of Golden Coalesced Light, a permanent vehicle of consciousness that embodies the highest aspirations and evolution of mind. Coagulation incarnates and releases the Ultima Materia of the Soul, the Astral Body, which The Alchemists also referred to as the Greater or Philosopher’s Stone. These physiological and psychological processes create the Second Body, a body of solid light that emerges through the Crown or Gold Chakra. On the planetary level, Coagulation is a return to the Garden of Eden, this time on a higher level in tune with the Divine mind.
7. Cibation

Cibation is an Alchemical process of feeding the contents of the body vessel with fresh materials. What this means is making severe life changes, tossing of the old paradigms, patterns that no longer serve, changes in consumption of food, lifestyle in order to anchor the light body or Merkabah. This process calls for another permanent rebirth as old 3D door or paradigms shut off permanently, while new 5D gateway opens.
8. Sublimation

Sublimation is a purification process in the completion of the Magnum Opus. It is a culmination of two bodies and spirits. In Twin Flame connection, this is the Twin Flame Union anchored. At this stage of Union, 5D template is established between the couple marking it as they bring their Heaven on Earth experience. It is a purification and making more subtle of all terrestrial and heterogeneous parts, and giving them a perfection from which they were deprived of, or rather to release the chains that kept them in imprisonment and prevented them from growing from lifetimes.
9. Fermentation

Concept of Fermentation, using wine as an example, we learnt that it is fundamental death of a grape. Just as there is death, there is also a rebirth. In this instance, it is Soul Birth. During Putrefaction, there is decomposition of matter, meaning our inner reflection and death of old paradigms and false beliefs, The Dark Night of the Soul; we embark into the new era of birth and regeneration cycle. Our own spiritual cycle coming into a full death and rebirth circle.
10. Exaltation

Exaltation is a process of spiritual ecstasy or euphoria, a connection with Source Energy. An ultimate bliss state of being in, or ultimate spiritual enlightenment, an altered state of consciousness. Euphoria is the experience of pleasure or excitement and intense feelings of well-being and happiness. Certain natural rewards and social activities, such as aerobic exercise, laughter, listening to or making music, and dancing can induce a state of euphoria.
11. Multiplication

Multiplication is the process used to increase the potency of the Philosopher’s Stone. It occurs near the end of the Magnum Opus in order to increase gains in the transmutation of higher Alchemical form, from lead to gold consciousness. It consists in redoing the already done spiritual transformation but with more exalted and perfected sequences without going through The Dark Night of the Soul phases.
12. Projection

Projection is the final state of the Spiritual Soul Alchemy, The Magnum Opus, the ultimate and final stage from lead ego to gold state of consciousness. The Hermetic Philosophers call their projection (powder) a layer of transmuted lead to gold, according to the degree of its perfection. In this state of consciousness, one can project the entire Universe with its higher vibrational energy. The inner state of being projects on the outer state of being, As above so below, As within so Without, As the Universe so the Soul. In inner state of being which will reflect the outer state of being.

When I asked 26 months ago, if my Twin Flame is my Twin Flame, these cards were revealed.
Up until now, Angus and Saint Germain were explained. I knew Law of Attraction is pivotal in Twin Flame journey but in order for me to write five part series, I had to gain spiritual maturity to do justice to the articles. I also had to apply the same principles taught here into my own journey. This was the most reluctant article I wrote, as I did not have faith that I could bring justice to such an intense topic, but Melchizedek was my guide throughout this.
Before starting my last article, I began seeing 666, which I explain in the number sequence article as being a lower vibrational number, based on fear and lack of faith. In fact, I learnt through writing the series, just how much Melchizedek is my Guide. He kept giving me signs and syncs all along. While doing my research, I saw this meme.

I hope you found the series helpful. Wishing you all the best in your manifestation endeavors and Soul Alchemy. Remember, if you do not try, you will never be proven wrong that Law of Attraction works. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection.
Twin Flame Union