Twin Flame And Limerence
This article is an interesting topic. When I discovered many Law of Attraction experts and coaches are basing the Twin Flame concept as Limerence, I decided to research on the topic. In fact, some of my clients brought this subject up during their personal sessions with me, which they had heard within social media community and web articles. Some Twin Flames find it quite confusing on whether they should base their Twin Flame connection as limerence.
This is becoming a popular topic within the spiritual community. While I can see why it may be perceived for Twin Flame experience as being limerence, it is still a difference of night and day between the latter.
I always say that unless you are in an actual Twin Flame journey and dealing with your own Twin Flame, your divine counterpart, you will not fully know what the entire Twin Flame experience or the journey is. You will not know the soul healing and growth that the journey entails.
In this article, I will debunk what limerence is and why you shouldn’t be listening to those who are advising otherwise. Before we begin diving deep down into the topic, let’s dive into what “limerence” actually means.
Limerence is a state of mind deriving from romantic feelings for another person, a desire to form or maintain a relationship with the object of love and to have one’s feelings reciprocated. Limerence is defined as a state of mind towards a limerent object which includes obsessive thoughts and fantasies to have a relationship with your limerent object and to maintain it.
At times, the intense desire can become obsessive with intrusive and melancholic thoughts or behaviors. The experience of limerence is different from love or lust and is often based on the uncertainty that the person you desire, the limerent object also desires you. Since limerence is the absolute desire to be desired, it is a cognitive process where mental, emotional and physical state becomes part of the experience. As the focus of limerence is to have the limerent object reciprocate the feelings by falling in love with the person, it is almost always one-sided. It is agonizing to one’s psyche when the limerent object does not reciprocate the feelings to the other person.
Twin Flames
Often the relationship takes place when both meet and an intense desire for one another forms. During the bubble up phase, both experience the intensity of desire equally. Both feel instant recognition of having met the other person before. Both share mutual passion and desire for one another. Old wounds and patterns resurface which leads one Twin Flame to flee from the connection. The stayer Twin Flame then awakens to the spiritual journey, which then catapults in self-healing and self-transformation from the root causes from within.
As you can see from the overview, based on both the comparison, there is a vast difference between limerence and the concept of a Twin Flame relationship.
Having Twin Flame experiences can be very powerful as they have a huge impact on your life and how it can reveal some of your unhealed wounding or unmet needs. Even when the runner Twin Flame is running away from the connection, the stayer Twin Flame knows and feels their in-depth love for them. Most Twin Flames know that their divine counterpart as absolutely besotted with them but the unhealed wounds come forward for both Twin Flames to heal and harness before any permanent union happens.

Mistaken Connection
This is where it can become tricky if you are not dealing with an actual Twin Flame. Most often people get confused that during their Twin Flame awakening phase, they are dealing with their Twin Flame. Not all the time you will be dealing with a Twin Flame. Sometimes you will meet others in a form of a Soulmate who catapults you into spiritual healing. During the awakening process, you will begin to feel your Twin Flame energetically in the 5D roam but it does not necessarily mean that the person you perceive it to be your Twin Flame in 3D is in fact your real Twin Flame.
72 hour Twin Flame test will give you a good indication whether he/she is your Twin Flame. If you discover that this person is not your Twin Flame, then they have come in the form of a False Twin Flame, also known as Catalyst Twin Flame. They are still part of your soul group and are here to assist in catapulting you into the next phase of your life, along with bringing the awareness that you are in a Twin Flame journey.
False Twin Flame play an integral role to get you into the next phase of your Twin Flame awakening process and the journey. After serving their mission, the connection dies organically with no reconciliation.
If you are not able to distinguish the limerent object and your False Twin Flame, the connection can feel one sided. It can feel that they never were into you as the way you were into them. Even in this instance, your False Twin Flame would have desired you at some point for you to feel that you both had something special.
Twin Flame relationship is a spiritual one which heralds one to self-transformation and spiritual healing. Traumas such as inner child issues, ancestral and family trauma, past lives karma, patterns and conditioning can resurface for both Twins to heal and release.
False Twin Flame can also make you feel that you know them from before from your past life. You will believe them to be your Twin Flame and by then you would have conjured up the idea that you both were meant to be. Of course this is all based on a subconscious level. As you get deeper into the connection, you get to the point to understanding the similarities in the behavioral pattern and conjure the idea that you can unconsciously predict how they might react to everything pertaining to the connection.

Why Limerence Is A Condition
Typically based on psychological childhood traumas, one can gravitate to a limerent object to feel wanted, validated and loved. These behaviors develop during early childhood development when there is some sort of neglect by the care giver or guardian such as parents, siblings or close relatives. Most will associate limerence as wanting to be heard or cherished.
The limerent individual sometimes does not have a particular love interest but longs to fall in love and be loved in return. So during their search to fall in love with someone, when someone they meet begins to show some signs of reciprocation, they become their object of limerence. Typically, a limerent person doesn’t choose their partners carefully but instead seeks anyone who will love them completely and passionately. This all stems from being loved.
Idealization fuels limerence so if you want to get over it, you must begin to look at it through the lenses of reality and seeing it for what it is, rather than what it could be.
In any case, although they both can look similar, both connections have a night and day difference. The challenge is that once you get hooked on the idea that your limerent object is your Twin Flame, you can easily lose sight of the bigger picture and what limerence actually is. You will have obsessive feelings, thoughts and emotions regarding your limerent object and you might begin to justify your limerent relationship through the lenses of a Twin Flame one.

Why Twin Flame Connection Is Not Limerence
Twin Flame connection are always soul based connection and the history between the pair originates from one soul origin. During its soul evolution, two souls split into different embodiment. Both split souls then incarnated in many lifetimes for soul growth. At times they also incarnated in multiple lifetimes as a catalyst to each other’s soul growth and experience.
In some lifetimes they incarnated together, while in other lifetimes, they incarnated separately.
Limerence does not play any role in this type of connection because anything that happens between the two is pre-scripted. Their meeting is predestined and scripted. Their romance is pre-scripted. Their separation is also pre-scripted. Even their reconciliation is pre-scripted.
When it comes to Twin Flames, nothing happens out of alignment from their Higher Self or Soul level. Twin Flames have the support system of the entire Universe, be it their Ascended Masters, Guidance Team, Animal Spirit Totems, or any forms of higher beings that are supporting their union process. During the course of their Twin Flame journey, they encounter nonstop signs from the Universe that they are in the right path.
When dealing with a Limerent object, since it is not in alignment with your soul plan, it is not guided spiritually by the Universe. You will not see signs and syncs, nor will you receive any assistance from the higher beings such as Ascended Masters, Angelic Beings, Guides, Animal Totems and so forth.
Knowing this aspect is crucial as there are so many mistaken advises given by Law of Attraction coaches and in professional therapy. It is best to dive deep into your own connection and scrutinize which side of the spectrum your connection falls under.
Being a Twin Flame and living the Twin Flame experience is your soul calling. No matter what stage of your Twin Flame connection you are currently in regards to your own Twin Flame, you will not be able to defy what the journey can bring. The journey can come in forms of lessons, spirituality, healing karmic ties, or simply balancing karma from other lives, the list goes on.
It is your job to discern what your own truth is. Do your research diligently. I hope this article was informative. I pray that this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection.
Twin Flame Union