Common Ascension Symptoms Among Twin Flames
In this article, I will walk you through the most common Ascension Symptoms one endures while being in a Twin Flame journey. What I noticed upon finding reference on other articles, though they were comprehensive, they were not comprehensive enough for what I was going through. In fact, I had to find an explanation by conducting vigorous research for months before a logical explanation would shed light. While dealing with collectives, one of the most common pattern I noticed was the same reoccurring symptoms, a pattern for those who are specifically embarking on their Twin Flame journey. To me this made perfect sense as Twin Flames do have very specific Soul lessons and contracts.
I want to add, while this article is only supporting a spiritual explanation for what you are going through, you must still listen to your body and rule out any medical condition that your body may be conveying to you. This is not by any means a medical diagnose, but simply a spiritual diagnose. If your symptoms persist, consult a trained and licensed Physician who can properly give you a medical diagnosis, along with medical remedies. Being on a spiritual journey, while going through your ascension, it is very important at all times to always listen to your body and what measures you should take for your health and longevity.
What is Ascension?
You experience Ascension Symptom when your Kundalini has blasted open for you to experience Spiritual Enlightenment. It is the act of rising or ascending to a higher consciousness for more powerful Spiritual Ecstasy, The Nirvana Stage. For most who are on a Soul’s journey, a spiritual journey, they experience massive highs and lows during the time when their physical body is preparing a vessel for the anchoring of the light body, The Merkabah. During this time, you experience uncomfortable symptoms. Imagine what your body endures to bring Universal Life-force Energy within your Chakra System. This will differ slightly and vary on a daily basis. If you are hating having to endure this, let me clarify that only a Human vessel is equipped to handle this sort of vigorous experience. On a Soul level, all is blissful in la la land. Souls do not experience emotions, nor they experience trauma, or pain. Read my 12 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy here.
Ascension Symptoms

Now that you have a basic concept of the above, let’s dive deep into what you all are experiencing and what Spiritual reasoning is behind all this madness. It is my job to make sense of what you are going through in your Soul’s journey. While this article is geared only for Twin Flames, if you are drawn to this article, follow along as you may find various explanations for your dilemma as well.
Angel Wings – are an indication of spiritual advancement, to anchor the larger divine light of the Angelic and Celestial realms into the physical. Wings support embodiment to anchor larger divine like form (you) on Earthly Plane. Common indicators that this is happening to you is when you begin to receive extraordinary psychic powers and gifts to serve during your mission work. You begin getting aches, stress or tingling sensation in your upper back region, most likely the shoulder blades where the wings anchor.
Blurry Vision – Relax you are not losing your eyesight. If you are constantly trying to focus your eyes due to blurry vision, or when you wake up in the morning with blurry vision but later within couple of hours it self adjusts, it is part of ascension symptom. What this means spiritually is that your Third Eye is awakening which reflects your inner vision. This occurs as you advance in the ascension process to bring higher consciousness and new ways of perceiving physical reality into clearer focus.
Buddha Belly – If you are finding that your stomach region is expanding no matter how much exercise and healthy you eat, there is a spiritual reason for it. It is not a myth that during whole ascension process, Buddha’s belly got huge to accommodate his light body. During ascension, energy is downloaded and distributed to every cell of the body, allowing for the preparation of the light body formation. In this process, the mid drift and waistline, unfortunately gets the most torque since this represents the power center, Solar Plexus Chakra. During light body transformation, your body expands to tether you to Earth so that you do not float away.
Burping – As annoying as it can be, burping is in fact extremely helpful when you are going through major purge or release of pent up energy. It mostly comes from your Solar Plexus Chakra which is our creative center. Allow it to pass through.
Body Elevation – If you are finding yourself getting floaty, the reason is that you are anchoring in your light body rapidly. Your Crown Chakra has blasted open. Best remedy during this time is to try grounding your energy back to Earth. Eating root crops, walking barefoot on grass, hugging a tree and visualizing yourself growing roots to Earth will help in aiding you back to Earth. During this phase of your awakening, you will feel lightheaded and dizzy. Self-care is key.
Body Chills – or Spiritual Chills are nothing more than energy flows, which causes a tingling type of feeling, slight shudder, or goosebumps. Next time you get this sort of psychic chill, pay attention. Your Guides may have a message for you, or something within your proximity that you need to understand or notice.
Body Pain – Joint aches and pains experienced in various parts of your physical body come and go with various intensity. These type of symptoms occur primarily when stuck energy within the body, or a buildup of toxicity within the system is needing to be released. The karmic cleansing and clearing of old energies may place a strain on the physical body, but this cleansing is necessary for the body to detoxify itself naturally.
Digestive Issues – The Solar Plexus Chakra is our personal power center and is connected to the stomach area. When this area begins to purify from dark toxic or negative energies either your external or internal environment wreaks havoc. It is also preparing a vessel to receive your light body, a part of Putrefaction process in the Soul Alchemical Stage. Because this Chakra nourishes the body, many digestive issues get impacted such as,
Bloating – Stomach is creating room via expansion to anchor light body for its ascension.
Constipation – Relates to inner child issues, lacking of manifesting heart’s desire or abundance, lack of self-confidence, not letting go of old patterns or beliefs, preconditioned paradigm through certain upbringing, not trusting the process. Use laxatives or change to fiber high diet.
Cramps – This process is painful and for women, Moon Cycles will have an adverse effect.
Diarrhea – As you begin raising your frequencies, you may get intervals of intestinal cleansing sprees. Similar to when a computer is getting a program upgrade or is getting a rewired system. You can call it an “internal house cleaning.” Everything within your physical vessel is being recalibrated and realigned. Your Solar Plexus Chakra opens and releases the stored fear, anger and resentment held in the area.
Flatulence – This is one of the least social habits to have and can be rather embarrassing. Karmic and family issues will produce gas and farting. Bach Flower Rescue Remedy aids in this issue as it helps release trapped dark energy stored in your vibrational frequencies.
Coughing – Release of pent up energy within your Solar Plexus Chakra as you purge anything that no longer serves you such as guilt, fear, shame, lack of self worth, insecurities. Solar Plexus Chakra looks after your personal power so it helps to align you to stand up in your power and heal your inner child.
Ears Ringing – One of the most common indicators of spiritual downloads is ear ringing. During a download, Clairaudience, higher information, guidance, energy light codes, attunements, tune up or upgrade is experienced. You might not have any conscious understanding of it, as it is occurring on a higher level. The sounds are a way of alerting you and tapping into your consciousness.
Eye Twitching – Same as blurry eyes, what this also means spiritually is that your Third Eye is awakening which reflects your inner vision. Clairvoyance downloads are occurring.
Eye Color Change – This could very well be merge process with your beloved, especially if they have the same eye color contrast as the color change. See my article on merge process here. It could also indicate that your lower dense energy is leaving the body, which reflects on the outer change of auric field, revealing the inner reflection on the outer surface.
Euphoria – This is the bliss state of being in when one is shifting consciousness by shifting their paradigms. This is a common tell a tale sign that you are bringing your Heavenly bliss on Earthly Plane. Result, utter joy and ecstatic adrenaline of being high.
Emotional – In my observation especially if it comes unexplained for brief periods of time, it indicates that there’s lower dense pant up energy which no longer serves your highest and greatest goods are being released or are about to be released. Just before the release, you experience being fatigue, sad, depressed type of emotions. In this case, crying and taking salt bath will help with purging it faster. See my salt clearing article here.
Excessive Sleep – Imagine your computer getting a new operating system? Ascension process is very similar to this as your entire operating system is being rewired, from your old patterns, false beliefs, old paradigms to new and so forth. Because the body takes so much throttle, you will find that you need loads of rest. If your body requires sleep, then allow it.
Food Cravings – Same as during pregnancy, women often have food cravings as well as hunger cravings. Be it salty snacks, exotic foods, sugary delights, you name it. Same as pregnant women, you are also birthing the new version of you, the enlightened one.
Food Intolerance – During Kundalini activation aka ascension process, your body gets sensitive to certain types of food. Dairy products, meat, spicy food, certain types of vegetables such as onion, bell peppers, ginger and so forth can give you major heartburn. Many often perceive tightness in the chest or chest pains. Pay attention to the types of food you consume which may be a trigger. During your merge process with your Twin Flame, you may automatically adept to what they like eating based on their upbringing.
Feeling Pregnant – This is not gender based, nor is it based on a person’s size or weight. The feeling of pregnancy is very common during ascension process along with various food cravings. The reason being, you are birthing new version of you, new ideas and paradigm.
Hair Loss – extreme hair loss or your hair becoming fuller is a result of your Crown Chakra taking throttle. Experiencing other scalp issues such as dandruff and itching maybe of indications that stuck energy is being released or purged. Salt clearing method and Vitamin B12 helps.
Hearing Sounds – Your psychic abilities and Clairaudience is heightened. You are more aware of your surroundings and can sense and detect messages. It could be a possibility of you getting trained to be a medium. If you are not ready for this shift, asks your Guides to make the sounds go away. If you are not ready, your Guides will not exercise your free will.
Headaches – Ascension headaches occur when the brain is developing to cope with the Higher Self. Your brain changes expand, merges, and upgrades itself. When pituitary gland and Pineal Gland absorb more energy and light, there’s a feeling of intense pressure in the forehead region or at the back of the head. You are receiving massive downloads in your Pineal Gland which stresses the head. Best to do loads of rest and self-care. You may experience highs and lows, affecting the eyes, ears, teeth, gums and sinus.
Heartburn – Heart Chakra activation. As the chest expands and contracts for preparing of light body and downloads, tightness in the chest occurs. Could also be part of food intolerance due to Kundalini Activation. Shortness of breath, pressure in chest, anxiety are others as well. During the downloads, it is teaching you how to give self-love and receive love. Use St John Wort Oil with carrier oil.
Insomnia – There are many reasons why this is happening. One of them is that you are receiving a tremendous amount of energy that changes the whole structure of your DNA. It affects your physical, mental, emotional, and causal body. It triggers the fundamental cleansing of your entire being, causing adrenaline rush. If this is you, try relinquishing control and practice acceptance.
Itching Skin – Can also feel as if something is crawling up your skin. Usually is the case when you are imbalanced with your Masculine and Feminine energy. This itch would come and go, from one day to few days. Know this is part of healing purge. Pay attention to which side is getting the most itch, which needs more healing. Left side is Feminine Energy and right side is Masculine energy. Some of the aspects to heal is for being hurt, refusing to accept responsibility, decoding the senses of self-doubt or fear. After an intense healing session with a healer, skin may itch indicating release or purge.
Itchy Throat – Throat Chakra activation. When the channels begin to open up for communication, voicing your truth and self-expression, throat becomes scratchy, itchy, lumpy, or sore are naming a few. Use salt and warm water gargle to ease the throat. Honey, ginger and lemons are great natural remedies to ease throat irritations.
Isolation – Alone time is not only specific to the runner Twin Flames to want self-introspection, or self-isolation. This term is also known as “The Hermit Mode” or “Dark Night of the Soul”-Separation. In this stage, “Quiet the Mind. I want to listen to my Soul” is often what the seeker wants to dive into for their Soul Alchemy. Outside mingling will be lessened, as the person prefers their own solitude where most powerful manifestations happen.
Joint Aches – Negative memories, thoughts, repressed trauma or wounds can disrupt the healthy flow of energy within your body, which can often manifest as physical body or joint aches, muscle cramping or stiffness, arthritic-like pains, burning sensations, circulatory issues.
Kundalini – What people do not know is that all ascension process starts with Kundalini Activation. The energy surges comes in spirals and waves so you may one day feel the wrath of it, other days it is blissful. During major surges, you will feel spinal pressure, tingling, energy surges up your spinal column, stiffness or temporary few second spinal paralyses (shooting pins and needles pain), and back aches. Routine Chakra Balance will help in the smooth flow of the energy and as well as release any stagnant or trapped energies.
Loss of Appetite – You are on a high adrenaline, which gives the body tremendous energy so food consumption will lessen, as the body does not require the fuel. During the road to enlightenment, you do not feel the pleasure of food will feed the “Hungry Soul on its Quest for Nirvana.”
Memory Loss – No you are not losing your marbles, nor are you aging vigorously. Short few second memory loss is more common than you think, especially on ascension path.
Muscles Spasms – Be it muscle twitch or spasms, during your most powerful healing sessions with healers or a powerful guided meditation, if this occurs, pay attention to the areas of the body it is happening. Dense energy is releasing from that Chakra region. This is when you know you have made a massive breakthrough in your healing.
Nausea – Trapped suppressed energy is getting released especially if you had made a major breakthrough working one on one with healers. For others, you will feel the urge to vomit but wouldn’t which could result in chest pains. This often occurs when repressed emotions want to be released.
Not Needing Sleep – Because your body is going through adrenaline, you will find that you can hit REM Stage of sleep stages faster than a lightening bullet. Your Higher Chakras are open which indicates that you can go into meditative state quicker. The need to have less and less sleep will the new you yet you will feel energized as if you had full on 7-8 hours of amazing sleep.
Orgasms –I spoke about this in my 12 Chakra article regarding release of pent up energy. Because it is associated with our creator energy, it can help in awakening and activation of all Chakras within our body. It can help in releasing pain, fear, guilt, shame and replace it with powerful manifesting energy. Because it opens up your energy in all centers, it is vital to be guarded who you want to share this energy with. Cord cutting is very important here for past lovers.
Pressure Between Eyes – Third Eye Chakra activation meaning your Third Eye or pineal gland is opening. You will find your intuition will become powerful. You will begin to see your own truth and your inner vision will become clearer as you ascend more. Suddenly things or matters that were unclear will become clearer.
Power Surges – If you are experiencing sudden hotness and coldness, you are experiencing Kundalini surges. Kundalini energy is not only experienced in your spinal region, but the entire body though some may feel it more in their spinal column.
Swollen Ankle(s) – Root Chakras are now open and detoxing. Your Earth Star Chakra is forming more roots to Mother Earth. This often happens when major trapped energy is healing or you are grounding more into Mother Earth. Keep elevating your feet and do daily salt foot soak until it goes away. The salt foot soak helps in releasing toxins off your body faster. You may feel tingling surges up your leg(s). If this is the case, the energy is channeling upwards from your Root Chakra.
Skin Lightening – When you are doing deep healing on a Soul and cellular level from subconscious and conscious traumas and wounds, the Soul transforms into its translucent original form. This is when you are anchoring your light body. Some people begin to see glittery crystals on their skin, a natural glow, a phenomenon due to the side effect of ascension symptom. “The Soul Cleanse.”
Skin Breakouts – Rashes, acne, hives, shingles are to name a few especially if you had an intense healing session with a healer. If you are experiencing skin outbreaks, it is because you are releasing past stuck energy. Those who get the outbreaks under the chin denotes you are releasing your anger, healing your past and current life residuals. Once your purging is completed, the breakouts should cease.
Sweats – Your body is heating up from head to toe, especially your head. During sleep if you are finding yourself sweating a lot, it means you are releasing or burning off residues from your vivid dreams or lucid dreams.
Sore Throat – Blocked Throat Chakra. Needing for self-expression, self-power, self-confidence and blocked communication. You will find yourself unable to speak your truth and needing the urge to speak it. Creative energy is blocked. Suppressing your desires and needs.
Sneezing – It helps in clearing out stuck and stagnant energy that is lingering within our Throat Chakra area. Part of Throat Chakra activation.
Tingling Hair Scalp – This is due to Crown Chakra activation. You may also experience inflammation or a ‘heating up’ of the head or scalp. A very unusual but related ascension symptom side effect is that hair and nails may start growing at a faster rate; damage related to the ‘hair or nails’ may be repaired at a more rapid pace than normal.
2am-3am Wakeup – This is the time when your body gets the most spiritual downloads. Much is going on in your dream state. You can’t be there for long lengths of time and need a break. This is also the ‘cleansing and releasing’ hour.
Urges for Enlightenment – You will be craving to go Home. It means you are now connecting to Source Energy and that your Higher Chakras are open for channeling the energy through. You will have the urge to heal fast so that your Soul can ascend more.
Weight Loss – Your body no longer needs to hold on to extra ascension body weight or your body has adapted to the expansion of the light body so you no longer need to be larger than light.
Watery Eyes – Do not worry, you are not losing your mind along with blurry vision. It is a form of release of unwanted emotions so that you are not overwhelmed with emotions. Tears are excellent way of releasing pent up emotions from within.
Yawning – It does not necessarily mean that you are tired. Yawning allows you to take in a rush of energy within your blood cells and recharge your energy levels.

The term "Dark night of the Soul" in Roman Catholic spirituality describes a spiritual crisis in the journey towards union with God, like that described by St. John of the Cross ~ Wikipedia
While this is the most comprehensive article you will find on the internet, if there is something that this article did not cover, try searching for your answers. You can do as many guided meditations, Chakra Balancing or Healing, but if you miss the most fundamental aspect of water consumption, you will find your ascension will be more difficult than others. Water allows trapped toxins and energy to flow out of your system organically. Because majority of the Earth is covered by 71% water and a human body is made up of 70% water, (717) this becomes very crucial in your ascension diet.
I hope you found the article helpful. If you didn’t know a spiritual explanation of your dilemmas, now you do. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection.
Twin Flame Union