Phoenix Rising - Twin Flames Journey
In the spiritual community, phoenix is considered a sacred mystical creature that rises from the ashes after its self-destruction. In the Twin Flame community, many Twin Flames associate their spiritual journey and transformation similar to the mythical bird. Often Twin Flame connection is characterized by its healing cycles of destruction on old things and patterns, renewal of new consciousness, and rebirth of the 5D version of one’s higher self, which then leads towards their own profound transformation and spiritual evolution.
In this article, we will explore many aspects of how the mythical creature serves as an important cosmic guide while Twin Flames embark on their own spiritual journey to 5D. Before we dive deep into the article, let’s understand where the phoenix bird come from.
A phoenix in Greek mythology was a bird that could live for a long time and could also be regenerated or reborn from the ashes of its predecessor. The phoenix is an immortal bird that cyclically regenerates or in other words is “born again.” Many parts of different cultures have their own version such as Indian, Chinese, Egyptian, Greek and Persian.
Some legends say it dies in a show of flames and combustion, while others claim it simply dies and decomposes before being born once again. In some stories, the new phoenix embalms the ashes of its old self in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in the Egyptian City of Heliopolis, the Egyptian City of The Sun, and is placed on the altar of the sun god Ra.
The phoenix is a mythical bird with colorful plumage consisting of red, purple and yellow. The legend has it that there is only one phoenix alive at a time. It consists of a 500 year life cycle. Near the end of its life span, it builds itself a nest of incense and sacred materials to self ignite. The bird is then consumed by the fire of its nest. From the remaining ashes, a new phoenix arises and a new life is born. The newborn phoenix is destined to live as long as its previous predecessor.
Another theory is that a phoenix in classical mythology resembles between an eagle and a dragon with its rich red and gold plumage that have a life span of five or six centuries living in the Arabian Desert. Hence why it is also known as the Arabian bird.

The Roman Coin
Even during the Middle Age, the phoenix symbol was considered sacred with its own meaning. One of the most prominent events during the Middle Age was the decline of the Roman Empire when Emperor Constantine was in reigns.
During the decline of the Roman Empire, the phoenix began to flourish in early Christianity throughout Europe. Its message of rebirth and eternal life fit Christian themes so popes like St. Clement 96 AD, used the phoenix to prove Jesus’s resurrection. Monks included phoenixes in the bestiaries of the Middle Ages, making no distinction between real or imaginary creations. During the Renaissance, the phoenix was a popular emblem of royals like Elizabeth I and martyrs like Joan of Arc.
The Roman coin shows the emperor’s head on one side of the coin and the phoenix on the other side. The phoenix represents Rome in itself as the eternal nature of the empire. The phoenix also represents cycles of return of the new emperor.

Role Of The Phoenix For Twin Flames
Twin Flame journey often begins with periods of intense destruction and upheaval of the old traumas, limiting beliefs and old programing. During this cycle as Twin Flames begin embodying the Christ Consciousness, the old self begins to go through a death cycle, death and rebirth.
During this process the period of destruction serves to break down old patterns, beliefs, and limitations while clearing the way for profound transformation and spiritual growth.
Twin Flame relationships may encounter challenges, conflicts and crises that threaten to tear them apart and challenge the very foundation of their connection. Some end up on a short term or lengthy separation phase.
Is Phoenix a Twin Flame Sign?
Twin Flames often get animal spirits as their guardians during the course of their spiritual journey. Phoenix is not any different as it has so many messages and meanings to one’s soul journey. Having phoenix as one’s animal spirit guide can lead to many profound messages and timeline shifts during the course of one’s spiritual journey through its birth and rebirth cycles. If you are beginning to notice phoenix, chances are that you are either experiencing a transformation or are being shown a timeline for the next phase of your Twin Flame relationship.
The symbolism and meaning of the Phoenix as an Animal Spirit Guide ties tightly to the myths and legends surrounding this creature. When Phoenix comes to you as a Spirit Animal, it brings fire to your soul. Because the phoenix is associated with the fire and sun energy, it literally signifies and ignites a burning fire under your hopes, dreams and aspirations and torches you to a speed like movement. In other words, it literally lights up fire from within to do something or be something amazing.
Being associated with the sun and fire, phoenix animal spirit shines the light of day on any darkness in your life. It is meant to transform your darkness into light.
I personally begin noticing the phoenix as a Twin Flame sign a few years ago. Since then, my own Twin Flame has given me many insights on my personal spiritual shifts. One of the many that I can share is when I noticed the same reflection of flames on his sunglasses in one of his display picture which resembled a screensaver of the rising phoenix from the burning flames on my mobile phone. A few months shortly after, I birthed my Higher Self in self union during a massive healing with a healer. It was a profound experience.
Another message I received from his display picture was that he too was going through his own awakening process and spiritual evolution. Because the phoenix symbolizes healing, I knew he had undergone a healing process.

The Journey Of The Divine Masculine
As the Divine Masculine sets out in the pursuit of their career, goals and dreams a phoenix is born within them. The burning desire to pursue something forms as many begin to conquer the material world. They set the roadmap of security for their Divine Feminine.
While this process is ongoing, they begin to purge emotional baggage that is no longer serving them while conquering any ego when it comes to their spiritual wellbeing. In this process, they begin healing old relationships, beliefs, patterns lifestyle and behaviors.
While healing and purging these issues, they also embrace self-loving and self-forgiveness, while also forgiving others who wronged them. They claim their sovereignty by placing their needs first vs people around them. They learn to stand up for their own right and speak their own truth in the matters of finance and relationships. They begin to ask and recognize their soul purpose and their journey and what they were originally planned to gain as their soul growth and experience.
The Divine Masculine goes through their own process of death, rebirth and regeneration, rising like the phoenix from ground ashes to soaring high in the sky. A new phoenix in the form of Divine Masculine is born again, stronger, vigorous than ever.

The Journey Of The Divine Feminine
Having a phoenix transformation just like the Divine Masculine can become a very profound experience for the Divine Feminine as well. Like the Divine Masculine’s journey, they too get their initial spiritual awakening by rising from the ashes. During this phase, they shed the old and transform into the new version of themselves.
They too undergo a process by birthing their inner union through a rebirth process, just like the phoenix. As we embark into the new age, the rise of the feminine energy is imminent. The rise of the feminine energy in regards to collaboration and inclusion in all matters of the world, along with love and compassion was vastly ignored in the past, but with the ongoing rise of feminine energy, slowly this is in the process of being restored with each cosmic shift.
As the feminine consciousness evolve, the separation of trauma, fear, harmony and balance from within is restored to its wholeness from inwards. The rise to the power that is born from this integrated frequencies of wholeness is one that is aligned with the principles of peace, harmony, abundance, joy and love. As the rise of the phoenix, a new golden era of love and light is born.
The Shadow Side Of The Phoenix
You learnt some of the positive aspects of having the phoenix as your spiritual guardian and mentor. There is also a shadow side of the phoenix as well. If you view the phoenix as a negative connotation and resist going through a transformational process, it can lead to some excruciating discomfort.
Resisting the phoenix transformation can suggests fear of change and transformation, or even the resistance of letting go of the past. It can signify a period of stagnation of stuck energy through self-doubts and lack of faith in one’s ability to overcome obstacles and road blocks. Manifestation of desires will see delay as you will be manifesting at a lower vibration.
Seeing the phoenix in a negative light serves as a wakeup call to confront your inner dragons and demons, your morals, fears, destructive thoughts and negative patterns. The rise of the phoenix forces one to confront all obstacles and embrace the cycle of rebirth and renewal with courage and acceptance in all matters of your life.
It urges you to take the next step into birthing the higher version of who you were always destined to be. It urges you to be in your sovereign power.
So the next time you encounter phoenix in your spiritual journey, take a moment to see what it is trying to teach you. Not only do they serve as a protector, a guardian, they also are there to nurture and teach us into a transformative phase of our soul’s journey.
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Know your journey, know your connection.
Twin Flame Union