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Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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Synchronicities And Their Meanings

Synchronicity is a concept introduced by famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung who referred to meaningful coincidences as guidance from The Universe. If you are tuned in to your awareness, you will notice these nudging guidance from The Universe that all is well and that you are in the right path to your destination. If you are awakened to a spiritual journey, you will begin noticing them more as you elevate your consciousness.

Synchronicities seem to defy conventional notions of cause and effect, suggesting a deeper connection between our inner world and our external reality. Jung believed synchronicities were evidence of a unifying consciousness at play in The Universe. He believed that our physical manifestations are a result of what is happening in our current psyche. 

Synchronicities are intentional and on-purpose winks from the Universe that your manifestation is soon to become your reality. Another important aspect to know is that you cannot create or manipulate synchronicities into your favor. These are natural occurrences that are aligned to your vibratory field, which allows you to manifest in your outer reality from your inner reality. Hence why if you truly understand the concept, it can become a magical experience.

Signs You Are Close To Manifesting

  • You have a renewed sense of peace and fulfillment. This happens after you have done so much healing work, purging the old and healing the wounds from the past. For example, you start to feel fulfilled and happy in your life. It truly feels like you already have your desire and there’s nothing missing or lacking. You feel like you are basically living the life of your dreams. You are living your best life and not waiting for something to happen or someone to show up. You feel empowered, content and grateful.
  • You are dreaming of specific things that relates to what you are currently manifesting. Loved ones from the other side also appear in your dreams to give you important messages and insights regarding your future. Pay attention to the messages and record your dreams in a journal. At a later time, you can then refer to it.
  • Your friends and many people around you are now having your desire. This sign is very auspicious especially if you are trying to manifest a house, vehicle of your dreams, marriage or children. You will suddenly see people around you manifesting what you are currently in the works of manifesting. There are no coincidences in life. Remember to be excited of their changes as it will give an indication to The Universe that you are also ready to receive your desire.
  • People from the past start to show up and some send you messages. This is another powerful sign especially of you are manifesting a specific person. When you are manifesting them, not only they feel it on the vibrational level, others do so as well. Suddenly old love interests, ex’s and old forgotten friends will appear from nowhere. They are also sucked into the vortex of your magnetism.
  • People are being removed from your life and this could unfortunately pertain to pets or loved ones. The Universe is making room for new people to enter your life especially if you are going to get married or be in a serious relationship. Not only will you gain your spouse’s family, but their friends and acquaintances.
  • You getting sick. Though this may be a negative sign, in this case your body is purging the old that no longer serves and anchoring the new energy and people to come into your life. Remember that everything is energy so when you elevate into your higher consciousness, The Universe moves people and things to get you ready. This includes your old health.
  • You are not in the energy of need and desperation. You feel content with your current situation and life. You are at ease whether your desire shows up or not, because it feels like you already have it! This is the part of living in the end which most Law of Attraction coaches talk about. You are living in your wish fulfilled state.

What Are Synchronicities

  • Overhearing a couple of strangers talk about something that is of great significance to your own life, objects of desire or manifestations. This means that The Universe is working in your favor to help you get your desire.
  • Seeing specific messages pertaining to your story or current thoughts or focus on social media or TV. These come in forms of specific guidance that you could need that very moment.
  • Receiving exact messages you need that very moment in the exact time, especially if you are going through significant events such as relationship issues, betrayal, breakup or any major incidents that could change your life.
  • Meeting the exact right person at the exact right time, be it a friend, significant person, teacher or coach.
  • Seeing the same symbols or images repeated everywhere be it social media, TV, magazines, billboards, buildings, tattoos and so forth.
  • Seeing repeating numbers such as 11:11, 222, 333, 555, 1234, 717 and so forth. It could appear in clocks, spreadsheets, time stamps on videos, important significant dates pertaining to you and so forth.
  • Reoccurring signs that seem to lead you to your manifestation or goals such as your ideal home, vehicle, relationships, business ideas, jobs and so forth.
  • Hearing the same song repeated many times in unusual circumstances especially if it relates to a significant person or event.
  • Strange alignments of birth dates between relatives, friends, partners, colleagues and so forth.
  • Thinking about something specific and then the very thing plays out in your 3D reality.
  • Serendipitous moments such as being in the right place at the right time.
  • Having premonitions regarding an event or something while having it play out in your reality soon after. This could also pertain to your dreams as well.

What Creates Synchronicity

Law of Attraction states that good and bad events in life are caused by your thoughts and feelings. Because like attracts like, synchronicities are part of the manifestation process to indicate that you are in the right track of your goals, dreams and desires.

Synchronicity is also thought to be a manifestation of psychic abilities where we intuitively get insights regarding a specific person’s contact or it can give us a heads up regarding a significant event. This then ends up becoming true as it plays out in 3D reality.

Everything around us consists of vibrating energy. Everything moves and nothing rests. Synchronicities are a sheer manifestation of energetic frequencies and vibrations put together. As we are part of The Universe, it uses synchronicities as part of our cosmic and soul experiences.

Our unconscious mind influences a lot of our behavior and patterns so it is safe to say that they also communicates to us. Depending on our own awareness, we can understand how dreams convey important messages and sometimes warning messages. In our waking state, our subconscious mind has a way to guide us through synchronicities. It can come to us through omens, spiritual signs and symbols.

Bridge Of Incidents

Neville Goddard, was a Bajan writer, speaker and mystic. He grew up in Barbados and moved to the United States as a young adult. He taught various self-help methods for testing his own claim that the human imagination is omnificent, therefore God.

His teachings were that you are the creator of your own reality. He taught that nothing exists outside of one’s awareness, and that the outer world is only a mirror reflection of your inner state.

His teachings consists of manifesting anything one desired through the Law of Assumption, meaning you just simply have to assume that your desires are fulfilled. He called it “Living in the End” state, the 4D state of being in. What it means is that you only need to focus on the end result and allow your subconscious mind to take care of the manifestation process.

One of the most acclaimed teachings were, the bridge of incidents. The bridge of incidents is the series of situations and life events that lead you to manifesting your desire in reality. Bridge of incidents are usually very specific and unique pertaining to your life events although other people will partake in it as part of your story.

Bridge of Incidents are one of the most interesting aspects of the Law of Assumption since we are aware of our desires. Through the Law of Assumption, they manifests through a bridge of incidents. The bridge of incidents is a chain of linked fortuitous events that occur in such a way that they lead to the desire being fulfilled.

It explains the unpredictable process inherent in the creation. There is a gap between where you are in 3D and where you want to go, the 5D. The bridge of incidents is the series of events in 4D that fill that gap and lead you to your desired outcomes.

What makes it bridge of incidents is that you are usually not aware of its happening until it fully plays out in your 3D reality. There is a profound reason for this to occur as it does. The Universe plays it this way for us so that it allows us to trust the manifestation process and your journey.

Bridge of incidents is not in linear time like most people believe how manifestation works. Linear causation is based on cause and effect, action and reaction, problem, and solution. Linear causation is an illusion created by our senses and our rational mind. It is not how reality really works. The bridge of incidents does not follow the logical causation that we are used to in the physical world.

Whether you are manifesting love, new business, health, or spiritual growth, the bridge of incidents will show up in different ways. It could be an unexpected meeting, a sudden opportunity, or even a perceived setback that eventually leads you to your goal. Having said this, be mindful that even some seemingly negative, undesirable events can be part of the bridge that will lead you to your desire.

All incidents then unfold in a synchronistic fashion, often in ways we could have never predicted or orchestrated ourselves. The key is to recognize these signs and trust the process. It is leading us towards our goal.

We cannot orchestrate bridge of incidents purposely. If you are aligned vibrationally to your desire, bridge of incidents will occur naturally. You must also trust in yourself and what you are manifesting, because it is you that has set the bridge of incidents in motion. This is the direct orchestration of your higher powers.

Birds Before Land

Metamorphically, birds at sea usually signifies that the land is near even if you cannot see it yet. Same ideology applies in manifestation process. It implies that you are getting movement in 3D without seeing the end result yet. It means that you are conforming to your wants and desires, while everyone around you is beginning to feel your manifestation.

Birds before landing is confirmation that your manifestation is close. It’s the result of your internal shifts that are beginning to show up in your outer reality. It is The Universe’s way to continue ushering you forward so that you can meet your end result. The Universe is reassuring you that you are on the right track and to continue with your manifestation.

Birds before land will come to you in the form of signs and syncs, resurrection of old relationships, bridges of incidents, Angel Numbers and so forth. It is up to you to discern what they signify.  When you catch yourself looking at signs, ask yourself why you need them and pay attention to your state. Birds before land can be a rewarding phase as the synchronistic signs continue to happen from time to time.

When it comes to the manifestation process, there are many different interpretations of signs and syncs. Some ardent Law of Attraction followers claim that they are helpful while others claim that signs and syncs set you back. At the end, it is very individualized to one’s own personal soul journey. If you believe they are helping you, then that is your own truth. It shouldn’t matter how others view them.

I hope this article was informative. I pray that this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

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Twin Flame Union

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