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Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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Coping Over A Loss Of A Loved One

Coping Over A Loss Of A Loved One

In the loving memory of Siba. 7/4/06 to 25/9/22. You will always remain in my heart forever.


This article is close to my heart as I recently suffered a loss of my dear cat. While I am personally going through the grief process of my cat passing away, I was led to write this article regarding grief of losing a loved one. This is a channeled message from Spirit to assist many who are dealing with a significant loss.

Dealing with grief can be excruciating, and it is even more excruciating when it was someone close to you. This could be a parent, relative, friend or a pet. Grief does not know boundaries of pain. It only feels significant loss. For those who have lost their Twin Flame, this article will also run close to home as I shed light on what you are experiencing. For Twin Flames who have not read my article on Twin Flames not in embodiment, click here to read.

Through this article you will learn what you are experiencing and why you are experiencing these emotions and as well as how to cope with the entire process. Studies show that there are two major traumatic life events that hold significant pain and suffering in a human’s life cycle. One is death of a loved one and the other one is going through a divorce. While both are different from the other, one still goes through multitudes of emotions.

What Happens When Someone Passes Away

What Happens When Someone Passes Away

Death only signifies the end of the physical body, but the soul is forever eternal. Soul never dies. When someone passes away, only the soul leaves his or her physical body and begins another soul’s journey. Some take on another life, while others continue their journey on a soul level. For those who have not seen, Disney’s Pixar animation Soul, I highly recommend for you to watch it. You will get a very good understanding of a soul’s journey and life purpose.

When your loved one passes away, due to the strong connection between you and the deceased, they are with you in a spirit form. This is common for those who are in the same soul group or monad. It is a proven fact that after death of a loved one, they make contact with people within the next 3 days, although it can also lead up to a week when they make contact.

When deceased make contact, they will come to you as the way you knew them to be. So, if a deceased pet is making contact, they will come to you in the same physical form as you knew them but just on a soul level. Same goes for humans.

Depending on how much you are aware of their physical presence, you will be able to find them connecting through an apparition. An apparition is a blurry outline of a person. Sometimes you also see a figure of light or a shadow depending on your own Clairvoyance gift. If you see them in any of these forms, you will know instantly. The reason why they come to visit you is to see whether you are okay and to inform you that they are okay as well.

On the 2nd day of my cat’s passing, she made her presence known to me through her shadow behind a couch. I saw her back and tail. I knew it was Siba. Since the 2nd day of her passing, she made another contact the following week. This was validated during a medium reading.

When my dad passed away, on the 3rd day of his passing, I saw a figure of light in head and shoulders form on a wall. The illuminated figure blinked in and out slowly 3 times. Even then, I knew it was my dad and had a medium confirm it during a medium reading.

Another form of deceased souls making contact will be via signs and syncs. Some souls may need more time to integrate to their new home so you have to be patient, especially if you did not receive signs from them straight away. It is hard to say whether all loved ones who pass away become guides, but usually if you are open and aware, you may receive some sort of confirmation through signs and syncs or their visits.

They could appear in dreams, give you signs such as feathers, moth, butterfly, or their scent. They can give you any other signs of them being okay which could be unique to your connection. You will know intuitively what they are when you receive them. You will also know intuitively if they have become your spirit guide. Best to remain open to the idea of contact.

I also want to add, if you see detailed spirit, it could be perceived as a sign that your love one is having a hard time letting go of the physical world. This could mean either they have unfinished business or they have not come to terms of their passing away. Psychopomp may be needed to help them cross over.

Dealing With Fear

When your loved one initially passes away, intense fear of never seeing them again will invade you. This is also part of the grieving process. The thought of your loved one not being with you in your physical reality will terrify you. You can experience panic attacks whenever you think of them not being with you in a physical form.

There are no simple explanation of these type of panic attacks but it is very common to feel this way. You will find yourself abandoned by them, and that very idea will be very terrifying. It is normal to feel attached to your loved ones when they are alive, but once they detach forever from your physical reality, fear will take over.

It will feel as if you do not want to live anymore, and join them. This is common amongst those who had a very close bond with the deceased. Usually the emotions are intense in the 1st week of their passing away, but as time comes, these emotions fade away. Usually after the 2nd week, you find yourself in less panic state.

There are many factors of fear such as if you were dependent on the deceased for emotional support. It could be that you were dependent on the deceased for financial support. It could be that you were dependent on the deceased for moral support. It could be that you were dependent on the deceased for unconditional love. These are naming a few of the fear factors.

Suddenly all your dependency is gone along with their passing away, and you are feeling lost. People do not like drastic changes in their life, and passing away of a loved one does bring drastic changes, a change you were simply not ready for at that time of their passing away. Many have a hard time starting all over in this juncture of their life cycle, and retraining yourself to live without them can terrify the living daylights out of you.

If these emotions sounds familiar to you, just simply know that you are not alone in feeling these emotions. There is a saying, “Time heals all wounds.” This is true in this case. Time will be your biggest ally. We will dive in-depth into “time” further into the article.

Dealing With Extreme Grief

Dealing With Extreme Grief

It is normal to find yourself going through spirals of high intense emotions and other times you find yourself being okay. Some people can get over the grievance part in a few months while others can take a few years. Depending on how close you were with this being, do not be surprised if it carries on for decades.

During your loved one passing away, it is possible for you to feel why you are living and why your loved one passed away. You may find that there is no meaning to life anymore. This is the depression state of human emotion and it is perfectly okay to feel this way. It is part of the grieving process. If the emotions are too intense, simply breathe through it. Take comfort from people around you who are there to support you in your difficult time. You should not be bearing the pain alone.

During your grievance, you may find yourself not having too much appetite for food. If this is the case, just ensure that you remain hydrated and eat light snacks to maintain energy. You may find yourself losing some weight during grief process. It is common to go through this as well. Best to take one day at a time. It is healthy to allow grief to go inwards and outwards through you vs bottling all the emotions inside, which can lead to other severe health issues.

It is also normal to find yourself dealing with insomnia during the initial passing away of a loved one. Giving your body as much rest is advisable. You can try taking small naps throughout the day so that you do not feel burdened or heavy inside.

Finding Acceptance

This area is one of the hardest area to bear when it comes to dealing with extreme grief. The reason finding acceptance is hard is because they are no longer around you in a physical form the way you were accustomed to. Here they were, sharing your good times and bad times, and now suddenly they are gone forever.

One of the other reasons you cannot come to terms with them passing away is because their death happened all of a sudden. You were not mentally or emotionally prepared to part with them permanently. When you are dealing with a loved one, no time is a perfect time for them to go, hence why you experience excruciating pain and loss of their parting away.

Most often grief needs time. Having closure can help you to heal on some level especially if there were unsaid things and emotions that needed to be addressed between the deceased and you.

Remembering Them

Remembering Them

This brings me to the next part of getting closure of them passing away. As I mentioned, usually there are unresolved issues or matters that remain between the deceased and you, or it could simply be that you wanted to connect with them one last time to convey your gratitude and love to them.

One of the greatest way to get closure is having a medium reading. Mediumship is the practice of purportedly communicating in a trance state between familiar spirits or spirits of the dead and living human beings. Through a medium, you will be able to connect to your loved ones from the other side. This includes even your beloved pets. You can receive answers to many questions that may have risen after their sudden death.

During the reading, many matters are cleared as their spirit explains some of the emotions they underwent especially if their illness was very sudden. You may also get answers regarding any important placement of things that they had placed which you may not be able to find after their sudden passing example, valuable documents, will, money or jewelry.

If you have encountered a gifted medium, they will be able to tie loose ends through becoming a communicator between you and the deceased. After connecting with them through the medium, you will get a closure as the answers will seem clear enough for you to finally be in the state of moving on.

Because you receive a sense of closure after the reading, you are able to cherish and remember the good things and moments regarding them, especially if your relationship with them in 3D were on rocky pillars.


Initial Ceremonies After Death

It is common for many cultures to hold a prayer ceremony to remember them. Hindus have prayer ceremonies to send them off to the afterlife. Christians celebrate their life by doing prayer services and a party. These are just naming a couple but each culture follows their own traditions.

In modern times, it is common for people to light white candles adorned with flowers and crystals, along with their photograph to mourn and remember their life. During funeral service, a slide show is prepared for the deceased to remember their life here amongst their loved ones. Special songs are part of the service especially if they had a favorite song.

At the end of the day, as painful as it is losing our loved one, they leave us with many wonderful memories that will be cherished and remembered for the rest of our lives. Little things will remind you of them. Little incidents will remind you of them. Little moments you both shared together will be forever remembered.

Healing From Grief

Healing From Grief

We spoked about many aspects of grief, the highs and lows of emotional turmoil one endures when losing a loved one. We talked about how we can connect with them through prayers to send them off into the afterlife and next incarnation. We spoke about connecting with them via a medium to receive a closure. Now we will dive deep into the healing aspect of losing someone. How can we heal periodically as time goes?

It is true that “time heals all wounds” but unfortunately living through many courses are not always easy. Even though life moves on and you learn to accept their absence, you still have all that healing to do.

One of the most therapeutic way to overcome grief quickly will be to stay extremely busy. It is easier said than done, especially if you are busy finding new purpose to your life. You simply have to find yourself once again after their passing away.

You can try new hobbies, join a local community, do schooling, do some volunteer work, try new social circle, travelling, finding a romantic interest, physical fitness, finishing some projects that were placed away. The list is endless. If it interests you, there are no rules. The whole point is to continue staying busy as time goes on. Before you know it, the first week passes by, then first month, then important occasions such as their birthdays and holidays, and before you know it, one year passes by.

You will always cherish the wonderful memories you had with them and remember them throughout your life.

Another form of healing is getting professional therapy. Professional therapy has many success rates when it comes to moving along from losing your loved one. They are able to help you through many layers of grief and pain, which is unique to your connection and your ability to heal in a certain pace. After a few sessions, you will find it much easier to talk to others regarding them and sharing your valued time with your deceased loved one.

During the initial days of their sudden death, talking about them to people can be quite painful but as time passes, talking about them to people will become much easier.

Another aspect of healing is isolation. If you do not feel like sharing your grief with others, that is okay as well. There are no rules to grieving. Simple explanation of why you do not feel like sharing with others is because your feelings and emotions are private to you only, or you may feel that they will not resonate with your grievance process. Instead of hearing negative things regarding the deceased, you prefer to grieve in private.

Another reason you may feel this way is that you are an introvert so opening up regarding the deceased may not be automatic. Regardless of what the reason may be, simply know that you are not being unreasonable to ask everyone for your solitude.

As you can see, dealing with a loss of someone beloved to you holds so many values. Only you will know the depth of your connection with them, which may differ from other relatives and members of your social circle. Dealing with death of a loved one is a process. Simply know that you are not alone and that many people around you feel the same regarding someone special to them.

I pray that this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

Know your journey, know your connection.

Twin Flame Union

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