Can You Heal Your Twin Flame
Have you wondered whether you can heal your Twin Flame? When you are in love with your Twin Flame, naturally your heart is filled with compassion for them. It is a normal reaction to feel this way about someone you care so deeply for, especially if you sense that they are in need of attention. Since they are so deeply connected to you, have you ever wondered if you need to send them healing energy?
In today’s article, we will dive deep into the many reasons why from time to time you get the urge to send your Twin Flame some healing energy. Within the spiritual community, you must have come across some people saying it is a good idea and others saying it is not a good idea to heal your Twin Flame. We will look at both perspectives in this article.
Once you get your spiritual awakening, you automatically become empathetic towards everything surrounding you even if you didn’t before. For those who are not aware what a spiritual empath is, here’s the definition. An empath is a person who is highly attuned to the energies and emotions in their surroundings. Empaths usually can feel what others are feeling so deeply that they can absorb some of their pain and emotions themselves. If they are not careful in clearing their energy field, at times this can happen at the expense of their own emotional wellbeing.
Twin Flame Telepathy
If you are dealing with your Twin Flame, you are well aware of your telepathic connection with them. Telepathy usually means that you have the ability to know what is in someone’s mind, or you can communicate with someone mentally without using words or any form of physical tools or signals.
Not only you are mentally connected with them, you are also connected to them on a psychic, vibrational and soul level. What this means is that you can absolutely feel your Twin Flame’s energy during their good and bad days, whether they are in their high vibration or low vibration, during their sad or happy periods, whether during their healthy or not so healthy periods especially in regards to their physical wellbeing, you will sense it all.
The soul bond you share with your own Twin Flame is indestructible. You have this bond with them since the beginning of time.
Which then brings me to the main topic of this article, why at times you feel the need to heal them. It is not out of the norm if you feel that your Twin Flame could use some healing from time to time. Especially when you are coming from love and compassion for them.
Twin Flame Awakening
When you begin to sense your Twin Flame energetically, your soul awakening occurs. This does not have to be when you meet your Twin Flame physically. The soul awakening happens in the 5D roam, at times before you even meet them in your physical reality.
Your own spiritual awakening then follows the dark night of the soul process. You then begin to heal and release trauma as part of your own human experience. Your Twin Flame will also feel the dark night of the soul through their spiritual connection which exists between your mirror souls. Because they are not initially aware of the spiritual bond the two of you share, there may be a chance your Twin Flame will not recognize it on a conscious level.
Your awakening might trigger your Twin Flame’s awakening too because of the intense soul connection between you, but in the end, each soul journey is different even when it comes to Twin Flame relationships. Each pair has their own scripted journey that plays out.
How you each process the life lessons you learn throughout your entire life is going to pertain to you and your own human experience. Those core wounds and blocks are most likely going to be shared by your Twin Flame as well but it all depends on how you each deal with them individually as part of your soul transformation, soul growth and soul healing. This is how your own personal spiritual path will get defined in the human experience.

Clearing Karma and Karmic Debts
Karma is borrowed from Sanskrit word Karam. Karma is a concept of Hinduisms, which explains through a system where beneficial effects are derived from past beneficial actions and harmful effects from the past harmful actions, creating a systems of actions and reactions throughout a soul’s reincarnated lives forming a cycle of death and rebirth.
Karma is an ancient Indian concept that refers to an action, work, or deed, and its effect or consequences. In Indian religion, the term more specifically refers to a principle of cause and effect, often descriptively called the principle of karma, wherein individual’s intent and actions influence their future. Good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma. Karma is often misunderstood as fate, destiny, or predetermination.
When it comes to your karma, when you do past life healing work, you then realize what karma you brought from your previous lives. You reap the rewards of your karma whether good or bad through “The Laws of Cause and Effect” in this lifetime.
Everyone has a different karmic pattern to heal and clear in this lifetime. You will find some past life scenarios will replay with same people in this lifetime so that you can have a second chance to heal it. Just like not all have the same karma to balance, you will not necessarily have the same scenario with same people repeat in this lifetime.
Each soul journey along with soul lessons are different and unique. Every karmic situation is individualized as per your own soul agreement.
Karmic debt also can mean balancing all debts to your previous karmic ties. Sometimes you have issues to resolve with your karmic partners before you get into union with your Twin Flame.

Asking Healers To Heal Your Twin
Many Twin Flames in the process of winning their Twin Flame back, especially if they are facing separation with them, end up going to healers who claim that they can heal their Twin Flame so that they can return or reconcile. When you are attempting to bring them back through these means of tactics, it will not work. It is stemming from fear and desperation to get your Twin Flame to return.
Because this is a high level soul connection, you cannot fool your own soul when it comes to acquiring union with your Twin Flame. You are simply wasting your money by booking with healers to heal your Twin Flame. What does work is when you book with healers for your own healing. Because you are energetically tethered to your Twin Flame, their higher self will end up joining you anyway to heal with you. You will feel their presence through your own awareness. Some healers will be able to tell you their presence as well, depending who you book with.
This is the best way to impose any kind of healing for your Twin Flame as their higher self knows which areas they need healing in, so they join the healing session automatically.
After all, they also want the best for you. Their love for you is so powerful that it transcends all physical barriers and distances so they come in healing sessions to heal with you. Chances are, whatever you are healing, they also have the same issues through the mirror effect. There is a saying “I am not here to heal you; I am here to love you and love will heal you.”
In my own healing, my Twin Flame always joined to heal with me and to also support my own soul growth and healing.
Having said this, some of you are also healers. When you are called to send healing energy to your Twin Flame, and you are not sure if you are getting higher insight or whether it is your ego, you can ask your guides and your higher self for a validation. Validations can come to you in some form of a sign or a dream, whichever way you will understand the message.
In my case, I have not sent him any healing energy in the course of the years I have known him. Because my own Twin Flame joined me on many healing sessions, he wasn’t in the need of any magic juice. Just recently, I began to get a calling to retrieve a power animal for him so that he can receive some its physical and spiritual essence.
I was reluctant to do it as you need permission from them to do any power animal retrieval. Since my Twin Flame and I haven’t been in that type of communication, I asked his higher self to intervene and show me some signs to support what I was receiving. The signs began to bombard. I knew who his power animal was going to be so I began to see it. I even knew that he was supposed to receive female Black Panther as his power animal.
I then chose to retrieve it for him during a weekend so that he can recoup easily. After a power animal retrieval, because the being is so powerful, it can make a person slightly ill. After recovery, they become stronger and vigorous than ever. Whether it’s an ant or an elephant, the effect is the same.
During the retrieval process, I was led into the lower world where I saw many Black Panthers amongst other animals. What I did not know is that my Twin Flame’s power animal was my own power animal’s companion. It was a profound experience to watch both together.
The journey in the lower world was an interesting sight. It reminded me of the song from Black Panther movie, “All The Stars” which I had sent to my Twin when we met. Who knew this is how it would unfold 6 years later.
Since then I feel my Twin Flame’s energy is whole and restored. He seems to have more energy than before.
It is up to you to discern what is right or wrong. There are no rules but if you are getting a calling to send your Twin Flame any healing, you can get your answers through meditation or going within. Ask for a sign to support what you are receiving. If you get your sign, you know that you are meant to send some healing energy.
Couple of months prior to my Twin Flame’s power animal retrieval, I was called to send him healing energy as he was feeling much worn out due to excessive workload. Sending him healing energy did ease some of the exhaustion he was feeling.
As you are so energetically connected with them, do not second guess your own inner guidance. If you are being called to send them healing energy, send some healing and loving energy to them. As an empath, you would send healing for your other loved ones, then why not your beloved. Sending them positive healing energy can never do them any harm or your connection.

Your Own Healing
Most of the time, shifting your focus on them in the long term does not help. It does not help your separation or union with them. It is not your responsibility or ability to heal them. They have their own journey and lessons to integrate and you have yours. They have their own karmic debts to balance and you have yours. They have their own spiritual team who will guide them.
You cannot force any healing on someone who does not want to heal. If they want to heal, they will not need you to facilitate it. Their spiritual team is at work. Do not try healing them without their permission. It wouldn’t work anyway. You can request for them to join in during your own healing sessions, and if they choose to join, they will. If you are in need of sending them something, send them unconditional love.
Healing happens on a subconscious level. The Divine heals the soul. The healer is only the vessel to your soul healing. Healing transcends time, space and physical distances. The journey teaches you to love yourself unconditionally and to heal anything in the areas of your life that is holding you back. It teaches you to balance your karma from past lives and to balance any karmic ties.
When you heal and love yourself, you ascend to a higher consciousness to become who you truly were meant to be. When you are at this state of your consciousness, your Twin Flame will also match your vibration and automatically heal as well. Not only will you heal your Twin Flame, you will also heal everything and everyone around you as well. This is living in the 5D consciousness, your heaven on earth experience on 3D.
At the end, only you can discern right from wrong. Trust your own inner guidance and follow your own path. Ask for higher assistance in regards to navigating your own journey. Next time you are feeling anxious, meditate to see why it is causing you to feel this way. Do not second guess your answers or inner guidance.
I hope this article was informative. I pray that this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection.
Twin Flame Union