Animal Spirit Guides
Various types of Spirit often attempts to communicate with us in different ways, but it is up to us to become aware of them no matter in what form these messages may appear. One of the most common ways is through Animal Spirits. Whenever an Animal Spirit shows up in an unusual way or repeatedly in a short period of time, whether in physical form of an animal, symbol of an animal, or a form of a sign, it is one of their many ways to get our attention and teach us Soul lessons.
When this happens repeatedly enough, try looking up the meaning behind it. There are tons of internet resources on “Animal Spirit Guide.” You will be surprised that there is a lot more meaning behind it than you might expect. In some instances, it is not just the animal or the life force that animates through that particular animal, but rather it is much bigger than that. The Spirit form of that species has sent a representative to offer you a message, to resonate with your spiritual consciousness and to offer you guidance along your spiritual path.
There seems to be some confusion on the internet and YouTube regarding Animal Spirit Guides (Animal Totem) and Power Animals. In this article I will break it down on what they all are and how they represent the differences in one’s life. At the end, it is an understanding of the person explaining it from their own perspective rather than an experience.
Allow a Shaman to explain it based on my teachings, findings, knowledge, experiences and what specifically comes in sessions with a client during their session, which makes it more authentic than a version of someone’s understanding.
Animal Totems
Also known as Animal Spirit Guides. Knowing who your Animal Spirit Guides are, is crucial to your Ascension Path. How you come to know which Animal Spirit is yours is when they automatically become known to you via signs and syncs. There are no specific way or rules to this; however, you will know when they begin showing up frequently in your life. You will have a clear sense of familiarity with them as well. Remember, however way you will perceive them is the way they will appear for you. You can have multiple Animal Spirit Guides, but only a few of them will have even a deeper connection with you. You will intuitively know which ones those are as well.
If you have an Animal Spirit Guide, trust that they will show themselves to you repeatedly until you acknowledge them. All Spirit Animals have their shadow and light side. The good side and the bad side, the dark side and the light side. Google your specific animal and learn as much as you can about them. Most often it will be an indicator on your own journey, what you need to work on, heal and know.
- Some may come in your dreams as messages.
- Others may present themselves in guided meditations.
- You will begin sighting them visually.
- They will come through via Social Media, random form of pictures, reading materials, web articles, Oracle Cards or while you are even watching Television.
- Show up in healing sessions with a healer.
My Team
In my case, it wasn’t random when I called my Twin Flame Black Panther during our bubble up phase. You are right reading this as to why he received this name from a flirty romance way of looking at it. If a woman is calling her man Black Panther, it is exactly how it sounds like. Little did I know that this was a beginning of my never-ending relationship with him. The second time he showed up in my reality was when I asked God for a sign if my Twin Flame is the one for me and that I will marry him. He then became the sign I specifically asked for during my 72 hour Twin Flame Test. By then. I knew he became by Animal Spirit Guide and even showed up in a guided meditation, “Meet Your Animal Spirit.”
Looking up the meaning of Black Panther Animal Spirit, I learnt that Black Panther has a very prominent shadow side, which forces me to look within my own Twin Flame connection and Twin Flame journey, to learn the blocks and strengths. He also is able to navigate in the dark very clearly. Same as an Owl who is my other Animal Spirit Guide with similar traits. I also have Hummingbird as well who is all about lightning speed, so I catch things very fast intuitively.
In my ascension process, my gifts really were dictated based on my Animal Spirit Team. Swans and Butterflies are other forms of Animal Spirit Totem in my own journey, denoting major transformation from 3D paradigm of lead ego to 5D paradigm of gold consciousness.
Swans are considered Twin Flame symbol and Animal Spirit Guides as they mate for life and represents transformation for all Twin Flame collectives. All Twin Flames have to go through major transformation in order to ascend in their own journey with lifetimes of programming and conditioning. Many of you may remember growing up on a kid’s fable, “The Ugly Duckling who turned into a beautiful white swan.”
My other Animal Spirit Totems are an Eagle, Crow, Blue Jays, Cardinals, Flamingo and Snake. As you can see, I have a very large Team, but so do you. Next time you see any Animal Totem repeatedly, make a note of them and begin making a bond or connection with them. The more you bond with them, the stronger their Spirit will affect you.
Power Animal
Power Animals are a bit different. Power Animals are greater than actual animals as they embody the spirit and essence of the animal. Power Animal offer specific purpose to a Shaman Practitioner stepping into being a Shamanic healer, therefore can be retrieved by a Shaman. This particular animal then becomes their spiritual guardian and restored power to practice Shamanism. They remain with them for life. In my case, again it is Black Panther and Hummingbird. During a Shamanic healing, both embodied me as my Power Animals so that I become a Shaman Practitioner.
This is very different from Animal Totem (Animal Spirit Guides). When a Power Animal embodies you, trust when I say that you will be bed ridden for few days. Happens to all my clients whether they are small as an ant or big as an elephant. The embodiment has the same effect. Sometimes they get slightly sick as they incorporate the energies of the Power Animal. By the time the body adjusts to the strength and vigor of the Power Animal, the individual then becomes more powerful in every sense. They embody not only their spirit and essence, but also everything that the animal represents in a bigger way. The Power Animal becomes their Guardian.
I know this myself but I had people tell me how protective Black Panther is when it comes to my well being. He’s large and ferocious, and hovers around me like my shadow. This is another reason why my clients get a throttle when I use him in my healing sessions. Sometimes I use him in my guided meditations published on YouTube.
Though any animal can become a Power Animal, but from a Shamanic perspective a Power Animal will embody you and will remain with you for life. In my case, Spirit had plans as two Power Animals embodied me during a Shamanic Healing Session. Even my healer (not official Shaman) didn’t explain me what just had happened after the healing session. The only thing she said was, “You are a Shaman.” I had to then deal with the intensity of the embodiment where I was bed-ridden for few days as the new Power Animals made home in my body. I had to look up the meaning on what had happened to me. Luckily, I found a couple of articles explaining it on the web.
Below are the Guardians of the four directions in Shamanism. As you can see, I received 2 of 4 officially.
North: Hummingbird as Power Animal
West: Jaguar – Black Panther as Power Animal
East: Eagle – My Spirit Animal Guide
South: Serpent – My Spirit Animal Guide.
Serpent is my Animal Spirit Guide and my Chinese Zodiac Sign. Lord Shiva is the King of Snakes and my Ascended Masters guiding my own Twin Flame Journey.
Lost Power Animal
Since everyone has a childhood Power Animal, one of the many reasons why a person is not aware of it is that they felt disconnection with them at some point of their life or they were never known to them. A Shaman healer can retrieve it back to them in order for them to feel restored and whole again.
For whatever reason if a Power Animal leaves and does not come back to take its place, the individual is then considered disconnected and disempowered, and can be susceptible to illness and bad luck.
In my case, I also had a lost power animal from childhood restored back to me in a Shamanic journey. A Shaman retrieved it for me and he also embodied me. It is a Black Stallion. As a child, I was always drawn to Black Beauty book but never officially read it. In fact, my current vehicle is named Black Beauty. When this Power Animal was restored to me, I looked up everything on it. Many messages flooded in by researching on Black Stallions. Nothing is ever random in Twin Flame Journey. That is the magnificent gift for us from Divine.
Once any Power Animal is restored and they embody you, they remain with you for life, unlike Animal Spirit Totems (Animal Spirit Guides) who come and go in various stages of ones Soul’s Journey.
Animal Spirits are not only our protectors and guardians, they usually are there to remind you on what relevant Soul work you need to do as per your Soul contract. Learning how to connect and work with them can really quicken the process to union within oneself. Connect with your Animal Spirit Guides. YouTube has some excellent resources on guided meditations to connect with one’s Animal Spirit Guides. You can try mine here. Do check them out.
You can also read up individual Animal Spirit Guides on Google as well. There are many great articles on getting to know your individual Spirit Animals which will help you understand your journey in a more in-depth way. I hope this article finds you well. If you wish to have your Power Animal restored to you or to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection.
Twin Flame Union