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Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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Twin Flame and their Karmic

Twin Flame And Their Karmic

Twin Flames dealing with karmic connections are one of the most controversial topics discussed within the community for the simple reason being that many collectives are in a third-party relationship or connection dynamics. There are many different types of scenarios, which I will explain in detail as to why karmic relationships are pivotal in our soul agreement or soul contracts. Whether you are dealing with a karmic or not, stay with me on this, as I will explain how this applies to you. In all this, it is meant to provide you with specific soul lessons and higher learning for your soul growth and experiences. I have been reluctant to expand on this subject as I do not have much experience in this area, but have observed enough to do some justice to the article.

Let me be honest with you, while I point out some of the lessons through a Twin Flame experience, it may trigger you. Try to stay with me until the end as you might have a better understanding behind your dilemmas and why regardless of what circumstances you are enduring with your Twin, you always have the right to choose you. The whole Twin Flame experience teaches us self-worth and self-love. If you are having a difficult time dealing with this, your Twin will trigger this within you to heal on a much deeper level.

What is Karma?

Karma is borrowed from Sanskrit word karam. Karma is a concept of Hinduisms, which explains through a system where beneficial effects are derived from past beneficial actions and harmful effects from past harmful actions, creating a system of actions and reactions throughout a soul’s reincarnated lives forming a cycle of rebirth.

“Karma” literally means “action,” and more broadly names the Universal Principle of cause and effect, action and reaction, which Hindus believe governs all consciousness. Karma is not fate, for we act with what can be described as a conditioned free will creating out our own destinies. Karma refers to the totality of our actions and their concomitant reactions in this and previous lives, all of which determines our future. The conquest of karma lies in intelligent action and dispassionate reaction. Not all karmas rebound immediately. Some accumulate and return unexpectedly in this or other lifetimes. ~ Wikipedia

Karmic word is derived from the word “karma”, meaning residuals stemming from past life which bled into this lifetime forming karmic cycles. There is no such thing as reaping the rewards of bad deeds as karma. Not figuratively speaking anyway since on a soul form, there is no ego, no judgement, no fear, no hate, no resentment and so forth. These are lower 3D vibrational frequency which being in a soul’s journey demands to be released for the 5D paradigm to anchor. From a soul level, all is bliss. You can only experience emotions in an embodiment.

Remnants of karma can come in forms of old patterns, beliefs, patriarchal conditioning, trauma, family lineage, religious or cultural barriers and so forth. This is where karmic soul agreements come in. Since you and your Twin Flame are born with soul amnesia, part of their job is to help you relive some of the experiences through your Twin Flame connection. On a soul level there is no ego. Before you incarnated, your higher self wanted to gain certain experiences and lessons for your soul growth so other souls volunteered to help you live these experiences.

According to Albert Einstein, “God does not play dice.” What he meant by this is that all course of events are predetermined. In fact, some scientists recently discovered a theory that there is one in a trillion chance for a soul to incarnate into this world. As you can see, the odds are unfathomable. The soul chooses their parents and during the course of their lifespan, each soul they encounter is part of their soul life script. The soul chose what date, time and location of their birth they wanted to be born under. They chose which planetary stars and alignment to be born under so that it assists them to stay on course with their life script and life path. 

This is why astrology is used as one of the most accurate way to obtain past, present and future predictions. Everything is preset and preordained. Nothing is a coincidence so if you are living a Twin Flame experience, you can blame your higher self because no one else did this to you.

“The more you resist, the more they persist.” ~ Carl Jung.

Those who get into the advanced stage of their soul evolution, they surrender to their higher self and allow the lessons to unfold and follow completion. For additional information regarding different types of soul contracts, click here. Now that you have a basic idea of how karma plays out karmic cycles, let’s dive deeper into the scenarios.

Relationship Scenarios

relationship scenarios

You Both Are Single

Though you and your Twin Flame may be single, previous karmic ties may hinder your connection. This may roll out as one of your blocks where one or both are still learning karmic lessons from their previous partners. One of the areas to heal may come in form of learning forgiveness whether it applies to you or your ex-partner. You or your Twin Flame may also have issues getting into a serious committed relationship due to past painful karmic experiences. Souls chose these types of hindering obstacles so that both Twins dig deeper into their healing which could be stemming from past life or even current life scenarios.

In the case with my Twin, we both are single but have karmic cycles and lessons to complete. In reality, one of the blocks in our dynamics is that he is afraid to get into a relationship due to past karmic relationship. When I began healing my past life blocks, this showed up in our dynamics as I saw patterns of how I abandoned him. Therefore, in reality through scenarios such as this, once you dig deeper, you see other issues beneath the apparent surface blocks.

One of the most effective way of healing is removing any energetic cords between your karmic partner(s) and you. The reason why you want to remove any energetic cords is so that you are not energetically tied to this person. Other connections are simply energetic connections in forms of good or bad cords attachment.  If you are energetically connected, especially if it’s not on positive note, this could become draining. When you are sexual with another human being, you absorb his or her very essence by mixing it with your own essence. You absorb their good and their bad energies. The more sexual partners you have, the more energetic cords need to be severed. This is why many choose to be single rather than mingling with other temporary partners while they work on their healing and soul lessons, not to mention that they are still in energetic 5D relationship with their Twin and reap benefits as if they were in a real physical relationship.

Try doing my energetic cord cutting meditation on YouTube.

You Have Not Met Your Twin Flame Yet

This is also very similar to Twins who are single as well. Similar dynamics but the only difference is that you are aware of your Twin Flame in 5D connection but have not met them yet.

What this means is that you have begun to sense them in your energetic field. In your case, you will heal your previous or current karmic ties.

This can apply to you whether you are single or with a karmic. If you are with a karmic, one of the hurdles the journey teaches is to begin emptying your full cup.

I have personally seen this happened to a few Twins, that as soon as they begin to deal with their karmic ties and begin the process of untying their karmic connection, the actual Twin Flame appears and more blocks surface up for clearing and healing.

Either ways, it is pivotal whether you are single or not to begin clearing karmic ties and energetic cords.

Your Twin is Not in Embodiment

Again, in this dynamics, you already are aware that your Twin Flame has passed away or they never took a human incarnation. Either ways, you are very aware of your physical connection through their higher self and by their energetic bond.

Whether you are single or with a partner, keep clearing loose karmic patterns, beliefs and bonds with ex partners or lovers. If you were romantically involved with your Twin Flame while they were alive, don’t be surprised if certain soul lessons and karmic blocks may have surfaced up for your current healing. Diving into this area would be part of your soul alchemy and evolution.

Your Twin Flame is With Karmic

twin flame with karmic

Which brings to me this dynamic where a good portion of the collectives are where their Twin Flame is dealing with a karmic partner. This may not appeal to you but I will point this out from the first go that you and your Twin Flame wanted to experience very specific lessons, and the karmic partner volunteered to assist you both in this process.

Of course this all happened when all of you were in soul form. When it comes to your soul growth, bashing your Twin Flame and their karmic partner will not do you any favor.

There is no such thing as their karmic being very toxic or that they are using dark forces to sabotage your union with your Twin. All this is a lower 3D vibration paradigm, which you want to steer away from. In order to anchor 5D paradigm, you need to return to the original soul form where there is no ego, which can come in forms of jealously, anger, resentment, lack of forgiveness, lack of trust and so forth.

Just because you are in a Twin Flame connection does not entitle them to three time you. It is up to you to discern what your self-worth means to you; even if you both did meet under those circumstances; you do not have to remain in it. You see, these circumstances were also pre-scripted, so it was inevitable, but how you take this herein forward is up to you.

You Are With a Karmic Partner

I have already covered this one briefly in other scenarios so you might want to glance once more. You see, when it comes to Twin Flame journey or Law of Attraction, it treats everyone equally. “In order for your cup to be filled by your Twin Flame, you need to empty it first.”

This is part of your connection block and it is up to you on how you want to change the scenario. In Twin Flame connection, many blocks surface up for the couple to heal. One of them is money matters and other one is children. This could very well be one or both your case and theirs. The journey demands you to sort out all affairs and loose ends, and karmic relationship is one of them.

This was again meant to happen, and let’s face it, if your relationship was a bliss, no one could have penetrated it even if it is a Twin Flame. Time to make some serious decisions, as you are not doing anyone involved any favors. What this means for you, only you can decide.

Regardless of which scenario you are currently in, bottom line is that if you are currently in a relationship with your karmic, you may want to begin thinking about how fair you are being with them by constantly having thoughts of your Twin Flame.

Let’s face it, if you are in reality energetically connected with your Twin Flame, it is very hard to remove them off your mind as they live there twenty four seven, almost to the point of insane obsession. This is perfectly normal to feel this way when it comes to your beloved but if you have other romantic connections, keep this in mind that if the tables were turned, you wouldn’t like it being done to you.

What I observed among collectives, when karmic patterns and blocks are not healed, through other future relationship, same issues playout like a broken record.

Good examples are Hollywood movies, Ground Hog Day or Edge of Tomorrow. After reading this, as you can see why karmic lessons are experienced through many connections for your soul growth as everyone played a big part in your soul evolvement.

Hope this article clarifies why everyone’s lessons with their karmic ties are important and that you chose them to be in your life for a reason. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

Know your journey, know your connection

Twin Flame Union

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