In this article I will walk you through some of the most acclaimed Twin Flame myths that is rattling the Twin Flame industry. There’s many false teaching and false information that has circulated in the internet and the community. It is up to you to discern what information resonates with you.
Articles are still written by people from their own perspective and their own level of consciousness. When I was learning about the journey and concepts, I did my research. At that time, I was learning for myself but as time went, Spirit was preparing for another role and that was to be a Twin Flame Teacher.
It is easier to be a healer and a psychic than to be a Twin Flame Teacher. Most who are teaching will be the first to tell you how they get a lot of collectives inflicting their own wounding on them, often stemming from their lack of healing and knowledge about what Twin Flame journey.
Teaching is not for all, but the ones who are doing it will tell you themselves that it is not an easy task.
Not only will I debunk some of the most common Twin Flame myths, but also teach you a more correct outlook to it.
You have more than one Twin Flame. This baffles me each time when teachers teach this for the simple reason being that they went through many relationships, so they made it fit to their Twin Flame connections. They are so fixated of the Twin Flame idea, that every connection has to be a Twin Flame connection. If this was the case, Twin Flames will be not known as Twin Flames. They would have been called triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets and so forth.
Don’t pay attention to labels. Labels are not important. Yes, maybe labels are not important to you for the reasons being this is your money making business. If you know the differences between different Soul Contracts, be it Twin Flame, Soulmate, Karmic, Catalyst Twin Flame connections, you know that each play a very specific role in one’s Twin Flame journey. I am only a Twin Flame Teacher, so I am gearing this article on Twin Flames. See my article on Differences Between Twin Flames, Soulmates and Karmic Contracts.
Everyone is a Twin Flame. This concept makes no sense to me logically by the simple fact if everyone is a Twin Flame, then why are they not awakened to the Twin Flame journey? This could be true that not all chose to live a Twin Flame experience in this lifetime but how relevant is this? Outside of Twin Flame community, I only know 2 Twin Flame couples and 2 Twin Flames. How is that the rest are not in a Twin Flame journey? Shouldn’t they all be then? Unless you are personally going around waking the rest of 7+billion people on this planet for their Twin Flame experience, best to leave this as a theory. Whether it is true or not true is not your concern. My best advice to you is to concentrate on your own Twin Flame journey and what lessons you need to learn, rather than worrying about this aspect. If you are a real Twin Flame, you have more on your plate than you can ever imagine.
You have multiple Catalyst Twin Flames. Oh my, just one Catalyst or Near Twin Flame who you pre scripted with before birthing to learn very specific Soul lessons and to allow them to prepare you for the arrival of the real Twin Flame. Not all will have one as it all depends on your own individual Soul Contract. Other connections were either Soulmate or Karmic connections. To learn more on Catalyst Twin Flame, see full article here.
There are dark forces that are trying to sabotage your Twin Flame connection. I personally have heard it all myself. Black magic, voodoo, you name it. Twin Flame’s Karmic partner is using dark forces to sabotage my Twin Flame connection and so forth. This is a Divine connection. Trust Divine and that it cannot be sabotaged. There’s no such thing as black magic, voodoo etc. If you feel that Karmic partner’s influences are present, then this is just another contract you both signed up for, or past life block which is bleeding into your current reality. Try digging in your past lives. Chances are, you will get your answer.
You can cut cords with your Twin Flame. You couldn’t cut cords in previous lifetimes, nor can you cut cords in this lifetime. The connection is designed this way so that you begin your Soul Alchemy and integrate Soul lessons and experiences. You should be cutting energetic cords with other people who had a negative impact in your life so that they you are not energetically tethered with them. They could be past lovers, crushes, friends, colleagues, family. Besides your Twin Flame, you surely have other people around you, or one hopes.
144,000 Twin Flames as Light Workers to lift planetary vibration. Drum roll please…I read the Bible verse in Revelations. How can this be logically accurate when Revelations Chapter in the Bible was written 95AD? How is this even accurate with 7+ billion current human Soul occupancy, almost 20,000 years later with evolution? I explain in depth on my take on 144,000 Angel Number. You can find my article on 144,000 here.
There’s no such labels as Goldray, Pinkray, Blueray Twin Flames or God knows what colors and spectrum. This is again ego based labels which people gave themselves to show more superiority than the other. There are many who originated from these backgrounds such as Starseeds, Atlantians, Lemurians, Pleiadians. You would have been shown specifically by your Team if you originated from there.
Twin Flame union comes in waves among the collectives such as 1st wave, 2nd wave, 3rd wave and so forth. My goodness, who made these rules? How is this even accurate? What happened to Soul Alchemy and Divine Planning by allowing the Universe to deliver when it is meant to?
There are no set stages of Twin Flame journey. If you come across articles that say 7 stages, 10 stages and so forth, click off. The stages are what you make of it through Soul Alchemy, the Alchemical Ascension Stage! Read my article on, 12 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy where I explain in detail. To me, Twin Flame journey cannot be categorized in stages. You make your own stages as per your own soul experiences, healing and Soul lessons. No journey is set up this way. Each journey is individualized as per your Soul contract. Though journey is the same for all collectives, the scenario is unique as them. My advice is to focus on your Soul Alchemy and past life blocks to allow the Universe to do its course.
Twin Flames can be blood family members. Both must be in a romantic connection for the triggers to occur for deep inner Soul healing. The carrot has to be juicy enough to be dangled for Soul shock to occur. Sorry for those who think a relative member is their Twin Flame, though in some cultures, cousins marry each other, so there has been some who have their Twin Flame as a cousin in a romantic setting. You can have multiple Soulmates as family members, but never a Twin Flame. Another reason is that in this lifetime, all Twin Flames have to be in some sort of romantic dynamics as this is their last incarnation. In past lives, they may have incarnated as family members but not this life as Karma has to be balanced before merging with Source Energy, back to its Soul origin.
Mirror exercises are excellent tool in Twin Flame journey. Mirror exercises do not work. You both mirror each other by doing inner healing and Soul Alchemy. Your Twin Flame will mirror your deepest and darkest core wounding on unconscious, subconscious and conscious level, from this lifetime and past lives. Only mirror exercise you should do is, “I am…!” Sorry, nothing else will work for this exercise.
Same sex couples cannot be Twin Flames. On a Soul level, all souls are Androgynous. Past life work shows that you incarnated as male in some lives and female in others. In reality, your Twin Flame could be the same sex as you, which might cause you to question your sexuality and other beliefs about life such as religion, gender or sexual preferences.
Twin Flame matrix. You are more awakened than your Twin Flame. How do you know this? This is a false misconception among the collectives that the Divine Feminine (DF) energy, most often the chaser is more awakened than their Twin Flame, Divine Masculine (DM) energy, most often the runner. DM births Twin Flame awakening energetically in 5D and later supports the DF through many signs and syncs so that they can catapult the journey forward. Even if it seems they are running in physical reality, they are energetically tethered to the DF. They show up energetically in healing sessions. In physical reality, they are focused in building their empire, their primal instinct for survival and to look after their family. This is a team alliance and partnership.
My Twin Flame is not spiritual. How can you be so sure? In the years I have been serving Twin Flames, almost all explain in some stage of their connection, their Twin Flame gave them specific clues regarding their soul connection. Whether this is on subconscious level, or in conscious level, they would have given some sort of indication. If you feel that your Twin Flame is not spiritual, I suggest you self reflect on why you believe this to be. Upon self reflection, you will get a different answer.
Your Twin Flame completes you. Though split from the same Soul eons ago, you are a whole being and they are a whole being. You are you, and they are they. Just because they are your Twin Flame does not entitle you to feel that they are yours to own. Any connection is based on mutual respect and space. You need to complete you. The journey is all about coming into union within self, which may reflect in union with one’s Twin Flame as per one’s Soul contract, or someone better who matches your vibrational alignment.
Self-healing is the only type of healing one needs. If this was the case, you would have been able to “self heal” and reunite with your Twin Flame. Let me tell you, energy is fluid. Invest in your journey. You didn’t learn without paying for education. Self-healing doesn’t access deeper subconscious wounds, whereas someone who is gifted in the area can help you access it better.
Twin Flames have a specific age gap between them. There is no such thing. Look around you. Do you see same age gap between couples in your surroundings. If not, then there is no similarity between Twin Flame couples. Each have their own age gap, their own life path number, their own astrological placements etc, although there are some Twin Flame couples who share these syncs as well, but it does not have to be the case for all.
Don’t pay attention to signs and syncs. This is not true. Yes, you shouldn’t only depend on signs and syncs alone while skipping your healing. This is a false misconception to allow Divine Timing to unfold naturally while you wait. At the end, you are the creator of your own dreams and desires. Only you can change your vibration and consciousness. Sorry, there is no magic wand.
Your Twin Flame will not support your Twin Flame mission work. There is no such thing. Because you are in a Divine soul partnership, they agreed to assist you energetically to perform your soul mission work. In fact, they will be intrigued by knowing that you are serving as a Light Worker. For those who are waiting for your DM to return so that together you commence your mission work, I suggest you commence anyway. As your true Twin Flame, they will support you either way.
Hope this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates.
Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection
Twin Flame Union