Spiritual Meaning Of Vanishing Twin
During my Shamanic Practitioner Program, I learnt about vanishing twins. The subject intrigued me, so I began my research on it. During my research, channeled messages flooded on how this may impact someone who they know has lost their twin sibling in the womb, or whether they themselves are dealing with it, or have miscarried one during their own pregnancy.
The information led me to observe intuitively which people might have a vanishing twin sibling. From a spiritual perspective, if you are a survivor of a vanishing twin, what does it mean for you? Did you ever come across the term “vanishing twin” before this article?
As a spiritual teacher who reaches mass audience through my articles, I decided to make this awareness. I began to receive channeled guidance on how to write this article so that you are spiritually acquainted with the idea that maybe you had a vanishing twin, or even know someone who did. Through this article, by the end of the read, you may get a well-rounded idea whether you are a living survivor who also had a twin sibling.
What is vanishing twin syndrome? The term vanishing twin is used when one of the fetuses in a multi gestation pregnancy either dies in the utero by miscarriage, or is reabsorbed into the uterine lining of the mother, or into the survivor twin. You could say that nature sacrificed one twin so that the other twin could live.
Vanishing twin syndrome can be quite common these days especially if multiple embryos are attached such as twins or triplets during a pregnancy. During the first initial ultrasound checkup, medical sonographers discover attachment of more than one embryo, and later through future ultrasounds, it cannot be detected.
During most cases, it is hard to know just how common vanishing twin syndrome is as mothers are likely to lose an embryo before their first pregnancy ultrasound. Those mothers who are more likely to get an ultrasound during early stages of their pregnancy are more likely to learn about their disappearing embryo.
For example, couples doing invitro fertilization (IVF) may have an ultrasound as early as six to seven weeks of their pregnancy. Approximately 7% to 36% of IVF pregnancies involve multiple fertilized embryos, and then later ultrasounds indicates that they are vanished. Some research suggests that vanishing twin syndrome is more common among pregnant women over 30.

Discovery Of Vanishing Twin
Vanishing twin syndrome became known to medical science after World War II, 1945 to be exact through altrasound imaging technology which was able to detect life in the womb.
The first utro ultrasound was used in Glasgow, Scotland by an obstetrician named Ian Donald and an engineer named Tom Brown. These two men developed the first prototype system for ultrasound, but it wasn’t perfected until the end of the 1950s. Today, it is widely used in all hospitals in all countries all over the world.
Even though ultrasound is now widely used at all medical facilities, many women did not get ultrasounds during their pregnancies so chances of them knowing anything about vanishing twin would have been next to impossible. If your mom did not get an ultrasound during her pregnancy, chances of you knowing whether you are the other twin who survived would be next to impossible.
So what does this mean when it comes to you? Can you know intuitively whether you are the survivor twin embryo? Luckily, there are a few common signs that can give you some indication. If some of the signs or symptoms resonate, you can meditate to gain further answers. Connecting with your Guides may give you better understanding and answers as well.
Some of the common signs are…
Feeling unexplained sadness all the time.
Feeling abandoned by someone. Having sense of loss of some kind or feeling alone.
Eating disorders developed at some point of your life due to taking all the nutrients from the vanished twin.
Feeling unexplained guilt all the time.
Feeling as if something or someone is always missing in your life.
Grieving of someone unknown.
Always searching for someone.
Feel another soul’s presence with you who seem familiar.
Feel a kinship with all twins.
Feel a sense of responsibility towards everything as if it is your fault or burden.
Have issues with God or faith of some kind.
Are drawn to duality whether people or things.
Drawn to mirrors or fears mirrors.
Wishing you had a twin sibling.
Feeling that a soul is trying to make contact with you.
Have birthmarks of some kind.

Birthmarks And Other Medical Conditions
I wanted to expand on birthmark a bit more as I feel that it bears further insight on a possibility of one’s vanishing twin.
Birthmarks are areas of discolored skin on a part of body that is apparent at birth or within a few weeks after birth. Birthmarks are made up of malformed pigment cells or blood vessels. Although the cause of birthmarks are not known, most of them are benign or noncancerous and do not require any further medical treatment.
It is often believed that the vanishing twin will leave a birthmark of some kind on their sibling before vanishing completely. Sometimes the birthmark can resemble the vanishing twin’s embryo.
Indian folklore states that the baby did not want to get born, so God gave the baby a kick so that they can birth anyway. This folklore gives another twist to the meaning that maybe the vanishing twin gave their sibling a kick to get birthed. Maybe the stayer baby also wanted to leave along with their vanishing sibling.
There are other medical conditions that can indicate signs of vanishing twin from a medical perspective. The indications may suggest certain medical conditions in the stayer twin’s life. It is believed that due to the sudden disruption of nutritional flow in the womb, it causes certain medical disorders for the stayer twin. One of the possibility of a vanishing twin leaving the surviving fetus is an increased risk of cerebral palsy or gestational diabetes.
For those who do not know cerebral palsy; cerebral palsy are a group of disorders that affect a person’s ability to move and maintain balance and posture. Cerebral palsy is the most common motor disability in childhood. Cerebral means having to do with the brain. Palsy means weakness or problems with using the muscles.
If the child is normal, during later years of their life, there could be a possibility of Bell’s Palsy. Bell’s Palsy is a condition that causes sudden weakness in the muscles on one side of the face. In most cases, the weakness is temporary and significantly improves over the course of few weeks to few months. The weakness causes half side of the face to droop. Smiles are one sided, and the eye on the affected side resists closing.

What This Means For You
You learnt about vanishing twins and some of the signs indicating that you are dealing with vanishing twin syndrome. You also learnt some of tell a tale signs on what to look for when diagnosing if you had a vanishing twin.
This brings me to the next part of the topic, which is how it impacts your life knowing that you could have a twin. Many around the world will remain unaffected by this, but for those who are spiritual and empathic, you will be able to sense some of the signs I listed in this article, or maybe all. Those who are spiritually evolved can pick up certain energies through their senses and intuition. Some are even more gifted, Clairvoyant who can even see the other soul.
There are two ways to look at this, especially if this is your experience. One scenario will be that you have finally received your closure in knowing what had happened, and will carry on with your life. The other scenario will be that you need to detach from the twin’s energy.
The reason why you need to detach on a soul level from your twin is because it can serve as an energetic block in your growth. In this case, you may experience many roadblocks on anything you are trying to manifest which will not come into fruition. Your twin’s constant energy may hinder in your growth process. You will feel you are in constant battle with someone, but cannot explain why.
Usually in this type of case, the vanishing twin is feeling that their soul purpose did not get fulfilled. Some may feel lost. Some may feel resentful. The soul even can feel all aspects of loss especially if they are lost between the two worlds. They could not fully embody or birth, nor could they cross over properly to the other side. In any case, from a Shaman’s perspective, or any other spiritual perspective, the soul needs help in receiving their closure so that they can safely cross over to the other side.
Souls who are in this type of limbo situation often are unhappy. In this type of instances, the soul is lingering around looking for some closure. Some type of cord cutting or some kind of Shamanic healing such as psychopomp may assist for their soul to journey into the white light. Sometimes, giving them a proper closure is all they need for their cross over.
If their soul has been lingering with no purpose, as their twin, you will also feel and sense their longing as well. When the soul undergoes a complete release to go into the white light, to get into the next phase of their soul’s journey, you will also feel the release from your own limited potential.
While this article is intuitively written, with some medical facts and other medical theories, it up to you to discern what resonates to you the most. I pray that this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection.
Twin Flame Union