Picture of Vineeta Kumar

Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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Those Who Have Not Met Their Twin Flame

Those Who Have Not Met Their Twin Flame

One of the most frequent dilemma most Twin Flames have is that they are awakened to the journey, but they have not met their Twin Flame yet. They know that they exist because most often they begin to sense them already energetically. Most are confused then, frantically waiting for this person to appear so that they can commence their Twin Flame dynamics and journey.

I have news for you. Your journey has already begun the moment you became aware that you are a Twin Flame. Your journey is no different from the rest of the Twin Flame collectives. The only difference is that you still haven’t met your Twin Flame in actual physical reality, but they have begun triggering you energetically in 5D with closeness and distances, the push and pull scenario you see other fellow Twin Flames endure.

Which brings me to the next most frequent asked question. If I am in embodiment, are they also? This will be different for everyone for the simple fact that it all depends on one’s Soul contract. If you are scripted to meet your Twin Flame in this lifetime, trust that you and your Twin Flame’s Higher Selves will introduce you both when they deem is the right Divine Timing. Unfortunately, by you frantically worrying and not concentrating on your journey will not make them show up in your life any faster. If this was the case, you would have met them by now.

Your Twin Flame is already communicating with you along with your Guides. While these signs merely give you an idea, it is up to you to discern what that means for you. Some of the signs you will encounter in spiritual journey is

  • Infinity Symbol. A Twin Flame symbol which denotes no beginning, no end, cannot be measured or calculated through times, space and dimensions. A number 8
  • A Twin Flame spirit animal which mates for life and means transformation from 3D paradigm of lead ego to 5D paradigm of gold consciousness.
  • Various Twin Flame Numbers for example 11, 111, 1111, 222, 888, 717. See my blog on Twin Flame numbers.
  • Ying and Yang Symbol. A Twin Flame symbol of cosmic duality set on two opposing complimentary cosmic energies. Number 69.
  • Two hearts entwined.
  • One or two hearts with infinity symbol.
  • 5D sexual encounter with Twin Flame, which can trigger one’s Kundalini Awakening.
  • That deep knowing in your heart that you will meet your Twin Flame soon.
  • They will appear in your dreams to give you further messages and insights.

You will somehow feel and know if they are in embodiment or not. Your Twin Flame’s Higher Self will convey this to you as per your own psychic abilities. If you are still unsure, you can try asking Source this question by doing a Twin Flame test. To find out whether your Twin is in a physical embodiment or not, do this Twin Flame test. Know that you will meet with success and you will know once and for all where you stand in your journey.

If your Twin is not in embodiment, you will continue your Twin Flame journey and will be aligned with a Soulmate who will be very close to a Twin Flame template. This was again pre scripted for you by your Higher Self and your Twin Flame’s Higher Self before you incarnated. You will be paired with the right people for your Soul growth and ascension process who will be an exact match to your vibrational alignment.

72-Hour Twin Flame Test

Dear God

I already know I am a Twin Flame. What I need to know is whether my Twin Flame is incarnated, just like me here on earthly plane. Please give me a clear sign of a ______ to indicate that my Twin Flame is indeed here on Planet Gaia. Please give me 3 signs in 72 hours to tell me that my Twin Flame has incarnated. Please also give me a bonus sign that we are going to come in physical contact with each other, and as well as in physical union at some point in my journey.

By you validating this for me, I will know as time goes what is expected of me in order to fulfil my life purpose and Twin Flame mission. As always, thank you for being my strength and light. I love you!


For the Twin Flame test, write either a letter or an email to yourself or write a letter. If you are writing a letter, then burn it after 72 hours. You can repeat the test any time you are guided to do so. Many collectives have tried this method and have received their answers, along with meeting their real Twin Flame in physical reality. This is a proven effective method.

Source (God) is whoever you visualize as per your faith. Many blessings and good luck! Please do let me know if this test worked for you. I always love hearing about this. Many already shared their experiences successfully.

A channeled message for Twin Flames…

I am always with you. Call upon me for guidance.

Archangel Michael

Guardian of Twin Flames

I hope this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

Know your journey, know your connection.

Twin Flame Union

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Twin Flame Union

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