Picture of Vineeta Kumar

Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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energy clearing using limes

Energy Clearing Using Limes

Along with numerous health benefits, limes are also used to purify energy or to remove negative energy. In Hinduism, limes are offered to Goddess Kali as offering. Some Hindus make a garland of 11 limes or 108 limes, and offer to her. This has been a practice for centuries. As you know 11 is considered a Twin Flame number. See my article on Twin Flame numbers.

Renowned mathematicians of Vedic Culture viewed 108 (equals to 9) as a number on wholeness of existence. This number also connects the Sun, Moon, and Earth. The average distance of the Sun and the Moon to Earth is 108 times their respective diameters. This is why most malas (garland beads) consists of 108 beads and is a very significant number in Hindu rituals and prayers.

  • 2 × 9 = 18 (1 + 8 = 9)
  • 3 × 9 = 27 (2 + 7 = 9)
  • 9 × 9 = 81 (8 + 1 = 9)

In this article, we will dive down deeper on why something as simple as limes can be used for different things to ward of negativity in our daily existence.

As you know going through massive Ascension Process is never an easy task. The reason for this is a human body is being used as a vessel in preparation to anchor one’s light body. After all, we are a spiritual being having a human experience. The whole shift from 3D paradigm of old conditioning beliefs and ideas to 5D paradigm, where you anchor your Heaven on Earth Bliss.

While going through Ascension Process, it is important to guard your energy anyway possible. The highs and lows of the journey takes a toll on one’s human psychology. I personally have been using limes ever since I have been awakened to my own Twin Flame journey. I find it helps me tremendously.

Goddess Kali and Limes

goddess kali

It is believed that a garland made of lime has a cooling effect and that is the reason lime garlands are offered to Goddess Kali. In addition, in Tantra Worship, limes are used for removing evil spirits or negative energy. To ward off evil spirits, limes are used in Trishul, Murtis, Yagna Kund (Trident, Statues, Portable Fire Pit) or on top of the door archway.

Ways to Use Limes

You can activate them in Kali Mantra for optimum effect. This is optional. By activating limes in Kali Mantra, you are amplifying its effect even more. Here is one I use all the time. There are many selections of mantras in YouTube. Go with whatever resonates to you the most. There isn’t any rules.


shiv shakti lime healing lime clearing

Shiva / Shakti is my Ascended Masters overseeing my Twin Flame Union process. Goddess Kaali is another manifestation of Goddess Shakti. As my devotion to her, I offer limes to her every Friday’s. Picture shown is approximately 3 months old limes, which proves her energy. Any other times, limes will not look like this if it is 3 months old. They are offered on rice, red Sindoor, a traditional vermilion red colored cosmetic powder and turmeric powder. For the last 10 years plus, I have kept nine night (Navratri) fast to Goddess Shakti

One day a bit frustrated of offering Goddess Kaali limes with no results, while driving I argued with her, “Give me one reason why I should offer you limes on Fridays?” Not even a minute later, she showed my Twin Flame’s first name on a Real Estate Board. I nearly had a heart attack as his name to show up so quickly was indeed one in a thousand chance. From then onwards, I never questioned her again. Every Friday, she gets her lime offering.

  • Wash and place 3 limes in a glass bowl and leave on your nightstand. Switch limes as they grow hard and brown.
  • Wash and place 1 lime in your purse or pocket. Switch limes, as they grow hard and brown.
  • Squeeze fresh lime extract and use as a spray.
  • Use lime products for bath and skin.
  • Use lime essential oils for your healing.
  • On a foil paper, place 3 washed limes cut in 4 corners, but not all the way through and sprinkle sea salt. Place 3 of these in front of the house, and 3 at the back of the house. You can leave them in the balcony or inside by the door as well if you have issues with wildlife getting to it. Switch limes, as they grow hard and brown.

energy clearing with limes

Limes cut in 4 ways and sea salt added.

limes cut fowur ways and sea salt added

At first when you begin doing this, you will find that the limes are turning brown quickly, but as you change them, you will notice the color turn will not be as frequent. This means the limes are doing what they are meant to do. It is a ripple effect. You will even notice the atmosphere of the home much more vibrant and lighter, less dense energy.

Here’s a picture on limes, which will give you an indication on how they will look when all negative energy is absorbed. If you also place them in your pockets or purse, it will turn this color as well.

lime clearing

Feng Shui And Lime

feng shui and lime

In Feng Shui, Kaffir Limes are used to clear negative energy. They believe spiritual cleansing rids the body and living space of negative energy. They believe it cleanses the negative chi from aura, and it aids the mind and body of depression and anxiety. They believe that it helps to restore chi when one suffers the loss of a loved one.

We talked about outer benefits of limes. Now the next part is consumption and why it is packed with nutritional content for our body. Limes are high in vitamin C and antioxidants.

Both offer many health benefits. Eating limes or drinking the juice improves immunity, reduces heart disease risk factors, prevents kidney stones, aids in iron absorption, and promotes healthy skin. They make amazing energy drinks especially for those who do not like the taste of water. Click on link below for Stacy’s yummy recipe, which is packed with Vitamin C, Antioxidants, and Electrolyte.

Cucumber-lime-mint-water recipe

lime detox

This will be an excellent way to detoxify your body by incorporating this in your healing. It’s an excellent way to hydrate your body and flush out toxins.

As you can see, simple limes from the grocery store can do more than just aid nutrition; hence, this is one of my go to super food with many powers. Hope this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

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Twin Flame Union

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Twin Flame Union

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