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Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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Significance of Number 11 On A Twin Flame Journey

Significance of Number 11 On A Twin Flame Journey

With so much success on my own interpretation regarding most profound Twin Flame number sequences, I decided to expand further on Number 11; why this is so significant if you are on a Twin Flame journey. If you have not read one of my most read articles on web regarding Twin Flame number sequences, you can do so here. In this article, you will learn how this plays into your Twin Flame journey and what the underlying meanings are, and how you can apply its teachings into your life going forward.

If you are on a Twin Flame journey, chances are that you must have seen many syncs regarding your own Twin Flame connection. Most Twin Flames will notice repeated syncs of number 11 when it comes to their own connection with their beloved whether through date of birth, names, telephone numbers, life-path number, dates they had met and so forth.

For example in my own connection when G and V are added and rounded off, it becomes number 11. When we both add our mobile numbers, it rounds off to number 11 each, 1111. We met officially on the 7th calendar day; 4 days later, we actually met in person on the 11th calendar day. Even 7 + 4 equals to 11. We are exactly 6 years and 5 months apart, which rounds off to number 11.

While these are syncs in our own personal connection, if you do not have nothing similar, it does not constitutes of you not dealing with a Twin Flame connection. As you embark further into your journey, you may get other syncs and assurances regarding number 11 in your Twin Flame path, so do not dismiss the idea so soon.

Number 11 and Twin Flames

Number 11 is very auspicious when it comes to Twin Flame connection or if one is on a Twin Flame journey. It is also interpreted as a unification between two lovers coming together as one soul energy or oneness. It is a path to inner union where both souls meet in this lifetime to travel upon, which could also result in the outer union, just as Two of Wands in Tarot Deck showing moving forward. A progression with clear quest for enlightenment by fulfilling your heart’s desires into reality.

Number 11 tells us to connect with our Higher Selves, to live our life purpose and Soul mission, to be a messenger or a teacher by being an inspiration to others by spreading love and light, and to raise spiritual awareness. They aid in exploring things, which are beyond the physical nature of existence, that is, they break the barriers of just exploring the physical and inculcate qualities of knowing the non-physical dimension apart from being very intuitive, sensitive and empathetic. It is a doorway to the subconscious mind, which opens the gates to being a charismatic leader, an inspirational person and a high-spirited individual who can dream big. It is a symbol of new beginning and positive changes.

Number 11 also encourages you to be an inspirational guiding light and to bring illumination to others while helping to raise spiritual awareness. When you see this often, trust that the angels are supporting your light work mission. It encourages you to share your perspective and philosophies to influence a new stream of consciousness to others. It gives you the chance to be an enlightened figure by being an example for others to learn from you.

It is teaching you not to step back while you are heading forward regarding your Soul evolution, dreams, desire, and aspirations even if the path deems to be difficult. It teaches you to step into designing your destiny by maintaining your faith. Your awareness will lead you towards the best course of thoughts and actions. The forthcoming changes will direct you towards a better path and a better life. The upcoming changes can bring you positive changes through leaving people, thoughts and situations that no longer serve you for your highest and greatest goods. Number 11 is forever encouraging you to keep your eyes open for personal growth and development, to grow and better yourself in all aspects of your life.

Twin Flame Union

When you begin to see number sequences 1111, it is a spiritual wakeup call to your consciousness that you are being spiritually awakened with a lightning speed. You are aligned with the Universe in manifesting your heart’s desires with extreme luck and success. It means that the entire Universe is working in your favor to become who your were always meant to become on a Soul level. It gives you assurances that if you work towards your goal and path, you will vibrationally align in 5D. It is a gateway to a higher consciousness in duality, showing two 11s as a pair, you and your Twin Flame. It is a Twin Flame number in twin pairs, Four of Wands in Tarot Deck, parallel and in harmony to each other in perfect sync and duality.

When you see constant 111, Universe is reassuring you to keep going, to remain positive as your dreams and desires are turning into reality in the near future. It is a constant assurance to remain in your own Soul Alchemy, Three of Wands in Tarot Deck, waiting for the ship to come ashore. The whole point of this number showing up constantly is not to give up, to have faith that what you desire the most is on its way to you.

What Are Masters Numbers?

What Are Masters Numbers?

Although there are speculations that Master numbers such as 11, 22, and 33 cannot be rounded or added to single digit number, it really depends on one’s perception on it.

Numbers 11, 22, 33 are known as Master Numbers, which comes with powerful meanings behind it since it holds the double digits numbers with double the amplified effect. There are speculations that number 44 is also a Master Number, but most numerologists differ on this. Since these three set of numbers are made up 1, 2 and 3, it consequently sums to being the Triangle of Enlightenment. Together these intense energies create three phases of creation – intuition, building and teaching. Number 11 is the Psychic Master, number 22 is Master Builder, and number 33 is the Master Teacher number.

Now that we have a basic idea of what master numbers are, let’s break this down further. I do want to add that no number sequence is superior to the other as each digit of numbers represents their own vibrancy and power. Whether it is a master number or not, each number holds its own meaning and how you can interpret the messages it conveys. The Universe does not communicate with us with words or sentences. The Universe only communicates with us with numbers, though in my own journey I have discovered that the Universe is communicating with numbers, words, signs and syncs. Your best bet will be to pay attention to whatever is being shown to you, to trust all process.

Master Number 11

Master number 11 is often knowns as, “The Psychic Master” or the “Master among men.” They aid in exploring things beyond any physical nature of any existence, meaning they can break the barriers of exploring any physical or inculcate qualities along with being very intuitive, sensitive and empathetic. It also relates to those who are here to be inspirational guiding lights and their mission is to bring illumination to others and to help raise spiritual awareness. It is a gateway to the subconscious mind. A high-spirited individual with an inspirational mind who can dream big, without any physical limitations.

Master Number 22

Master number 22 is considered to be the most powerful number out of the rest hence why it is also called, “The Master Builder” or “Master Architect.” This is the combination of 11 amplified by 2 times. It holds so much power that it can turn big dreams into reality if worked upon it sincerely. It is known to hold untold spiritual powers and ageless knowledge, and has the ability to turn the most ambitious dreams into reality. Master number 22 is more realistic than the number 11 and is less spiritual than 11 as well but it can manifest things more easily on the earth plane due to its root number being 4. Number 4 talks about formations and foundations. The original letters in Hebrew texts consisted of 22 letters representing everything from its creation.

Master Number 33

Master Number 33 is said to be one of the most spiritually inclined numbers, and that is why it is also known as, “The Master Teacher.” Master Number 33 is a combination of both master number 11 and 22, which means that this is quite a powerful one. In terms of one’s experiences, dreams, and intuitions it can reveal the culmination of the two. There are a few numerous facts about the number 33, which subscribes its Divine significance, Ascended Masters. The first temple of Solomon stood for exactly 33 years; King David ruled for 33 years; there are 33 segments in a human spine; Lord Jesus lived for 33 years.

While these are an in-depth explanation of numbers, you should not only rely on these solely for your healing. Seeing these signs is a reassurance of your path ahead but it does not skip your healing and growth process. In order for you to grow spiritually, you should be investing in your healing and betterment to obtain full fruition. If you need further meaning behind the numbers, you can Google other articles as well. I hope this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

Know your journey, know your connection.

Twin Flame Union

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