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Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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How To Track Your Expenses – Twin Flames

How To Track Your Expenses – Twin Flames

I wanted to write about this article in the beginning part of this year so that collectives get a strong kick-start to amplify their abundance that is rightfully theirs. I am personally not surprised that I am ending up writing this article, as many of you know that my own Twin Flame is an accountant by profession so you can say that some of his money managing traits are wearing off on me through merge process. Over the years, a banker friend of mine used to tell me that I know how to stretch money, something I didn’t quite understand until I came into my own Twin Flame journey. When one digs deep enough in their own dynamics, many unexplained things from the past suddenly end up making sense as they come full circle…

Though this is timeless, no matter when you stumble upon this article, many are motivated to amplify their finances after having one of the worst financial year during 2020 Pandemic. Many people lost their jobs as Countries around the Globe dealt with financial crises. If you are wondering why this aspect is making it into my article, stay with me to the end as I explain why money blocks are one of the most common aspects most Twin Flames deal with, often stemming from their own lack of self-love and subconscious blocks from past lives.

If you haven’t read my article on Twin Flame and Money Blocks, then do so as it will give you a well-rounded idea as to why I decided to dig deep into financial planning as one of the most effective go to manifestation tactics to learn while going forward into your life. In fact, this subject is one of the most common Law of Attraction methods many Gurus teach their students, marking this as one of the must haves in your life. You can find some resourceful articles on the internet and videos on YouTube on how to budget your expenses and track them.

Budget is a borrowed word from Hindi language, bachat, meaning savings. Whether you are earning high income, or living under low income, everyone budgets their money according to their lifestyle and needs. The Universe wants you to be just as abundant as the next rich person you know. Universe doesn’t play dice. You can tap into the Universal abundance just as anyone else. In order to live one’s life comfortably, one must feel financial abundant or have financial freedom. Imagine what life will be like if you had this freedom.

Even being on a Soul’s journey is expensive. You have no idea how many times I hear this from the collectives that they want to heal their traumas, but have no money to invest. Many are barely scraping by making their ends meet, let alone invest in their Spiritual Alchemy. Let’s face it, if you have the money to invest in your Spiritual Alchemy, wouldn’t you want to heal once for all, removing any blocks overriding your unlimited financial freedom stemming from the birth of your Soul origin? I would say yes you would…

By now, you know that Spiritual healing costs money which your health care provider does not facilitate. Wouldn’t you want to you book an appointment with your favorite healer to help you deal with your vibrational alignment that is keeping you stuck in life. Now that I have gained your attention, let’s dive deep into why through clear and concise planning, not only you can strategize easy money flow, but also be able to budget your extra costs expenses. As you can see, there is no such thing as the Heavens opening up and landing you a pot of gold behind magical Unicorns and Rainbows. If you want money, you have to simply manifest it. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as taking magic portions or planting some magical beans like Jack and the Beanstalk. If you want financial freedom, you simply have to create one.

Ways to Track Your Expenses

Ways to Track Your Expenses

While conducting an extensive research on which platform I wanted to lay my monthly spending analysis, I must admit, the old school method found me to be the most effective. This method proved to take longer, but I found it to be very detail orientated. Most methods speak of the same concept – Income, fixed monthly expenses, variable expenses, savings, and debt repayment. This method is the main focus of most standard homes unless you have additional expenditures such as having your own business etc. Having a business involves a bit more intricate planning, but even this also has standard method of budgeting the financial aspect of it by tracking what you make vs what you spend.

Below are the following examples of monthly expenses. You can add or subtract whatever applies to your current financial needs and expenses.

List all forms of avenue “Net Income”, not Gross Income. Often many make this mistake of using their Gross Income as their expenditure when you actually take home Net Amount, which is significant amount less than the Gross Amount.

Fixed expenses are usually the monthly bills you pay which wouldn’t vary from month to month. By listing all your monthly fixed expenses, you are structuring your bills more effectively and as well as have an idea whether you have enough to cover them. I suggest you attach dates when these bills are due as well as it will also streamline your money flow better. Examples will be what bills are due in the beginning, mid and at end of the month.

Your monthly variables are usually listed separately because of their fluctuating numbers. They cannot be applied as your fixed expenses; otherwise, it will throw your budgeting off. It is best advised to hang on to your receipts until all figures are tallied at the end of the month. Many use electronic forms of payments example their debit or credit cards. In this case, at the end of the month, just simply work through all your transactions and add up all the numbers. This is where your bulk of budgeting cuts can happen as you maintain a control on your expenditures. While fixed expenses may be hard to do budget cuts on, variable expanses allows you to shift the money flow more flexibly.

This applies for anyone who has businesses. You list your operating costs here. Remember, in the beginning of the article, we have already talked about how to list your income. You can run the numbers at the end of the month to see if you are making any profit, loss or breaking even. Statistics indicate that it takes approximately 3 years for a business to operate smoothly so for those who are new to this type of venture, do not get disheartened quickly

Law of Attraction – Parkinson’s Law talks about the amount of work one needs to invest in for something to bare fruition within a period of time. It is a great Law to apply during manifestation as the seeds of intention is placed, and with sheer work towards the goal, one achieves it in due time when allotted into. So, how this principle applies in your savings is to pay yourself first vs paying your bills first. Instead of paying off your bills first, then saving whatever you have left over which most of the time is barely cutting it, you give yourself first. Instead of getting others rich by paying your bills first, you take a section aside and pay yourself first to make you rich. I bet you that you were having it the other way around. Don’t worry, everyone has this concept wrong hence why you are not able to save as much as you intend to.

We spoke about how to save in the above paragraphs. Now we can learn how to structure debts repayments. Debt repayments are fairly easy to list. You can list the way I show here with various credit cards, credit line, student loans and personal loans (money you owe from friends and family).

Other Forms of Tracking

Other Forms of Tracking

We spoke about old school method, the journal method way but of course there are many forms of method you should be able to find by searching for various examples such as Tracking Apps. Some are paid Apps and others are free. The few I looked at, they are standard ones that cannot be altered to accommodate your specific needs, be it your bills, variable expenses, or debts repayment plans. I didn’t spend too much time looking for the right Apps that may allow you to individualize as per your needs, but I want to say there may be some Apps which allow you to customize your expenses.

If you are having difficulty, I then want to say that you are better off making an individualized spreadsheet on “Microsoft” programs with various pie charts or graphs.

At the end of the day, the whole point of this exercise it to make you aware of where your hard-earned money is going. Once you begin to see the money flow, you are then able to better budget your future by altering where the money issue lies. There are no rules or best methods, but merrily your comfort level and understanding. Customize this all the way to fit your specific needs and financial goals.

Money Problems In Relationships

Money Problems In Relationships

If you are wondering why I went so extensively explaining the collectives regarding money blocks in various articles, then allow me to explain why this is an area where I did focus upon. For Twin Flames, money issues are one of the key problems and blocks when it comes to their own connection dynamics. Some of the issues stem even from previous lifetimes, and had you done money block healing with various healers, you would be able to see how the issue bleeds into your current reality.

This does not only apply to Twin Flames as most often money issues bleeds into couple relationships as well and is deemed one of the most frequent reasons for couple to break up. While Twin Flames are healing, areas around money which relates to self-love (Heart Chakra) needs to be not forgotten or dismissed. Stress over financial matters can throw your relationship under duress mode, hence why healing issues around money is one of the key part of your healing.

Let’s face it, you can claim all sorts of unconditional love for your Twin Flame and say you do not deem money important, but if you cannot tackle all matters of the Heart, you might as well throw the towel away. There is no such thing as not deeming money important. It’s the basic need for survival. It allows you to carry the fundamental basics of daily living. Unless you are living in a house of straws, drinking water from a stream, eating fruits from trees, wearing leaves, and using horses or camels for transportation, then I can say you need money to live comfortably.

While this is my understanding of how you can track your expenses based on my research and findings, you can look up more information on the internet and YouTube platform. Try clearing your money blocks using my Money Blocks Clearing Guided Meditation. You can also purchase Gail Vaz Oxlade’s book, Debt Free Forever for additional tips. Her budget analysis strategy helped me put it into my own practice, which led me to write this article the way I have.

Wishing you all the best regarding having an exclusive relationship with your money. Until your heart is ticking, you will continue to have an everlasting bond with Money. Book healing sessions with healers who specialize in tackling money issues to get a deeper unconscious healing for your prosperity. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

Know your journey, know your connection

Twin Flame Union

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