Picture of Vineeta Kumar

Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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Charging People For Your Services – Twin Flames

Charging People For Your Services – Twin Flames

Last few articles published, when it comes to Twin Flames and money blocks, I have been tackling every angle, but this topic alone deserved a separate article. Though I have mentioned before regarding Twin Flames having problems with charging money for their special gifts and also paying for it, in this article I will break it down why this stems from a deeper unknown issue and programming. If this topic has triggered something within you, I suggest you stay along to learn why this is an area to heal vs clicking it off.

You must have heard me say this many times that money is a form of energy. Whether it is a dollar or a thousand dollars, money doesn’t know the amount but the energy it associates with it. This doesn’t have any simpler explanation than this. Either you understand this concept or you simply are not open enough to learn why money issues rule subconscious programming. This is why even if the amount is a dollar it still triggers you.

Classic examples are beggars on the street. Though they are looking for chump changes, it still triggers many to give them a few coins especially if you have strong beliefs around it that why you should help someone when you have to work so hard for your money. Don’t get me wrong, many do also help them.

Because people associate emotions around it, money also becomes a form of emotion. You must have heard some Law of Attraction coaches use this phrase before, “Emotions are energy in motion.”

Another example is when organizations are looking for donations especially during disaster reliefs. Classic example is when I was personally fundraising for natural disasters. Given the amount of network I have, it was baffling that other than free “prayers, love and light”, many couldn’t come up with few dollars to spare. Not judging but merely using some examples to get you to think how money issues roll around in everyone’s daily existence. 

I won’t be running any future fundraisers as part of Twin Flame Union “Action Plan,” 10% of all Twin Flame Union sales go to Red Cross and BCSPCA. Details are at the end of this article and how you can additionally contribute by purchasing a one question reading by donation.

I have said this before in my previous articles and I will say it once again that money is a form of self-love, hence why most notes are printed in green color, deriving from the Heart Chakra. Even this aspect of the sync by the Universe is not random. Gone are the days when it was believed that, “Money is the root cause of all problems.” If you allow money to be root cause of all problems in your life, then life will teach you that money is indeed the root cause of all your problems. Rather than providing you with solutions, Universe will plant obstacles after obstacles.

Past Live and Money Issues

Past Live and Money Issues

Teachers can only teach based on their own journey and healing experience and this aspect runs no different. This has personally been one of the areas of my own healing stemming from past lives traumas around money issues. Many lifetimes I killed people for money and many lifetimes, I was killed for money. I made vows to be rich during those lives and vows to be poor on others, depending on what the root cause of my suffering was. I wouldn’t have known this by imagining this nor getting readings. I found out by booking healing sessions with healers who specialize in spiritual healing, past lives and money blocks.

Once you dive into your own healing and look through answers in your healing sessions with healers, you will find similar issues that bled into your own current reality of money issues. Many Twin Flames were prosecuted in the past lives being a healer or a reader. During mid-evil era, these kinds of profession were known as witchcraft and evil. Others who got away with the profession were always terrified to be caught and prosecuted, so in today’s time depending on one’s subconscious blocks and perception, it stems from shame, guilt and fear. The simple reason why these emotions are attached to it is, one’s trauma attached around it. It will make more sense once you begin to dive more deeper into your own subconscious traumas.

You Refusing to Pay For Spiritual Services

You Refusing to Pay For Spiritual Services

This is fabulous if you think it’s your God given right as a Divine Being not to pay for any spiritual services rendered. My question back to you is, do you expect doctors, dentists, hairdressers, barbers, waitresses/waiters, nail salons, auto services, cleaning services and so forth to give you services for free? If you do not expect free services from examples of above, then exactly why do you think this is acceptable for you to assume you have a right to free spiritual services? Just like everyone has a right to earn a living, so do they. Like you, they also have to pay for their bills, keep a roof over their head, and pay for food. Until you learn the concept of “energy exchange”, you will never get ahead in your spiritual journey.

Let’s face it, everyone likes freebies but there will come a point in time when free things will wear off on a Spiritual Journey. It happened to me and it will happen to you as well. In the beginning part of my journey, I used to get great messages from free readings and guided mediations. Now at this stage of my journey, only way I get any amazing results is one on one sessions with readers or healers.

You see, at the end of the day you are becoming the highest version of your Soul so honesty plays an integral part of one’s Soul transformation. You are better off giving some donations than not giving anything back. “Those who give, receive back in ten folds.” It’s the Universal Law of Abundance, and you are definitely not spared around this. This is why even the most famous and rich constantly donate to charity and are part of various charity organizations.

Condemning Those Stepping Into Their Mission

Condemning Those Stepping Into Their Mission

This brings me to the next topic, which is again very common among opinionated Twin Flames who feel the need to condemn those who have stepped into their mission. This particular group of people get all worked up on this aspect, but little do they know that again it’s stemming from their subconscious trauma and false programming around self-love and money issues which they need to heal. Many have no reason to bicker yet they actually do. It’s quite baffling.

My only answer to this group of people are, “Do you see anyone sending you a bill?” If not, then simmer down and relax. Unless someone is shoving a bill down your throat, you have no issue. Everyone has been given “Free Will” in their Soul’s Journey, and as a human being, you have a right to make this choice by either paying for services or simply not. There is no ifs and whys on this period.

You see, being on a spiritual mission especially those who make it look good for the collectives cost money. I will give you my example here but I also know many others who invest more than me to keep their business up and running seamlessly as it does. The cost of running the website, the insurance around it, operating cost, marketing and paying taxes are some common business expenses. Some like me, have someone on a payroll to ensure that articles such as this is published on time or have their YouTube videos edited and uploaded on time. For a website to run smoothly, in the back end of spectrum one needs to ensure there are no issues, which is daily maintenance.

Even the free guided meditations most love on YouTube, did you know that in order to ensure your video doesn’t get shot down by Copyright Laws, you have to purchase and script the meditations. I bet you that you didn’t look at this way. Don’t worry, many don’t but it’s my job to teach you many aspects of how important relationship with money is.

Last time I checked regarding myself, and the rest who are on their mission work, there is no magic money-producing tree in their backyard. Everything costs money and if you are enjoying and using the facilities by the provider, chances are that they are paying for it one-way or the other. Nothing comes for free…

Value of Time and Money

Value of Time and Money

This scale is a perfect analogy to use when it comes to time and money. Not only it applies for collectives who have a hard time charging money for their products and services, but also for those who are having difficulties paying for them. Learn to respect time. When you begin to respect and appreciate time, whichever way it applies to you or even both, you will continue going in merry go around chase syndrome. You can spice is up as many ways by adding more masala to your dish and values, but at the end, it goes back to your self-worth and how precious you feel you are. You see, if you love yourself enough, you will charge people money for your services because you value your time’s worth. And if you love yourself enough, you will value your healing and invest in services rather than wasting your precious time. Both are tied hand in hand. One doesn’t override the other.

If you have made it to the end of my article, I hope you see things from a spiritual perspective. If there were areas of the reading where you were triggered, know that those are the areas you have to focus on regarding your money healing issues. If you are having money issues, manifest it. If you have trauma around money, heal it with healers. You can try my free Money Blocks Clearing Guided Meditation on YouTube, read my articles and watch my YouTube videos on how to manifest money. At the end of the day, you are a creator of your own reality. What this looks like for you, only you can decide for yourself.

In addition, if you haven’t read my article on Twin Flame and Money Blocks, to further understand the topic you can do so as well. Wishing you all the best regarding having an exclusive relationship with self-love. Money blocks do exists and this is your story. To learn how, book healing sessions with healers who specialize in tackling money issues to get a deeper unconscious healing. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

Know your journey, know your connection

Twin Flame Union

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Twin Flame Union

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