Meeting your Twin Flame is not only about romance. It’s shifting paradigms!

About Me
Hello my name is Vineeta Kumar. Some of you also know me as Twin Flame Union. I have been in Twin Flame journey since late 2017. I live in Surrey BC, Canada.
My journey expedited when I met my real Twin Flame in June 2018. After connecting with him, I went through a massive spiritual ascension and Kundalini Activation. My lightwork as a Twin Flame Teacher began 6 months after I met my Twin Flame. It seemed I had a lot of answers for the collectives. A Twin Flame Teacher was born and many around the World would agree.
Working one on one with various healers for my own healing, and getting trained to be a healer myself, a lot of my own spiritual gifts also emerged. I wasn’t born with any of this.
In February 2021, I attained my own inner union which proves that through your own healing, hard work and dedication, you can also meet with success.
What I Offer

I am a Twin Flame Teacher
I am a gifted intuitive reader, using Divination Tools
I am a Divine Channeler
I am a High Level Energy Clearer with Violet Flame Attunement
I am a Certified Reiki Master
I am a Shaman Practitioner.
I specialize with Akashic Record Clearing
I specialize with Past Life Regression
I specialize in Inner Child Healing
I specialize in Womb Trauma Healing
Twin Flames

Meeting of Twin Flames is magical, sometimes an overwhelming experience. Like a lightning strike, you suddenly sense an immense connection towards this person who have just met.
Almost instinctively, you realize that from this moment onwards you have found your Twin Flame. In this relationship, the bond you share goes beyond physical and emotional ties. When you find your Twin Flame, you will feel an inexplicable spiritual illumination.
Signs You May Be In Twin Flame Connection
You feel an intense, magnetic attraction towards one another.
You both strive towards a higher spiritual ascension and social purpose.
You sense a strange feeling of “recognition,” as if you’re both “destined” for one another.
Your Twin’s strengths and weaknesses will mirror back to you in order to heal.
You will always feel energetically and spiritually connected to your Twin Flame, even during separation.

You Should Know

It’s a false misconception that you need to be with your Twin Flame to be in Twin Flame Union. Your physical relationship with your Twin Flame does not mean you have reached your own inner union process. On the contrary, Twin Flame Teachers do not have to be in Twin Flame relationship to be able to teach the journey or do lightwork.
The entire Twin Flame experience is to wake up to your awareness, to wake up to your own true Divine self, to become who you were always meant to become, which has nothing to do with your Twin Flame. Your Twin Flame agreed to assist you in your ascension process in this lifetime.
You are a spiritual being living a human experience and you are finally awake!
What You Will Get From Me
Meeting your Twin Flame catapults you into massive self transformation to become an authentic version of you were always destined to be. Through my teaching and life’s work, I will give you guaranteed results in transforming your life from drab to fab. Whether you end up with your beloved or not, it wouldn’t matter because you would have created your “Heaven on Earth” through your Twin Flame experience. I will show you through a step by step process on how you can achieve the life of your dreams. If you were led to my webpage, trust that Spirit led you here for more insights on your Twin Flame Journey. If you are committed to YOU, I am committed to YOU!
Know your journey, know your connection
Twin Flame Union