Essential Oils To Use In Your Spiritual Healing
Essential Oils are commonly used by those who are in their Spiritual Journey. Whether you are a spiritual healer, or simply someone who is drawn to various types of essential oils, aroma therapy or blends, this article is a must read. I will walk you through some of the best well known essential oils that you can incorporate in your spiritual healing; be it releasing something negative, suppressed traumas, anchoring a higher version of yourself or your daily distress mechanism. Essential oils bring amazing results especially if it was prescribed by your healer, or you are simply drawn to it intuitively.
Not only essential oils are 100% organic, it is safe to use and is plant based, loaded with excellent sources of Vitamin E and D with various antioxidants, making this a must have for your collection. Essential oils are readily available in your local stores or online. Amazon and Etsy are great places to buy authentic ones. Do your research and ensure you are purchasing from reputable distributers and that it is 100% pure extracts vs imitation ones.
Medical Disclaimer
Though this article is based on my research and findings along with practice, you should conduct your own research before using them to see if it is a right fit for you and your healing. If you have any doubts, consult your licensed health physician or local pharmacy. Though some carrier oils are edible, avoid consumption once infused with essential oil blend. Then it is only meant for external use only. Read the labels carefully before use and do not purchase anything that does not come with proper labeling or instructions.
What Are Essentials Oils Used For
While there’s many ways you can use essential oils, in here I am outlining it from a spiritual perspective
Spiritual Baths – If you have worked one on one with healers, you shouldn’t skip this process after your session. It helps you to release traumas on a vibrational level. Use your favorite essential oils and bath bombs. You will find it very therapeutic, relaxing, soothing and well worth the effort. For more read on this, read my article here.
Aromatherapy – A holistic healing treatment that uses natural plant extracts to promote health and well-being. Sometimes it is known as essential oil therapy. Aromatherapyuses aromatic essential oils medicinally to improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It enhances both physical and emotional health and well-being. Use with a diffuser.
Water Sprays – If you need to quick charge the space and as well as remove any negative energy, water sprays can be very handy. Simply dilute pure distilled water in a spray bottle with a few drops of your desired essential oil. Shake and use whenever you need a quick energy boost.
Massage – Mixed with your desired carrier oil, it then becomes safe for your skin. You can slightly massage parts of body or simply give someone else a nice healing massage. Gently rub in your palms and then distribute on skin. You can apply desired pressure for your aches and pains for your sore and tired muscles.
Healing – When applied in your healing, they foster the right environment for a deeper healing and releasing of stored emotions, grief, and trauma. One of the most remarkable aspects of essential oils is their ability to influence one’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It also balances your Chakra system.
Enhances Spiritual Tools – When oil is infused with your healing spirituals tools be it crystals, candles, inscence, rosaries, pendulums, it amplifies its powers by taking on its metaphysical properties and energy vibrations. Spiritual tools then become amplified and very powerful in healing work.

What are Carrier Oils?
Carrier oils are vegetable oils that are usually pressed from seeds or kernels. They are fatty portion of a plant. In this way, they are very different from essential oils, which are not really oils at all but volatile liquid compounds. Carrier oils are exactly what you think of when you think of vegetable oils like coconut oil and grapeseed oil. Some oils are too strong to be applied directly to your skin; therefore, you need a carrier oil to dilute the essential oil to a ratio that is better for your skin. These essential oils are referred as “hot” oils when they require dilution. It is recommended to use a patch test procedure prior to the first use of any new oil on your skin.
Apricot Kernel Oil – It’s an emollient oil high in fatty acids and vitamin E. It absorbs easily into the skin. Apricot kernel oil often helps to soften and calm irritated and itchy skin.
Argan Oil – The oil is edible and is traditionally used to nourish the body inside and out. It has a nutty aroma and is rich in vitamins A and E, and monounsaturated fatty acids. It is great for dry skin, wrinkles, skin irritations, skin inflammation and hair.
Almond Oil – Is great for dry skin especially for those who have eczema or psoriasis. It is packed with it loads of vitamins, including Vitamin E which helps in moisturizing and nourishing skin for a healthy glow.
Avocado Oil – Packed with excellent source of Vitamin A and D, it is great for itchy dry skin. It is also great for hair regeneration and hair roots.
Coconut Oil – Fractionated coconut oil is colorless and odorless making it the ideal choice to use as a carrier oil for mixing with essential oils and blends.
Grapeseed Oil – Grape seed oil is lightweight, easily absorbed by the skin, and has a neutral scent. It’s rich in vitamin E that heals the skin and reduces fine lines and wrinkles, although scientific research is inconsistent.
Jojoba Oil – Best oil for being odorless and is perfect for skin It is known not to clog skin pores.
Sunflower Oil – Known to have a neutral odor, which makes it ideal for those who are prone to skin sensitivity. It is known to help soften skin, moisturize skin, and have a soothing effect.

Patch Skin Test
A patch test is a diagnostic method used to determine which specific substances can cause an allergic inflammation on a patient’s skin. Patch testing helps to identify which substances may cause a delayed type of allergic reaction in a patient and may identify allergens that was not initially identified by blood testing or skin prick testing. ~ Wikipedia
Skin tests are typically carried out either behind the ear or in the crease of the elbow. Elbows are usually a better choice if an unwanted reaction occurs, rather than your neck, face and head. To conduct a test, apply a small area behind your ear or your arm to test the product for any skin irritations. Allow approximately 12-24 hours to see if your skin will get any reaction from it.

Essential Oils
While this not a comprehensive list, you will find key essential oils are listed here. To gain additional knowledge and how to incorporate in your daily healing, you can Google rest. You can apply on the Chakras mentioned after your healing sessions with healers or after your meditations. You can incorporate them during your manifestation anchors, moon rituals and more…
Bergamot – Perfect anchors for self-acceptance, self-love, reduces self-judgement, low self-esteem. Because this is excellent for self-healing, money manifestations can be powerful as it derives from self-love. It is perfect for manifesting wealth, prosperity and success in all matters. Works off the Solar Plexus Chakra for personal power.
Clary Sage – Opens up your 3rd Eye Chakra so that one’s intuition is heightened. It induces euphoric state through trance by lifting up one’s spirit. Helps you to detach from emotional situation or painful traumas. It balances your Sacral Chakra.
Cypress – Allows you to go through spiritual rejuvenation via healing, Soul renewal or rebirthing and self-transformation. It helps in birthing your Higher Self in 5D. Works off your 3rd Eye and Crown Chakra.
Cinnamon – A powerful stimulant for magic, spells and light witch work for home protection, love and sex. Great to manifest or draw money, business growth or expansion, or land a dream job. Promotes Root and Sacral Chakra.
Chamomile – Works off to release stress, calmness of body, mind and spirit; helps in releasing energetic blocks and energetic cords with people, helps you to align with your Higher Self and be deeply connected to Higher Realms and Source Energy. Works off your Throat Chakra.
Eucalyptus – Great for light witch work in rituals and magic. Removes negative energies and provides protection against harmful entities. Excellent for relieving mental exhaustion, worries, or regrets. Opens up your Heart Chakra for any emotional blockages.
Frankincense – Grounding, connecting to higher energies during meditation or deep cellular healing. It helps to induce self into trance state so it is perfect for calming anxiety and nervous tension. This oil is perfect for opening up your Crown Chakra.
Geranium – Invokes your protection circle through the help of your Guardians. You can try my daily protection circle. Opens up the Heart Chakra to help you access self-love, compassion, self-healing. Helps in releasing anger, judgement, and resentment to experience unconditional love, both from within and without.
Grapefruit – Inner child healing. Perfect for self-love, awakening, mental clarity, opens up emotional trauma to release, and helps in self-acceptance. Works off your personal power, Solar Plexus Chakra.
Jasmine – Helps in self-empowerment, transformation, unconditional love, inner strength and wisdom. It strengthens your creativity to be able to manifest your heart’s desires. It helps to pull and harness your Divine Feminine power. Helps to heal the heart. Promotes the Heart Chakra.
Lavender – Great for relieving anxiety, stress, insomnia or depression. This can also be used for subconscious healing work and energetic blocks, and as well as it helps to connect into the higher spiritual realms. Creates harmony and inner balance into a higher vibrational frequency. It helps you to cut energetic cords with people that no longer serve you for your highest and greatest goods. Helps you to connect with Angelic Beings and Guides. Aligns Heart and Crown Chakra.
Lemongrass – Every white witch’s favorite. Widely used for protection, warding off evil, helps with psychic abilities, solve problems, cleanses space and repels negative energy from entering the house. It is beneficial for those who are working through certain emotions, example letting go of anger and resentment. Works off Solar Plexus Chakra.
Lemon – Promotes ultimate spiritual health and well-being. It promotes love by its uplifting effects by helping to purify the mind, body, spirit and space for one’s spiritual practice. It helps to balance and restore all Chakras and increase one’s awareness. It helps to remove old patterns and beliefs, and allowing clarity.
Patchouli – Helps to connect with Planet Earth, Gaia. Helps in releasing old patterns and beliefs. Dispels negative energy and bad dreams. Prevents you from wanting to control the outcome of situations by allowing you to relax with the sense of time perception. Can be used for fertility. Works off the Root and Sacral Chakra.
Palmarosa – Helps to heal on a vibrational and cellular level; helps you to release past life traumas, false patterns, beliefs, ancestral patterns or wounding. It opens up your awareness during spiritual healing for a deeper level of healing. Helps to balance your Masculine and Feminine energy from within. Works off your 3rd Eye Chakra.
Peppermint – Helps in connecting with your Higher Self; overcomes ego by clearing the mind; increases self-awareness by helping to stay present. Aligns Solar Plexus, Heart and Throat Chakra. Provides spiritual protection against spirits and negative energies.
Pine – Helps in all emotional meltdowns for example, it helps you to release self-pity, shame, victim mentality, guilt, bitterness, anger, resentment. Works off your 3rd Eye Chakra.
Rose – Promotes self-love, self-worth, encourages love and compassion for self and others. Helps to draw in love, wealth and prosperity. Works off the Heart Chakra.
Rosemary – Used for any manifesting anchors such as wealth, prosperity, business matters. Warding off negative energies, removes demons of any physical ailing diseases, protects against negative dreams and its evil influences. Helps students in schoolwork for retaining information. Works off your 3rd Eye Chakra.
Sage – Clears negative energy from space and personal energetic field. It improves sleep, uplifts moods, increases positive energy. Strengthens Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra.
Sweet Orange – Reduces anxiety and depression. Helps to access higher frequencies and stimulates more spiritual awareness. Helps in inner child healing. It helps you to connect to your creative center to manifest your heart’s desires. Aligns the Sacral Chakra.
Sandalwood – Helps you to bypass conscious mind and access your unconscious and subconscious mind, hence why it is excellent for incorporating this into your healing sessions with healers and meditations. Works off your Earth Star Chakra.
Tea Tree – Releases negative energies, energy vampires, averts curses, and helps in aura or Soul purification. This oil is excellent for manifesting prosperity and ritual purification. Helps in breaking energetic cords with people who no longer serves you for your highest and greatest goods. Helps in relinquishing all forms of self-betrayals. Aligns Solar Plexus Chakra.
Ylang-Ylang – Balances your inner child by opening up your Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra. It balances your body mind and spirit by helping you bring your Heaven on Earth experience into 5D union. It nurtures and grounds a perfect balance of Masculine and Feminine energy into oneness to your inner Soul.
Hope this article finds you well as you incorporate these oils in your healing and Soul’s journey. Good luck in your new found experiences with oils. While I have mainly focused my article on spiritual aspect only, for additional information on how it aides your medicinal benefits, you can Google on my provided list. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
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Twin Flame Union