Self-Concept In Spiritual Healing
You must have come across the term “Self Concept” in the spiritual community. I decided to write an article on this to express the importance of recreating one’s self concept. This is one of the most fundamental part of one’s soul healing and attaining the ultimate life experience in the matters of self-mastery and manifestation. Whether we consciously manifest the things we love and desire the most or not, in the aspect of day to day living, we are always manifesting. Sometimes we manifest deliberately while other times, we are manifesting subconsciously.
Because we are manifesting no matter what, why not recreate our self-concept to help us navigate towards how we want our life to shape and form. After all, we are meant to live the lives of our dreams because we are worthy of having it. In this article, not only we will learn how to master the art of self-concept, but also how to heal the negative aspects of our self-concept as well.
In a nutshell, self-concept is anything that you associate, “I am” with. This could be good aspects of yourself and as well as negative aspects of yourself. In the psychology of self, one’s self-concept is a collection of beliefs about oneself. Generally, self-concept embodies the answer to the question, “Who am I?”
When Does Self Concept Develop
Self-concept begins to develop during early childhood. As one grows older, this process of new self-concepts continues to form throughout one’s life. The most prominent self-concepts usually develops in early childhood and adolescence stage of one’s life. The reason why this is the case is that during this stage a person undergoes more influences from their care givers and teachers.
During the age of two, children begin to differentiate themselves from others. This is the beginning of their own self-realization. During age three and four, children begin to understand their identity and their uniqueness. At this stage, a child’s self-image is formed and they become aware of their own physical characteristics and personalities.
During age six to seven, children are able to communicate what their needs and desires are. During this stage, they begin to realize their own capabilities and develop their social skills. Between the ages of eight to eleven, children begin to develop more social skills and are able to make decisions regarding their likes and dislikes. Basically their personality develops more on a mature level.

Self-awareness also influences self-concept as it is the quality or trait that involves conscious awareness of one’s own thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and traits. To have a fully developed self-concept, a person must have at least some level of self-awareness. You have to be in tuned with the reality that surrounds you.
Self-concept develops in part through our interaction and observation of others. In addition to family members and close friends, other people in our community and in the media can contribute to our self-identity.
Self-concept is how a person thinks about oneself through evaluation and self-perception. This includes what they believe their personal attributes to be and the value they place upon themselves. Self-esteem is how much a person values themselves. It is how much a person likes, accepts, or approves of themselves.
Self-concept is different from self-esteem, although self-esteem is a part of self-concept. Self-concept is the perception that we have of ourselves, our answer when we ask ourselves the question “Who am I?” It is knowing about one’s own tendencies, thoughts, preferences, habits, hobbies, skills, and also knowing all areas of one’s weakness.
Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves. It is based on our opinions and beliefs about ourselves. It goes hand in hand with having self-confidence. Your self-esteem determines how much you love and value yourself as a person.
Self-image is related to self-concept where it conveys how an individual sees themselves. Self-image is based on how you view yourself, whereas self-concept is a more comprehensive evaluation of the self, which is largely based on how a person sees themselves, values themselves, thinks about themselves, and feels about themselves.

I Am Consciousness
I am that I am derives from a verse in The Bible Exodus 3:14 where Moses asks from the burning bush why god has sent him to the Israelites to rescue. The burning bush then replied, “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM. And he said, Thus thou shalt say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.”
In this verse God is telling Moses that “I am God” and I am dwelling within you. Through me, you can rescue the Israelites. Tell Israelites that God has sent you. Since I am you and you me, you can do anything once you set your mind. You have the power within you to do this rescue mission. I am with you. Have faith and it is done.
Meaning of I AM
The modern interpretation of this phase has become very popular within the Law of Attraction community as now many are interpreting these verses and its true meaning. The interpretation is, “I am who I am. I will become what I choose to become. I am what I am. I will be what I will be. I create what I create. I am immortal. There is no beginning and no end. I am the Alpha and the Omega.”
The following verses from the Bible is stating the “I AM” awareness. The “I AM” is an infinite consciousness of a human being. It is nothing less than you being aware of who you are as a spiritual being. I AM is the sovereign aspect of you also known as God, The Universe, Higher Self. It is purely consciousness. When you become aware of the “I AM” within you, it is evident that you can create and manifest anything you desire.
Here are some other famous scriptures from the Bible that convey “I AM awareness.”
I Am the Way, Truth, and Life
Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:5-6)
I Am the Resurrection and the Life
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26)
I Am the True Vine
“’I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

How Self-Concept Develops
When you have a good self-concept about yourself, it impacts on how you respond to life and its daily challenges and experiences, whether good or bad. A well-developed self-concept allows one to respond to life experiences with a more positive attitude rather than taking things in a negative light. When we are emitting a positive and higher vibration towards life, people around us benefit from it as well. When we learn our self-worth, it becomes easier to create a better life of your dreams. A well-developed self-concept also helps to keep us from internalizing negative feedback from others.
This is an important aspect to get into a higher vibration when you have a positive outlook to everything happening around you. A positive self-concept gives you the ability to capitalize on opportunities and use mistakes as learning experiences. With a positive self-concept, you will be a more dynamic and interesting person.
The next step in the development of a positive self-concept is having a genuine desire to change. When you begin your transformation, what is a reflection of your inner being is then reflected in the outer environment. “As within so without.”
Another way to interpret self-concept is through self-realization and personal empowerment. It is a reminder to embrace one’s own unique identity and life purpose so that you can be true to yourself and to follow your own path.
If you are having problems identifying where you are with your self-concept, try to self-reflect and focus on your thoughts for a week. Take notes regarding your mindset on how you react and perceive things. Focus on eliminating any doubts or fears creeping in your mind. Take note on the negative thoughts that pertain to people and things around you. Take notes of your mindset on all matters.
Once you are becoming aware of your self-concept, figure out how you can change it. Try reading some self-empowerment books that can lead you to a more healthier mindset. This is an ongoing work in progress. You did not get here overnight so needless to say, reprogramming your self-concept and forming a new identity will not happen overnight. Just be patient with it.
Another way you can heal is when you are reprogramming the “I AM” awareness through guided meditation or hypnosis. There are a lot of meditations on YouTube. Going through the meditation will also assist in you becoming aware of what areas you can work on. My guided meditations on YouTube will assist you in healing all these areas as it is designed and scripted to do so.
Diving into your self-love will also invoke a lot of awareness especially if the course is intense and it dives into some of the areas mentioned here. My self-love program dives into many of the areas mentioned in this article.
Last but not the least, working on your inner child will also help you to find the root cause of some of your programming from childhood. It is a known fact that you take whatever you learnt and experienced during your childhood to your adulthood. This applies to the good and bad.
I hope this article was informative. I pray that this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection.
Twin Flame Union