The Art Of Forgiveness In Your Soul's Journey
Even though some of my previous articles covered on forgiveness, I felt this topic needed further dissection on all areas and matters. We often wonder why certain cycles and lessons repeat with different circumstances and people as we navigate our soul’s journey. When it comes to our soul healing, one of the biggest areas to work on will be applying forgiveness and moving along with its life lessons. In this article, we will look at how we can heal away and detach once and for all with people and circumstances so that it no longer holds any control on our day to day matters.
Similar to past life karma, forgiveness can also seep into our current reality, so the ability to forgive others and the ability to forgive self for all wrong doings becomes crucial in one’s soul journey. Before we begin the breakdowns of what they are, we should ask ourselves what does the ability to forgive mean. Can we simply forget some of the experiences of the past? Can the wounds of the past leave us scarred for life.
Forgiveness can mean different things to different people in different stages of their soul’s journey. Generally, it involves a decision to let go of anger, resentment and thoughts of revenge. The act that once hurt or offended you, the residuals of that energetic cord will always remain with you unless you apply forgiveness, which can result in lessening its grip on you. You are then able to free yourself from the control of the person or situation that harmed you.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting or excusing the harm done to you or making up with the person who caused the harm. Forgiveness brings a kind of inner peace that helps you go on with life. It is a closure for your peace of mind.
In order for forgiveness to have a negative affect to your current reality, you would have to still be holding on to the trauma experience.
Remember, “Everything is energy. Energy is a form of emotion in motion.” In order to heal this aspect, you must simply let it go.

Reaching A State of Forgiveness
Let’s face it, this is one of the hardest stages to face especially if you feel an unjust has been done to you. Having said this, living in the lower paradigm is only hurting you physically. When you learn to move on and let it go once and for all, you honestly will feel much lighter. You will feel the burden of the past is no longer weighing you down.
By applying and learning the value of forgiveness, you learn to master your state of being in by not feeling victimized by circumstances or people. You may not get the chance to reconcile with the person and heal the circumstances around it, but you will be able to sever the energetic cord tying you to it.
By owning and acknowledging on what has been done to you, it will bring clarity to your psyche. It will also give you a closure you desperately seek on an energetic level. On a soul level, know that those particular experiences were soul lessons which your soul wanted to experience before coming into an embodiment. This then played out as per your original soul script. You can learn more on soul contracts in my article here.
By moving away from being a victim from people and circumstances, you are able to release the control and power the offending people and situation have over your life. It is all about shifting your mindset from victim consciousness. When you are trying to raise your vibration on higher octave, playing the victim card will not have you make this leap. The power of letting go and not being wounded should be your main focus. Relinquish the control on placing the blame and heal from its wounds inflicted.

What happens If We Cannot Forgive?
Forgiving the circumstances and people can place challenges in your healing especially if the person does not admit they have wronged you. Having said this, if you cannot forgive the individual(s) and move on, you will find yourself feeling stuck. Practice empathy and try to see the situation from the person’s point of view and analyze whether you would have done the same in their position. It may not reverse the situation, but at least it will allow you some comfort in knowing some answers.
It may help you to ask why the person behaved in a certain manner that caused you the hurt. By looking at it this way, perhaps you would realize that you would have done the same in similar situation.
For those who have experienced severe trauma, this part could be harder for you to apply. Instead, ask yourself just how long you want to carry the burden of their wrongdoing forward into your future. Wouldn’t you want to release the pain once and for all and look ahead to brighter times? By still being the victim, you are only punishing your state of being in. You cannot change the past, but you can definitely carve your future to a much brighter outlook. Best is to acknowledge the unjust, grieve it off and claim your freedom from the turmoil. It wouldn’t be easy to do so, but you will feel much better when you reach at this stage.
Also, keep in mind that forgiveness is a process of your healing, so it could take time to heal and apply them. Even if the hurt was small, it still leaves a negative imprint in your vibrational frequencies. If you did not feel good receiving it, chances are you are still healing from it. Best to journal what incidents jump out to you whether big or small. Then categorize them in order of incidents and begin your healing.

Why We Hold Grudges
The reason why we hold grudges is that we believe that we are protecting ourselves and our wounds by covering it with layers. This may sound a bit strange but it is true. Think about it. On a subconscious level, who wants to feel horrible by holding on to people and things who have caused us harm?
Having a grudge is a form of anger and resentment. Even though you feel that you have placed a protective armor around your fragile heart, it is actually causing you more harm than good. It keeps you stuck in the same cycles vs healing it permanently. You may believe that keeping a grudge gives you temporary high of pride and valor; it actually has the opposite effect. Instead, it is still feeding fuel to the original wounding.
In fact, holding on to your grudges completely disconnects you from your heart and takes over your mind. Your grudges morphs into a boulder that blocks the light of kindness from reaching your heart center, and becomes an obstacle to your true healing. If you do not let it go, it will control your will to heal by keeping your mind, body and soul toxic.
When your mind, body and soul becomes toxic, your body becomes victim to various diseases such as cancer, weight gain, severe weight loss, depression, heart attacks, high cholesterol levels, sleeping disorder, blood pressure, stress, anxiety and so forth. You get the picture. Because it relates to mental health or state of being in, there are studies that have found that the act of forgiveness can reap huge rewards in physical health state. In fact, this is a proven method now being used by various rehabilitation and medical facilities.
Last thing you want is to feel trapped in your own victim consciousness, so be open to your healing.

Why Heal
You most definitely have a choice to remain wounded or heal the areas of hurt permanently. Only you can decide for yourself how important your freedom is from the chaos of hurt inflicted.
You may also come across situations where you have forgiven someone but their behavior does not change. Getting someone to change isn’t really coming from forgiveness. Applying the principles of forgiveness is mainly for your own healing and growth rather than others involved. It is meant to change and transform your healing, your state of being in from toxic experiences that is slowly poisoning your inner state. You can only change you and your outlook in life, not others. Leave others to tend to their wounding.
During your shadow work, you can also reflect on whether you have knowingly or unknowingly inflicted hurt on someone. If you have done so, avoid being too harsh on yourself and try not to judge. If you find yourself being sorry for what you have done, that is your first step process in your healing. Speak your truth and be sincere to the people or person involved.
You may not be able to force someone else to forgive you, but when you have made a conscious effort in doing your part by asking for forgiveness, know that he/she will either forgive you immediately or take his or her time. Be patient with the outcome and send them positive healing vibes with your best intentions. You cannot control their reactions but you can control how you handle yourself and your actions from herein forth.
Be proud of yourself that you did not hide behind your excuses and reasoning. Admitting to yourself that you were wrong is a positive approach to you owning your mistakes and healing from it.

This is a powerful Hawaiian prayer widely used in spiritual healing. You can find various mediations on YouTube on this. This prayer allows you to heal on a deeper level. It is believed that repetition of Ho’oponopono mantra allows reprogramming of the subconscious mind for better healing. When you feel sorry, it helps you to get rid of the clogs within you. By applying I love you, you are letting go of any resentment. By applying gratitude, you are thankful for the soul lessons learnt. As you enchant the Ho’oponopono mantra, you would discover comfort and security within yourself regarding forgiveness, love and gratitude.
Another powerful way to heal will be working with counselors and psychiatrists who are licensed and trained to help you ease through the inflicted trauma. Working with spiritual healers who deal with inner child healing will also be of help. Doing full moon rituals will also give you closures on matters. You can try some of my suggested moon rituals here.
Past life healing work will also show you similar patterns and incidents which could have bled into your current life as well. Working with healers who can take you back into your past lives can also show you the root cause of similar situations and traumas. Healing from the root heals current wounds as well.
By applying forgiveness in your healing and soul’s journey, you will not only heal the current state of your mind but you also claim your sovereignty. You manifest better relationships with people. You manifest better circumstances in all matters of your life be it health and abundance. Forgiveness is a choice so ask yourself what you are choosing. Do you choose to operate from love, or do you choose to operate from hate. Do you choose freedom from your mind, or you choose being trapped in your own chaos.
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Know your journey, know your connection.
Twin Flame Union