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Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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Twin Flames and 5D

Twin Flames and 5D - What This Means

This is indeed one of the most confusing part of the Twin Flame journey as many Twin Flames encounter 5D dynamics in their connection but because there isn’t too many articles doing justice to the most enigmatic aspect of the journey, many find themselves even more confused than before. Yes, for those who have been waiting eagerly on this topic, I am finally writing this article. Before we begin diving deep into many different aspects of 5D, let’s dive into the lateral meaning of what it means.

Firstly, let’s get this out of the way that there is no such thing as 5D up there in Heaven and 3D is here on Earth. Dimensional aspects is a human state of being in. You make your Heaven on Earth here on Earthly plane. The whole point of being in a Twin Flame journey is to experience your Heaven on Earth. Though there are believed to be more than 21 dimensions, for the purpose of this article, we will only talk about the most popular ones, 3D, 4D and 5D. 3D state of being in is where your ego resides based of fear, guilt, shame, old conditioning, trauma, parental lineage, past life baggage and so forth.

Those who chose to live a Soul’s spiritual journey especially Twin Flames, the whole point of this particular Soul contract is to balance your karma and attain a fast flow of ascension process. According to the first lady of Twin Flames, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, one needs to balance 51% of their karma in order to ascend into their light body. See full article here. 

Because of our deep never-ending connection with our Divine Counterpart, we end up assisting each other through the ascension process through various triggering. All this happens when we are still in the 3D frequency but begin to make the shift into 5D frequency. 4D frequency is the time travel between 3D into 5D consciousness. This is where your Guides and Ascended Masters begin to help you into the paradigm shifts. You also begin to get many signs and syncs during the time travel.

5D Glimpse In The Bubble Up Phase

You must have heard this term being used within Twin Flames. What this means is when you initially meet your Twin Flame, you are in euphoric state of ultimate bliss. During the initial days of meeting your beloved, you get a glimpse of your Heaven on Earth experience; what it would look like in the long term. Depending on your original Soul contract, you either deal with separation shortly after or you continue to remain in the physical relationship while going through the push and pull aspects of the relationship. Both type of dynamics then are meant to dive deep into their healing as the ascension process begins between the pair. Many old forgotten and known buried traumas are released, from either past or from this lifetime through your Twin Flame’s mirror effect.

This is where most Twins are stuck holding on to the romantic outcome when they should be focusing onto their Soul healing. Too many are not getting past the initial stages of their Twin Flame’s separation when they should be focusing on their healing rather than wasting their time. Remember, your Souls chose to live out the experiences you are currently experiencing with your Twin Flame so no point forcing your desired outcome. When it comes to your ego desires vs the gold Soul of the consciousness, Your Soul Will Win The Race. Remember, your Higher Self is riding the chariot, not your ego based desires.

I also want to add, those Twin Flames who lost their beloved from embodiment experience a different shift in their journey while their Twin Flame’s Higher Self begins to assist them during their journey and ascension process. The connection in the 5D consciousness becomes even stronger as both create an inseparable bond between each other than when the counterpart was alive.



If you are a Twin Flame, there is no question regarding your telepathy with your Twin Flame. The connection was designed this way by your Higher Selves and does have a higher meaning to this. Because of your strong telepathy with each other, no matter where you are on Planet Earth, with over 7 billion human existence, you always end up finding your counterpart. If this is not your biggest proof of your energetic bond and telepathy, then nothing is.

There are other forms of telepathy as they are always in your thoughts and mind. If you are thinking about them, guaranteed that they are in the same frequency. They cannot take you off their mind just as much as you cannot take them off your mind. The Souls have an intense energetic bond like nothing other. If you find yourself in conversation with them often in their absence in physical, know that this is part of your telepathic communication with them. You may begin to have dreams about them where you find yourself conversing or they are conversing with you. This is part of your telepathy with them. You can read my full article on Twin Flame telepathy here.

Signs and Syncs

Another way they are in constant contact with you is via signs and syncs. Their Higher Self will be orchestrating this. It is their form of validating you about the connection, and as well as showing you, what your next step forward is in your spiritual evolution. Only you will know intuitively what their specific messages mean to you. The more you are spiritually evolved via your healing, the more you will be in tuned to pick up the messages. Those who struggle to understand messages, best to invest working with various healers to expedite your ascension process. You can also ask your Higher Selves to show you the next step as well.

You will be surprised just how much your Higher Self can help when it comes to your Soul growth. I always find myself asking my Higher Self, “Show me the next step in my Twin Flame journey or Twin Flame Connection.” Without fail, within a few days, new roadways are being shown. You have to trust this process as well.

If some of you believe that your Twin Flame is not aware of the connection, this is not true. Though it may seem that they are withdrawn from the connection in physical reality, they too feel the same intense pull towards you just as you do for them. They too are seeing signs and syncs just as much as you are. That is not the reason why they are keeping away from you. The higher meaning behind this is for you to keep healing and transforming to anchor your 5D self-union.

Your Twin Flame’s Higher Self

Many struggle to understand how crucial your Twin’s Higher Self is when it comes to them showing you the triggers and roadway into the next step forward. How many times I hear collectives complain that they are trying to detach from their Twin Flame, yet the more they detach, the more signs and syncs begin to come to them at rapid pace. Who do you think is orchestrating this? You got it right. It is usually the works of your Twin Flame’s Higher Self and your Higher Self. You must have heard Carl Jung’s famous quote, “The more you resist, the more they persist.”

Basically what I am trying to say here is that there is no point in trying to detach from your Twin Flame’s energy. It does not work for the simple reason that how will the triggers occur if you can fully detach from them. As mentioned earlier, the connection uses closeness and distances to trigger more issues to be healed and the only way this is possible is when you are attached to them energetically. This does not mean you need to be in physical contact only to achieve it, as both Twins do not need to be in physical communication for this part to be a success. Twin Flame surpass most normal connection dynamics because of their Soul journey to a fast track of ascension process.

This is also true that for most, before meeting them in actual reality, you begin feeling your true Twin Flame energetically in 5D. There is a reason for this as well and that is to prepare you for their actual arrival in your physical reality. Some also confuse this energy with whoever they are currently dealing with example a False Twin or Catalyst Twin. In my case, I began to feel my Twin’s energy in 5D about 6 months prior to his arrival in physical reality. At that time, I was dealing with my Catalyst Twin so I perceived him to be my Twin Flame. It was not until months later after meeting my Twin Flame, when I dove deep into my healing that I noticed the same energy joined me numerous times in my one on one sessions with healers.

Twin Flame Sexual Magic

Twin Flame Sexual Magic

Whether you have had physical relationship with your Twin Flame or not, Twin Flames do not need to be in physical sexual act to experience Kundalini Activation which is a kick start of their ascension process. During any physical encounter, be it as simple as emails, text messages, kiss, phone sex, actual sex activates the Kundalini process between both twins. This is when suppressed traumas begin to resurface up between both twins to heal.

You also do not need the above if you haven’t met your beloved yet or they are not in embodiment as the sexual energy between the two surpasses the physical reality. You can still have bliss state of being with them energetically in 5D state. Those who know what I am talking about, your body goes inside out during the enactment…

There is of course a spiritual reason for this, and that is to trigger more things to heal. This is why most Teachers teach collectives not to skip their healing. The sooner you begin to dive deep into your healing, the sooner you will find this whole process of the Twin Flame journey and experience, along with your connection less excruciating. You begin to see many gratifying benefits of the experience, a eutrophic state of bliss like nothing other.

For those who believe that they are in 5D bliss when in physical relationship, this is not true either as the physical merge process occurs in 5D when both Twins attain inner union, which is a long haul process through their Soul Alchemy.

Hope this article finds you well and that you have a better understanding of 5D dynamics with your Twin Flame. You can also check out my YouTube video on additional information on the same subject.

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Know your journey, know your connection

Twin Flame Union

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