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Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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Past Life Recollection and How it Applies to Your Twin Flame Journey

Past Life Recollection and How it Applies to Your Twin Flame Journey

Reincarnation has been believed by many cultures, dating back to the beginning of time. Most religious scriptures talk about reincarnation so this is not an unknown subject for anybody. Those who believe in reincarnation claim clues regarding their past lives by having some faint recollection of it through their intuition, by simply having an inner knowing, dreams, epiphanies or simply Soul recollection. Soul recollection occurs when you encounter someone from your Soul Monad or Soul Tribe.

For most Twin Flames, the moment they encounter their beloved, they instantly feel a past life connection or unexplainable bond with them. As they embark further into their spiritual ascension process and their path, more gets unveiled. If you had past lives, you have brought some sort of karma from those lives into this lifetime. Now before you get worried about what this means, let’s dive deep into what actually karma is.

Karma is not deeds you reap as a punishment. Remember on a Soul level, these are all lessons attained for your Soul expansion and growth, which you perfectly scripted to play out so that you get specific experiences in a human form. After all, as a spiritual being, you are living a human experience. When you look at it from this perspective, it is not so scary.

What is Karma? Karma and How it Affects Us

What is Karma?

Karma is borrowed from Sanskrit word Karam. Karma is a concept of Hinduisms, which explains through a system where beneficial effects are derived from past beneficial actions and harmful effects from past harmful actions, creating a system of actions and reactions throughout a Soul’s reincarnated lives forming a cycle of rebirth.

“Karma” literally means “action,” and more broadly names the Universal Principle of cause and effect, action and reaction, which Hindus believe governs all consciousness. Karma is not fate, for we act with what can be described as a conditioned “free will” creating out our own destinies. Karma refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant reactions in this and previous lives, all of which determines our future. The conquest of karma lies in intelligent action and dispassionate reaction. Not all karmas rebound immediately. Some accumulate and return unexpectedly in this or other lifetimes. ~ Wikipedia

Saint Tulsidas, an author of Sacred Hindu Scripture Ramayana once said, “Our destiny was shaped long before the body came into a being. As long as the stock of sanchita karma lasts, a part of it continues to be taken out as prarabdha karma for being enjoyed in one lifetime, leading to the cycle of birth and death.”

Karma and How it Affects Us

The Law of Karma simply says that our thoughts, words, and deeds creating a chain of negative and positive cause and effect.  Karma is also our greatest teacher, allowing us to learn from our mistakes. Because the Law of Karma gives back to us whatever we have sent out as thoughts, word or deed, when negative karma returns, we tend to blame it as a form of punishment. In the spiritual journey, it teaches us Soul lessons, love and forgiveness even if at some times it comes home as really tough love. There is no greater love than having the opportunity to understand the consequences of our action, or our inaction so that our Soul can grow. It gives us the opportunity to change our future, which creates abundant hope for all our tomorrows. Through reincarnation, it gives us the opportunity to make things right, to pay off our karmic debts and cycles, a rebirth of the new while purging the old, to reap the rewards of our fruits rendered...

Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate ~ Carl Jung.


As you can see, when reading it from this perspective, you get a different viewpoint on it rather than what was programmed from our religious and cultural upbringing. The whole point of being in a spiritual ascension path is to remove old conditional beliefs and programming which was embedded through our ancestral lineage. This part is harder than one thinks for the simple fact being that the programming stems from our ancestors, bleeding through the lineage down. It is embedded upon us on a cellular and vibrational level. Once you begin digging on your past lives, you will notice the pattern and history of repeated patterns and cycles rebirthing life after life for you to solve and heal on an unconscious level.

In a Twin Flame path, your Twin Flame catapults the process for you to begin shifting your paradigms, by allowing you to shed your karmic debts and cycles, from removing any ego based conditioning into its purest life form. Meeting your Twin Flame propels the Soul recognition and past life events, awakening you from Soul amnesia. Your Higher Self and your Twin’s Higher Self will begin the healing process by propelling you into Soul Alchemy. Your Higher Self or Soul will help you recall memories from past lives by bringing it to your attention. Below are some common indicators.

As per the first lady of Twin Flames, Elizabeth Claire Prophet, one has to balance 51% of karma in order to ascend. See full article here.

  • Dream State. When the body goes into theta wave, it opens a gateway to learning, memory, and intuition. In theta state, the senses are withdrawn from the external world so it focuses on signals originating from within.
  • Simple inner knowing. Upon encountering your Twin Flame whether in physical reality or in 5D, they will trigger your Kundalini Awakening, which enables the dormant memory to awake. You will begin getting memory lapse of unexplained occurred events.
  • Signs and syncs. Universe, your Higher Self and your Twin’s Higher Self will begin bombarding you with many types of signs which will be very specific to your past life events. You may not think much of it then but as you embark further into your Twin Flame journey, many revelations will come forth, piecing it all together.
  • Psychic and astrological readings. If you are lucky enough to find a gifted reader, through your reading some clues will be given by them which later will reveal the missing links or puzzles to your dilemma. This is not part of your healing blocks. A reader only gives you clues. In order to heal, you have to still liaise with healers who specialize in past life healing.
  • You will begin being drawn to geographical places around the Globe without understanding what or why the intense fascination with it. It is a true known fact that if you had a past life trauma attached to a geographical location, you will be intensely drawn to that place. The reason why being, your Higher Self will help you remember the event in order for you to heal and clear the trauma.

If you are a Twin Flame on a Twin Flame path, you will at some point encounter this. Your Soul will ensure that you know what needs to be known or addressed so that you heal your unconscious traumas which bled into your current reality. One only remembers the key points of previous life recollection, which has some bearing to this lifetime. There’s no such thing as someone telling you that you were a princess, prince, warrior, king, queen and so forth unless some negative aspect of it has bled into your current reality, overriding everything you currently do.

Your Soul will not show you anything that has no bearing to current life dynamics. Having said this, this is not only for your inner knowing only. You should be diving deeper into your past life trauma and blocks which have seeped into this life and your current reality with your Twin Flame. These findings are never meant to be fairytale romance. These are meant to wake you up to find your dragons and demons, for you to meet your worst fears and nightmares – the bullseye effect. 

When you begin to dive into your past lives, one pattern you will see is how you always look the same as you currently do but in different ethic background, gender and race. This also goes for your Twin Flame. Reason for this is, your Soul changed bodies, not the Soul itself. Your Higher Selves shows it this way so that you are able to recognize and differentiate others who also show up. If others show up in your healing, chances are they are there as part of the trauma.

Working with various healers on a one on one basis who specialize on past life work is the key as they can help you access your unconscious wounds and blocks from previous lifetimes. The reason being, you will not be able to access those on your own. Even the most gifted healers have to take help in accessing their own wounds and blocks.

Past Life Recollection

Rather than chasing tails with your Twin Flame as to why they are behaving the way they do, find out the reason and begin chasing tales. Trust me, this has nothing to do with normal relationship dynamics, which most Twin Flames weigh and analyze in their connection while failing to come up with solutions. In any other dynamics, those help, but in Twin Flame dynamics, those will never ever work. Your Higher Selves designed this dynamics to perfection so that it orchestrates your Soul Alchemy. Self-healing will only work to an extent until that wears out. Then you need to invest further.

Nothing is ever random. Pay attention to your Higher Self and dig deeper than the norm. What you will discover will baffle you and shake you to the core. Read why healing is important in Twin Flame journey here. 

I hope this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

Know your journey, know your connection.

Twin Flame Union

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