Picture of Vineeta Kumar

Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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law of attraction

Law of Attraction Part III

Most often people confuse Law of Attraction as manipulation tactics. In this Law of Attraction Series, I will walk you through a step-by-step process decoding why this is pivotal in your Twin Flame Journey. If you are reading this article for the first time, please read my Part I and Part II as this will be a continuum of the series. We already talked about seven principles of laws that govern The Universe in Part I along with 2 manifestation techniques. You have also learnt by now that we live in a Vibrational Universe where everything in it is made of energy vibrating in certain frequencies. In this article, I will continue giving you the breakdown of how this applies in your daily existence, and how to manifest your heartfelt desires in the correct form.

Vision Boards

Vision Boards are one of the most effective manifesting tools and most frequently used by its believers. When you visualize, you are leaving imprints in your subconscious mind, which allows it to manifest whatever you visualize the most, so vision boards is one of the many go to tools used by Law of Attraction practitioners. You can find many great web articles and YouTube videos on how to make one. Below I have a few easy pointers on how to categorize them.

  • Inner child vision board – list all the things you loved from the moment you were born until the age of seven. You may need some help from your family and relatives to give you some ideas on how you were like as a child. You can place types of game you liked, books or movies you liked, food you liked, toys you enjoyed playing with and clothes you liked wearing.
  • Life vision board – list all your heartfelt desires. Be it your dream job or business venture, abundance of money, places in your bucket list to see, material possessions you want to have example house or vehicle of your dreams, magnificent physique or makeover, ultimate relationship, kids and so forth.
  • Yearly vision board – In the beginning of the year, you can create a vision board on how you want your year ahead to pan out. These are shorter-term goals than your life vision board. It could very well be similar to the life vision board, and if it is so, that is okay as well. Repetition is a powerful manifesting tool in Law of Attraction.

I personally have done all three myself and let me say, all three of them have come into fruition in less than one year. Majority of my desires listed have come into my reality, which goes to prove that it works. Key thing to remember is to have it visually available once created. Do not hide it under your bed, mattress or closet. Have it hung on your wall as if it is your invention, your work of art. You can cut out magazine pictures and words to form them, which is the old technique, or simply download your desired pictures, memes, quotes etcetera and have them printed in a local print shop. No way is the wrong way here. All of these suggestions will work because you have placed your time and energy into it. Your desire to obtain them will bring it to fruition.

Develop a Daily Routine

manifestation daily routine law of attraction

You must be wondering why this made it here. Well this is one of the most key manifestation techniques practiced by most famous celebrities and gurus. It gives the mind a sequence to create a repetition on mind over matter. It creates an order of discipline.

Definition of mind over matter — used to describe a situation in which someone is able to control a physical condition or a problem etcetera by using the power of the mind. The ability to keep going even when one is tired, a simple question of mind over matter.

In addition, you have by now learnt that the power of repetition works. There are simply no rules to creating a healthy routine of anything you want it to be. All you have to do is create a daily routine, and stick with it. Do not be disheartened if the routine takes a few tries to form. It’s a proven fact that it takes three weeks of consecutive repetition cycle for a routine to form its course. Some of the key ones to keep in mind will be your affirmations, your visualizations, journaling, meditating, exercises and so forth.

Manifesting Good Health

By staying positive, you automatically are raising your vibrations on a higher octave. “Your thoughts become your reality” is one of the most frequent quotes used by all Law of Attraction gurus. If you are battling ill health, along with your medical team, it is also crucial to follow their instructions as well to remain positive and determined. One perfect example of a miracle is known as The Miracle Man from The Secret Book, Morris E. Goodman who ended up in a massive air crash accident, which lead him to paralysis. He had suffered a neck injury and was fully paralyzed. He was unable to breath, swallow, and talk on his own. His only form of communication was blinking his eyes. In the documentary, he explains how he overcame his condition by remaining positive, determined and willful.

Manifesting Money

money manifesting money law of attraction

Money allows one to afford abundance in all material realms, be it roof, food, medical, clothing, transportation, leisure, entertainment or simply fulfilling your heart’s desires. If you still do not think money is an important aspect of living a comfortable life, then you are dealing with money blocks as you have problems with acceptance. You are not deeming yourself worthy or important enough to fulfill your heart’s desires, often stemming from self-love. In order to give love, you must learn to accept love as well. The Universe does not play favors to anyone as it governs with the same principles for everyone. Therefore, if this is the case, then you should be able to tap into the frequency of manifesting money as well.

A powerful tool for manifesting money is candle magic. Because green is associated with Heart Chakra, most currencies are printed in green color as well. This is why crystals such as Jade, Aventurine, Emerald, Malachite and Peridot are used for manifesting money and removing money blocks. Below are some tips on how you can try manifesting some money.

  • Money block clearing meditations. Use my money block clearing meditation from YouTube.
  • Working one on one with healers who specialize with money clearing blocks
  • Green color seven day candle magic, or any green color candle
  • Write your intention down on paper
  • Use your favorite green crystals
  • Burn candles daily until it is finished, then burn the letter
  • Keep gratitude green crystal under your pillow or in your pocket
  • Keep a bill of note always in your wallet. This note will remain unspent.

For more tips, you can watch Josie Grouse’s video below.

3 Proven Tricks to Manifest More Money


Journal Scripting

In spiritual community, you must have heard about how journaling is powerful. What you may not know is that it is also used by many famous celebrities and gurus as well. Most known celebrities use journal scripting, meaning they will list down the things they want to achieve in detail, their goals, desires, tracking their income and expenditure etcetera. Go creative with it by using fancy materials by using vibrant colors. Clark Kegley explains how he manifests by using his journal magic. He has given some tips on creative journaling ideas and what has worked for him so far. You can watch the video below for more ideas.

Journal LIKE THIS for 21 Days to Manifest INSTANTLY

How to Manifest Your Dream Person

how to manifest dream person

If you are getting excited reading this part, let me tell you that you have no right to place anyone’s name or picture in the circle. By doing so, you are in Violation of Spiritual Law, and yes this includes your known Twin Flame or Soulmate. What you can do however is get a piece of paper, draw a circle in the middle, then you can either be gender specific, “My Dream Man” or “My Dream Woman” or state “My Dream Person. Either ways, you can choose however way to word it. Then, draw lines around it like shown in the picture and begin listing the qualities you are seeking in your man or woman of your dreams.

You can list anything you want. Keep adding lines and place whatever you constitute your dream person to be. Once you have completed your list, you can place your paper under your mattress. Then you can begin imagining your moments with them as if they were in your reality. Those who are in their Twin Flame Journey or Soul’s Journey must undergo their Soul Alchemy, as this alone will not manifest in your outer reality. You can watch Bob Proctor’s video below to learn in visual format.

Attract a Specific Person Into Your Life – Bob Proctor

While these are some manifesting anchors, you still should be investing in your spiritual healing, as one does not override the other. I hope you enjoyed reading this article and also realized just how powerful the Universe is and also how powerful the power of mind over matter is. Stay tuned for the next part of Law of Attraction. Hope this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

Know your journey, know your connection

Twin Flame Union

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