Twin Flames And 1111
I have written a few articles on number sequences yet you could say it took me this long to write an article on Angel Number 1111. Not that I was not ready to write it earlier but because the flood of messages I was channeling on this powerful number duo, I wanted to wait and do justice to it. I can truly admit that this is the time for me to expand my knowledge on this particular number sequence.
I always say that teachers teach Twin Flame journey based on their own consciousness and cosmic soul evolution. This particular Angel Number has so many different layers to it but for the purpose of Twin Flame journey itself, I will only mention how it will aid in your spiritual journey. You can of course look up the meaning further if you find that this article is not expanding on your own particular quest for further knowledge. You will have no problem finding other articles on it.
After all, Angel Number 1111 is also known as the ultimate Twin Flame number sequence. When it came to my Twin Flame and myself, this number served in many ways. I found that whenever I am being bombarded with Angel Number 1111, my own Twin Flame is in the horizon and an encounter with him is in the works. This synchronicity served in my Twin Flame mission work on a platform as a Twin Flame Teacher.
If you are in a Twin Flame journey, chances are, you have already encountered this number over the course of your soul awakening. Read this article a couple of times and even come back to it whenever you make a breakthrough in your journey. I know over the course of my own Twin Flame journey, from time to time, I had to come back and look at the vast meanings behind this powerful number sequence.
Master Number 11
In Numerology, the number 11 is considered to be a Master Number. Master Number 11 contains the influences of both numbers 1 and 2. It holds the correlation to take action through our intuition and has the ability to access the higher frequencies and different levels of soul awakening. This is why unlike other number sequences, 11/11 Gateways are really considered to be so powerful.
Unlike other numbers, Master Number cannot be reduced into a single digit number. Master Number 1 is connected to the sovereign energy of leadership, innovation, individuality, independence and boldness. It births through the force of creation into the masculine Yang energy.
Number 2 is part of the feminine Yin energy which is associated with birth, partnership, balance, empathy and harmony. Joined together they form Master Number 11.
Number 11 magnifies the qualities associated with Number One. One being the ultimate oneness of one’s own soul origin. When it comes to Twin Flames, because the oneness comes from the two souls which split from its soul origin and then incarnated separately and together in other lifetimes, Number 11 then becomes very prominent in their connection.
Hence why it is considered a Twin Flame number. If you look into your own connection with your Twin Flame, you will find Number 11 holds very significant.
For example, I met my own Twin Flame in year 2018 which is Number 11. We met on June 7 online, then 4 days later on June 11th, we met in person. 7+4=11. The syncs are very apparent in my case. Our first name initials when rounded off becomes Number 11. Our individual mobile numbers when added rounds off to Number 11.
As you can see, Number 11 holds a huge significance in my own Twin Flame connection. If you have not read my article on Twin Flame Number 11, you can do so here.
Master Number 11 is considered to be the most intuitive number and it carries strong codes of initiation, psychic ability, spirituality, and enlightenment. Master Number 11 also carries the codes of liberation, shedding old habits, clearing negativity, and stepping into something new. This number is all about transformation of the old and forming a new version of your divine self.

1111 Gateway
1111 is a gateway portal. The four pillars resembles a passage or a doorway in which a person receives ascension codes and divine downloads. Through this ascension column within the corridor of the 1111 gateway, you are ushered into a higher level of your frequency through your soul mastery. You are able to embody your divine truth and wisdom and as well as be able to understand and act on your intuitive guidance. You are able to channel higher energies in the form of Angelic beings and high level Guides who you will find are supporting your soul’s expansion. Through these higher beings, you are able to take the next step to your ascension process and timeline shifts.
Another way of looking at the 1111 gateway is that this can be a point of timeline shifts where you now embody into higher energetic vibration through many synchronicities, divine guidance and light body embodiment. Through higher frequencies you can find yourself emitting love and light to the world.
Many begin to embody their sovereign power through the knowledge received and light codes received. Claiming your sovereign means to fully claim your own path, your own truth, to choose your wellbeing and to see yourself as being empowered in each choice you make to walk forward on your own heroic soul’s journey.
Claiming your sovereignty in relationships is having the ability to make your own decisions and to choose who you are in a relationship with, and how much space to give others in your life. It is having the individual power to walk away from any situations and people that are no longer in alignment with your heart and soul.
Claiming your sovereignty in religious and societal pressure is having the ability to choose what part of cultural, religious and societal expectations no longer serve your higher purpose. During this stage, you have the power to choose and not to choose what no longer serves your highest soul alignment and wellbeing.
4 Of Wands In Tarot
In numerology, number four symbolizes stability and firm foundations, and with the Four of Wands, you are now enjoying a period of happiness and security. Happiness can be in the form of marriage, family life, career, business or any abundance, depending on the reading.
The Four of Wands is a card of joyful celebration, blissful happiness and appreciation for the good things in life. When this card appears in a Tarot reading, it is the perfect time to celebrate with those you love the most. You may celebrate a significant event or milestone such as a wedding, birthday, homecoming or reunion.

Stay On Course
Angels are guiding you to stay on your path. It’s a message that you are on the right path filled with many opportunities that can fulfill your purpose. It’s also a sign to awaken your spiritual side and to connect with the divine. It’s also all about manifestation. Your manifesting powers are amplified at a lightning speed.
Your manifestation will have a tendency to fulfil all your dreams and desires, but it requires you to follow your intuition and universal guidance. It heralds you to take action by setting clear and positive intentions for crucial aspects of your life in the areas of relationships, career, health, business and finances.
It reminds you to pay attention to your thoughts and whatever you are intensely thinking about as it will manifest in your physical reality. So if you are feeling good about your thoughts that you are focused on, it’s a reassurance from the Universe that you will soon manifest it in your physical reality.
Angel Number 1111 also reminds you that whatever thoughts you have is going to manifest at a lightning speed so it is important to remain positive and to think positive at all times so that you only manifest the positive things and not the negative things. If you see Angel number 111, it reminds you also that you have the power to manifest the good and the bad things. Angel Number 1111 is the manifestation of Angel Number 111.
Angel Number 1111 is also a sign that all things in your life are a direct result of your thoughts and feelings, be it the past, present or the future. It explains that you are harnessing your energy to create a vibration from within you which will attract things with the same vibration to you. So if you are attracting a relationship, health, or financial matter, seeing a vision of Angel Number 1111 correlating with your desired intent means that your specific desire is on its way to you.

Twin Flame Relationship
Once there is an awareness of the intense connection between both Twin Flames, and they have achieved 3D contact with each other, rapid showing of Angel Number 1111 can indicate a relationship can form between both Twin Flames soon.
The closer things get to the relationship in the 3D, the more often they are likely to see Angel Number 1111. At this point, it’s important to acknowledge that the relationship isn’t the end of the process but merely another step towards their union 5D process.
Seeing Angel Number 1111 also suggests not to leave your guard down, as the relationship is going to be tested. At no point you should take this journey lightly from this point on forward, due to its core frequency driving your growth and ascension process, whether you are together or not, whether in separation or not, whether in reunion or not, can bring you tests of its times.
Another major step of the Twin Flame journey and a significant connection to Angel Number 1111 is the fact that the twins are harmonizing with the frequency of the Twin Flame union or reunion. At this point, seeing Angel Number 1111 is going to be a confirmation that you have made a lot of progress with your journey and that you are headed for the wonderful point of achieving a harmonious union.
Angel Number 1111 is connected to themes of love and Twin Flame energy. If you keep seeing this number, it could be a sign that you are about to connect with your Twin Flame in physical reality, or that love is nearby. If you are seeking deep meaningful spiritual connections, then this is your sign. If you see this number and your mind immediately goes to a certain person you desire, this is another surefire sign of encouragement from the Universe that your connection with them are divinely guided.
During Twin Flame Separation
Is Angel Number 1111 synchronicity a confirmation that Twin Flame separation is ending? Yes, it is definitely a clear sign from the Universe. Noticing the synchronicity coming up time after time again is a clear message for each Twin Flame during separation that there will be a Twin Flame reunion in divine timing. Not only is it a confirmation of the Twin Flame life path but also a sign of accelerated soul growth of your twin soul connection that is being supported by your higher team to fulfill your soul blueprint.
Angel Number 1111 is also a number that holds messages in reference to Twin Flames. When your paths cross each other, it means that there is a valuable lesson or a life-altering connection coming your way. Not everyone is awakened to the Twin Flame journey so meeting their divine counterpart in this lifetime is not part of their soul agreement.
To see Angel Number 1111 repeatedly could be a hint that an encounter with your Twin Flame is on the horizon. If you are already connected to your Twin Flame then it could be that you are going to have a Twin Flame reunion. If you are separated from your Twin Flame, seeing Angel Number 1111 could also mean that they are sending a message through the Universe to you. It could be a telepathic message to you that you are in their thoughts as well.

Wake Up Call
When you start to see Angel Number 1111, the Universe is telling you to wake up to your soul calling. It is informing you to pay attention to the signs and synchronicities around you, as it might be telling you a story. It is also telling you that you are now suddenly awoken to a new phase in your life and that the new phase will affect all areas of your life.
Be it relationships, career, business, finances, health, spiritual wellbeing, spirituality, mental state, the list is endless. It is a big permanent wake up call to anchor the highest version of who you were always meant to become. Not only is it a BIG WAKE UP CALL, seeing Angel Number 1111 will shake your entire existence permanently. 11/11 Gateway has no return ticket, but a one way ticket to nirvana state. It is a spiritual “tower moment” that is meant to wake you up in all essence of its existence.
Not only seeing Angel Number 1111 indicates a soul wake up call, it is a calling as well for you to step into your soul mission, to find your life purpose, dreams and desires and to fulfill your soul’s destiny. It promises to give you endless support until you meet your desired results. It encourages you to stay on course with your journey and soul purpose.
As you can see, seeing Angel Number 1111 has so many facets to it. Each message is as divinely guided and powerful, no matter which juncture of your life you are embarking in. Stay true to your life purpose and dreams as this is just “The beginning.”
I hope this article was informative. I pray that this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection.
Twin Flame Union