![How Your Healing Has Everything To Do With You and Not Your Twin](https://i0.wp.com/twinflameunion717.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Picture1-1.jpg?fit=297%2C361&ssl=1)
How Your Healing Has Everything To Do With You And Not Your Twin
As a Twin Flame Teacher, it is my job to correctly explain some of the most misunderstood rules within Twin Flame community. I call it rules, as it is the most fundamental spiritual principle that governs not only those who are on their Twin Flame ascension path but also all across humanity. I recently ran a poll asking the collectives whether they were healing to be with their Twin Flame. 70% of the collectives answered yes. 24 % said no and rest of the 6% were unclear marking this article a must read. We will dive deep into why so many believe that healing to be with your Twin Flame will lead to union.
How many of you are guilty of initially wanting to heal because you had an agenda to be with your beloved? Do not worry if you were one because in this article I will explain a deeper understanding of why your Higher Self rolled it out this way for you. Don’t be hard on yourself either if you are still under the illusion that by doing spiritual healing, you will attain physical union with your Twin Flame. It may be the case at the end but it is not the sole purpose why you are needing to heal when you are awakened to Twin Flame journey. Trust me when I say that everyone in his or her journey initially began this way in some shape of form. Even I began my healing thinking that this will lead me to a quick reconciliation with my Twin Flame. While dealing with the collectives for over 2 years, including my own Twin Flame awakening, I noticed that this phase was endured to all. This proves in itself that how the work of our Higher Selves are at play. Your ego desires vs the truth of your Soul, the Soul always wins.
You see, if your Higher Self did not provide you the object of desire, your Twin Flame, chances are you would have never dove deep into your Soul Healing. The Soul always dangles your Twin Flame as a juicy bait for you to do your Soul Alchemy. No other connection will lead to this kind of ripple effect. Let’s face it, if your Twin Flame would have been your parents or sibling, your constant yearning for love will not allow you to fall into the bait trap to do your Soul Alchemy. Your Soul knows this well because this is you in its highest form. The push and pull allows you to go deep into your healing.
![Your Soul Truth](https://i0.wp.com/twinflameunion717.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Picture2-1.jpg?fit=215%2C162&ssl=1)
Your Soul Truth
Because of many Twin Flame Teachers teaching only the fluff part of the journey also known as having a romantic outcome with one’s Twin Flame, the main part of the lesson is often missed in the process. This is why it is important to choose your Twin Flame Teacher wisely because you will only be taught based on their ascension process and experience. If your Twin Flame Teacher has zero growth to show you physically, then chances are, they still haven’t figured out the journey themselves. If you have read any of my previous articles, I have mentioned countless times that though the Twin Flame journey is initiated by romance; it is only one aspect of the entire Twin Flame experience.
The experience is for your Soul (higher self) to attain in becoming one from within. Meaning that its solo desire is to harmonize in self-union vs union with your Twin Flame, which is the byproduct of the Twin Flame experience, not the main experience. Your Soul has been fragmented through many lifetimes carrying past life issues, often bleeding into your current reality within your Twin Flame dynamics. You are meant to become who you were always meant to be in its original Soul Form when originally split from Source Energy. This is why being in Twin Flame journey can be excruciating because most are still forcing a romantic outcome with their beloved. The more you chase the union in your outer reality, the more you will find that your Twin Flame will run. When you begin to surrender to your own Soul Alchemy, transmuting your ego based consciousness to the desire of your Soul, to become whole again in 5D alignment, you will find that the journey will become a different experience altogether.
In this state of moving your Heaven on Earth and living the experience, you will not need to have your Twin Flame make you whole again, nor will you care whether your outer reality to be with your Twin Flame turns into fruition. When this alignment happens, the very thing you originally set in the beginning of your journey will turn into your physical reality.
Part of your journey experience is that your Twin Flame’s behavior will force you to really look at your shadow sides. This is not part of your conscious self though many Twin Flames only focus in this area of their healing which is the smallest fraction. See below what I mean.
![human psyche](https://i0.wp.com/twinflameunion717.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Picture3-1.jpg?fit=596%2C429&ssl=1)
This diagram demonstrates how the Human Psyche is wired.
As you can see, the conscious part is only governed by 10% of the entire equation.
10% rules the Conscious Mind and is known to you.
70% rules the Subconscious Mind, which are false beliefs, paradigms, programming, and traumas. These are often known to you, but buried or forgotten by your psyche. Working with healers will resurrect forgotten or suppressed traumas.
20% rules the Unconscious Mind, which is unknown to you. This part controls your life. Past life karma, which bled into your current reality, hence why you cannot access this on your own. Working one on one with healers will help you access this area to show where you usually will not be able to see. This is where karma clearing is at play. You must have heard already that Twin Flames are living their last incarnation in this lifetime hence why they have to bring their Karma in order to connect back to Source Energy.
This is why Carl Jung’s famous saying, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate” is widely used within the spiritual community. When you face your dragons and demons and meet them in the bull’s eye, you then are seriously healing. This is when you begin chasing your tales vs chasing your tails. You get the entire picture by digging into your past life, which will explain your present.
![Healing vs Wasting Time](https://i0.wp.com/twinflameunion717.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Picture4-1.jpg?fit=375%2C250&ssl=1)
Healing vs Wasting Time
If you are still one of those who is constantly watching YouTube Tarot Card readings and cosmic alignments while hoping that your Divine Masculine will leave his Karmic, will return to you, or both, sorry to break this to you but this is not your journey. Don’t get me wrong, in the beginning stages of my own journey, I too was wasting a ton of precious time vs healing. Just like most, I had no clue what I was meant to heal. No one talked about it fully in the community. Healing is such a vague description. I didn’t think I was damaged in any way to be healed. Most of the time, I was fairly positive person so I too wasn’t looking at the subconscious and unconscious part. I was only looking at the surface act also known as my conscious psyche. It is not until I came across proper articles that explained what Twin Flame healings were did I fully began to apply it in my own journey. Once this process began, I instantly began to see the journey rewards unfold.
Healing with Agenda
This brings me back to the main topic of this article. Though you began your healing process with an agenda to be with your Twin Flame, it does not work long-term. If you are doing all sorts of spiritual healing only to end up with your Twin Flame, it means you are still looking outside of yourself to have your Twin Flame fulfil your needs and desires. Because this is still encoded with ego desires, your Soul will not fulfill it. This is why Teachers often talk about only focusing on self and not the Twin Flame. By you healing yourself, because you share the same vibrational frequencies as your Twin Flame, they also get tugged and pulled to face their dragons and demons.
For those who feel that they are only doing all the spiritual work and their Twin Flame is having fun with their Karmic or whatever have you, this is not true. The stayer Twin Flame catapults the other Twin into their healing as well. Whether they are healing or not healing shouldn’t be your focus. Your journey should be your focus only.
When you seriously begin to take your own journey by the horns, you will find that the pain of separation is less excruciating; the trigger points become less and less. For those who are not in separation, this still applies to you as the Souls have chosen closeness to trigger wounds for it to be healed. This is why you are constantly on pins and needles trying to work things out with your beloved. You live in constant fear that maybe your Twin Flame can bolt any day. If this has happened already in your connection, know that this aspect is also true for some. In this scenario, the Souls use part two phase of separation vs closeness.
![When You Heal](https://i0.wp.com/twinflameunion717.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Picture5-1.jpg?fit=795%2C574&ssl=1)
When You Heal
Which brings me to next part of my teaching. By now, you must have heard that when you heal in your spiritual journey, your true Twin Flame heals as well. What this means is that your Twin Flame is your mirror Soul so when you dive into your own spiritual alchemy, since your Twin Flame carries the same energetic blueprint of your Soul, they also heal as well. What you do has a knock off effect on them as well.
This is true in my own Twin Flame connection. I have been working so hard on my own Twin Flame healing, be it self healing or with various healers. As my Twin Flame, he’s Higher Self joined in many of my sessions with healers. This will be the case for many as some of you must have experienced this in your own healing. If they have, know that this is a positive direction in your dynamics. My Twin’s latest picture revealed to me that his 3rd Eye is open vertically, same as Lord Shiva’s picture here. I compared his current picture with his older pictures, which were taken before I met him, and he does not have his 3rd Eye open.
This was reassuring to me, as this holds true to my teachings and it also confirms for you reading this that it is completely the case in all Twin Flame dynamics. Our Higher Selves work this way when it comes to the duo couple.
Manifesting Your Twin Flame Relationship
In true Twin Flame connection, you cannot even manifest a phone call from them, let alone an entire relationship. Those who claim that this works for them are not in real Twin Flame connection because manifesting relationship with your Twin Flame is based on ego desires vs the gold truth of the Soul. The Soul is in the quest for oneness within self and seeks enlightenment. If this concept was true, all Twin Flame dynamics would not be facing separation chasing their union.
By using manifestation tactics to lure them in, you are in violation of Spiritual Law and interfering with their “Free Will.” Sorry for those who think otherwise. Ego desires vs soul. Soul wins all the time. Keep digging in your healing and see why you are wanting to manipulate the outcome by going against the very fundamental principles of “free will”. Imagine if someone is doing this to you. Wouldn’t you feel violated? Would you be happy knowing that someone forced your free will into getting you to be with him or her? Stop wasting your precious time with guided meditations to lure them back in. It will not work.
Don’t get me wrong. Guided meditations are great if you are using them for your own healing and clearing blocks. In fact, it is a must in the recommendations when it comes to Twin Flame healing modalities.
![Your Twin Flame Mission](https://i0.wp.com/twinflameunion717.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Picture6-1.jpg?fit=193%2C193&ssl=1)
Your Twin Flame Mission
It is a false belief that you need to be with your Twin Flame in physical union to do your Soul life purpose and Twin Flame mission. In fact, majority of most acclaimed Twin Flames have stepped into their mission work solo vs waiting for their beloved to get their act together. There is no such thing as waiting for your Twin Flame to return to you after a lengthy separation to give you a hand on your mission work.
Look at it this way; are they not giving you an energetic support already in your Twin Flame ascension path? I want to say yes they are. So if they are giving you the support already, then you can bet your sweet eyelashes that they will also support you energetically in your life purpose and Twin Flame mission work.
In my own journey when I had texted him last year asking his permission to step into my mission work, I remember up until that time, I had not earned a single dime in my business. Once I had sent him the text, though no reply came from his cryptic silence, I began to see the money roll in. That proved to me that he was already supportive of my work. The next sign I received was from his Higher Self. I wasn’t sure if he would support me going so public on YouTube Channel but I received a confirmation. For my TFU intro, during my search for a Divine Masculine’s picture dressed in a suit, I came across a model who resembled my Twin Flame wearing similar suit. Yes, you bet I almost had a heart attack. The image of that model landed on my YouTube intro theme.
If you put your faith in your Twin Flame, time after time, they will show you in your reality just how much they want to assist you in your ascension process, union with them in physical and your Twin Flame mission work. Key is to stay on course with your journey and give it full dedication vs giving it a part-time dedication. When you shift all of this aspect, you will see how amazing the rewards can be. To learn more, see my series on what Twin Flame healing is. Click on Part 1 here.
Hope this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection
Twin Flame Union