Candle Magic
Whether you are using candles for setting the ambiance, cooking, using for prayers, manifesting desires, healing or simply using as light illumination, candles have been used for centuries. These days, candles come in all sorts of shapes and sizes along with fragrances. In this article, we will dive deep into many aspects of using candles along with the dos and don’ts.
Before we learn about candles, firstly let’s dive into where it originated from. Prior to the origin of candles, people used oil lamps in which a lit wick rested in a container of liquid oil. Many cultures around the world still use them today.
The exact origin of the candles from prehistoric times cannot be determined; but the first records known to date are from ancient Egypt. Fat was the main ingredient used in ancient times to make the candles we now know today. During ancient times, torches were made from a reed filled with fat.
Beginning of 500 BC, Romans began making true dipped candles from tallow. European candles were made from various forms of natural fat, tallow, and wax. In Ancient Rome, candles were made of tallow as the beeswax were costly and only the rich could afford them. The earliest surviving candles originated in Han China before 200 BC, which were made from whale fat.
Tallow candles became popular during the middle age. By the 13th century, candle making had become a guilded craft in England and France. The candle makers also known as Chandlers specialized in making home candles from the kitchen fats that were saved for that purpose. Chandlers owned their shops where they made and sold their own candles.
Beeswax, compared to animal based tallow burnt more cleanly without giving a smoky flame. During the medieval times in Europe, beeswax candles were expensive, so only the rich could afford to burn them in their homes. Beeswax candles were often used for church ceremonies or special occasions.
In the Middle East, beeswax was the most dominant material used for candle making which were often imported from places such as Tunis. By early 1500s, candles became popular by all socialites who customarily used them during marriage ceremonies and parties. In the 18th and 19th centuries, spermaceti, a waxy substance produced by the sperm whale, was used to produce a superior candle that burnt longer and brighter which did not give any odor.
Today, paraffin wax is widely used for candle making due to its affordability. Paraffin wax is a soft colorless solid substance derived from petroleum, coal or oil shale.
Candle Colors And Their Function
Candles come in assorted colors and each colors signify a meaning or function. On special occasions such as wedding, funerals, parties or religious gatherings, specific colors are used based on its décor and theme.
Below is a perspective from a spiritual angle on how some of the colors have powerful meaning when it comes to performing rituals and prayers.
Red Candles
Red color candle can be used for variety of things. It is associated with the Root Chakra so it is an excellent conduit for clearing, healing or grounding. Red candles signify lust, passion and fast pace energy. Due to its fast pace energy, it is great for fast acting spells with immediate results. Burning a red candle can help increase passion, potency, stamina, or attract a sex partner, hence why it is very popular candle to set intention for a date night. It governs the Masculine side in all of us, no matter what gender. You can call upon Archangel Uriel to assist you.
Orange Candles
Orange color candle is the color of creation, associated with the Sacral Chakra. Orange candles are great for boosting creativity. This candle can also help in releasing anger and frustration. It governs the Feminine side within all of us and is not gender specific. Orange candles can be used to manifest new romantic relationships. You can use orange color candles to heal the mother womb. You can use this to manifest children or anything that requires “action.” You can call upon Archangel Chamuel to assist you.
Yellow Candles
Yellow color candle is the color of personal power and inner strength. It is associated with Solar Plexus Chakra. It is a great candle to use when you are doing inner child healing or activities such as vision boards and scripting. It is an excellent candle to use when gaining wisdom or knowledge through schooling. It is a great candle to use if you are looking for new career opportunities or expanding your business. You can use yellow candles to draw in money. You can call upon Archangel Jophiel to assist you.
Green Candles
Green color candle is associated with the Heart Chakra. Given the versatility of being associated with Heart Chakra, you can use green candle in any type of healing. Green is also commonly associated with money, so it is excellent for manifesting money or luck. Cloverleafs are green in color, so using green candle to draw in luck can be very beneficial. Green candles also represents abundance, growth, love and breath of life (trees). You can call upon Archangel Raphael to assist you.
Blue Candles
Blue color candle is associated with the Throat Chakra so it is an excellent candle for acceptance and truth. If you are working with either or both of those themes, whether you are having trouble accepting a situation or you want to tap into specific truth, healing with a blue candle will be favorable. For modern Shamanic journeys, using a blue candle will be very fruitful especially if you are doing a divination journey to find out specific answers. Blue candle can also be used for creating ideas or seeing it to fruition. You can call upon Archangel Michael to assist you.
Indigo Candles
Indigo color candle will look slightly dark blue with slight purple hues. This candle is excellent for Third Eye Chakra, which rules the intuition. It is excellent in light magic and manifestation as it breaks through the illusions. It hold the frequency of opening new doors or opportunities in astro traveling or other worlds and dimensions. By using an indigo candle, you can call in a higher frequency to know your life purpose, soul plan, mission work, dreams etc. You can call upon Archangel Zadkiel to assist you.
Purple Candles
Purple color candle is excellent for accessing your spiritual gifts, lifting your consciousness, raising your vibration, attaining psychic gifts, opening and fine tuning your healing gifts. Purple candle is great for boosting your consciousness and attaining spiritual enlightenment. You can call upon Master Saint Germain to assist you by using violet flame.
White Candles
White color candle is associated with the Crown Chakra. White candles are often used to represent any of the colors in the color spectrum as it holds the frequency of all colors. This is the only candle that can be used as a replacement especially if you do not have a specific color candle at hand. You can burn white candles in place of any other color candle if the color you desire is not available. White candles are excellent to connect with any Higher Divine Energies, Guides, Ascended Masters, or Lunar Goddess. White candles are used for protection, new beginnings, purity, healing, meditation, peace, gratitude, harmony or to help calm the mind. You can call upon Archangel Gabriel to assist you.
Pink Candles
Pink color candles are linked with unconditional love, romance, affection, warmth, joy, friendship and self-love. If you are looking for manifesting love, pink is another go to candle that is often used for drawing in love. Pink candle represents true love and purity vs the red candle represents physical desires or lust.
Black Candles
Black color candle is associated with protection, clearing of negative energy or energetic blocks. Black candles are also used to destroy negative habits and patterns. Black candles are great for protection spells or to ward off repelling energies. It has the properties to absorb anything that no longer is in your alignment and soul purpose. Black candle can also help reverse curses or hexes, unblock stuck energy, cut energetic cords, stop bad habits, or puts an end to unhealthy situations. You can call upon Archangel Metatron to assist you.
Gold Candles
Gold color candle represents wealth and good fortune. Those who want to manifest power, success, protection, wisdom, good fortune and wealth should burn gold candles. Gold candles can also draw Masculine energy. It is also an excellent candle to access higher energies such as Ascended Masters or Angelic Beings.
Silver Candles
For Wiccans, silver candles represents Feminine energy. You can use silver candles to tap into astral realms, dreams or access your Feminine energy. By lighting silver candle, you can also strengthen your intuition; use them for telepathy, or any spiritual gifts.
Grey Candles
Gray candles are a crossover between white and black and perform as a neutral color. They assist with neutrality, balance, protection, peace, and spiritual wisdom. Because of their balancing nature, meditating with a gray candle can help to harmonize the energies of Yin and Yang. Grey candle can also harness and strengthen your strong willed like qualities.
Brown Candles
When you feel untethered, brown candles can help you ground. Brown candles represent the earth energy and are ideal for any situation that calls for neutrality, understanding, balance, and building trust. They may also help you have a stronger connection with your animal spirit guides.
Types Of Candles
You learnt about candle colors and what they can represent in your spiritual practices. During your spiritual work, does it matter whether you have selected the right candle for your work? I personally do not feel that it is important to get the right type of candle. Not everyone has access to specific candles so using standard candles can do the same job. As mentioned earlier, white candles can be a substitute for any color of candles if the intention is set. If you are looking for specific candles, there are few common types. I will mention a few different ones and their function, although it is not an exclusive list.
Typically, candles will draw your attention specifically, no matter what reason you need it for. It could be for your healing or spiritual needs, or simply setting the ambience for any given occasion.
Seven Day Candle
Seven day candles are intended to be burned over a period of seven consecutive days. They usually come in glass jar in various colors. You may find some jars will contain intentions such as sigils or symbols, which would be very specific to your need. They can also be used for religious prayers or during a fasting period. Seven day candles can be burnt as is.
Tea Light Candles
Tea light candles became popular due to its one time use and size. They typically are small and come in various colors, shapes and sizes, although round shape is more popular. They can come in aluminum or glass casings. Some tea light candles can be found in heart shapes, which are intended more for romantic setting or manifestations. They can be burnt in a tea light candle holder or independently.
Pillar Candles
Pillar Candles were the original form dated back from its origin and are still popular today. They also come in various colors and sizes. Some are made in specific molding such as a man or a woman for special intentions. Pillar candles often need a candle holder of some sort to burn. Because they are not in a casing, they are easy for writing your petition which we will discuss later in the article.
Candle Sticks
Candle sticks are another popular kind that dates back many centuries at its origin. They became popular in churches and chandeliers. Today, they also come in various colors and sizes. The smallest ones are used for birthday candles. These candles can last up to 2-3 hours, which makes them popular for magic spells and intentions. These candles are also easy to write on hence why it is popular in doing magic or manifesting.
Floating Candles
Floating candles often come in smaller sizes, similarly to the tea light candles. These candles are mainly popular for decorative purposes. Due to its floating nature, they are popular in table settings during weddings or parties. They are not easily available and can get pricey especially if you need them for a large gathering or special event.
How To Manifest With Candles
We spoke about different candle colors and their meanings. We touched based on a few different popular kind of candles. This now brings me to the fun part on how to manifest with candles. If you want to learn in-depth, there are additional YouTube videos and articles that will help you in this topic.
Before you manifest with a candle, or do light witch work or magic, sage the place to purify before dressing the candle. Dressing a candle is a technique where you infuse and enchant it with your energy and intention. Dressing spell candles is also considered a sacred tradition that helps you connect with the Universe to achieve your desires and goals.
After choosing your intention and candle, using your ring finger, gently rub some oil in a gentle motion from bottom of the candle upwards, towards the wick. The reason you oil your candle this way is to draw the energy towards you, and not away from you.
Using oil for dressing the candle can be bought or made at home. There are many recipes on the internet and YouTube on how to make infused oil at home, depending on the intention of the spell.
For the purpose of performing a candle ritual for your intention, you can then write your intentions also known as petition briefly on the candle with a sharp pointed object or a pen. If you are manifesting health, you can write that on the candle. If you are manifesting money, you can write your money intention on the candle. Same goes for a job, a relationship, success in business, a child or anything you desire. Keep your petition brief but not rushed. You want to ensure that you have all the time in doing the ritual.
You can also use certain herbs or spices that aid you in your ritual. Some of the popular spices used for magic are cinnamon, bay leaf, oregano, thyme, rosemary, cloves, cardamom, fennel seeds, dry dill, paradise seeds, burdock seeds and much more.
You can also add crystals to the ritual as well. Adding crystals can make it more specific for example if you are manifesting money, crystals such as aventurine, pyrite, citrine can be powerful to draw money in. Rose quartz is an excellent crystal to draw love in.
As for your main intention, writing your partition in a piece of paper is recommended. You can place a date in the beginning of the partition and your name at the end. Some also add sigils or religious symbols to amplify the effect. After it is written, remember to fold the paper towards yourself to draw the energy in.
Depending on what you are manifesting, you can light the candle for a specific number of days at a given specific time. You can also choose to light the candle only for one day. There are no rules to manifesting. My suggestion will be to meditate and see what methods speaks out to you the most. In this article, you are given an idea on how to manifest your object of desire. Whichever method you resonate with the most, can be yours.
As a test run, you can do smaller intentions, then advance to bigger and more important matters of your desires. Key is to select your candle, write your partition and complete the ritual intuitively.
Common candles myths are just exactly what they sound like. Myths are generally a folklore consisting of narratives that play a widely held false belief or an idea. Just because many believe them to be true, does not mean it is actually true.
One of the most common false belief around candles are birthday candles. It is believed that if all the birthday candles are blown out in one breath, the wish will come true, and the person will have good luck throughout the year. On the other hand, if it takes more than one breath to blow out all the candles or if the person tells someone what the wish was, it will supposedly not come true.
Many believe that if you blow out the candle after doing a candle ritual or magic, all the intentions or manifestation will diminish. I personally do not believe any folklores around candles. The simpler your methods are while using candles, the more comfortable you will feel around them. If you associate too many rules using candles, it will become cumbersome.
Some use candle snuffers to blow out the candle and can be a handy tool to have if you are trying to avoid blowing it out through the mouth.
The idea is to keep it simple. Meditate on what methods speaks to you the most. Adapt a unique relationship with it by constructing your own technique.
Many read meanings behind what type of candle flame it exuviates for example, how tall or short the candle flame is, color of the flame, whether the flame is making a sizzling or crackling sound, whether the candle flame is doing the snake dance. You can research on each of their meaning or much more if you are drawn to the way the candle flames up.
One thing is certain that all different types of indication given by the candle is a form of their communication to you. Simply know that it does have a meaning behind it. Everything is energy, and burning candles are no different. If the candle flame changes color, if the candle flame crackles, if the candle flame dances like a snake, simply know that these indicate a present of strong energies, and that whatever way you have set your intention, will come into fruition.
Candles are an amazing tool to have in your spirituality. Practice safety in using any sort of flames and simply have fun with it. Whether you are using candles for prayers, clearing energetic blocks, using it for your healing, manifesting your heart’s desires, or simply using it to create a decorative ambience, if you are drawn to candles, explore all the endless possibilities it holds.
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Know your journey, know your connection.
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