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Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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Waiting For Time

Twin Flames And Divine Timing

Twin Flames and how divine timing plays into your own soul’s journey. I have been meaning to expand on this subject for quite some time while seeing so many Twin Flames misuse this concept without even realizing that it can actually hinder their soul transformation. Whether “Divine Timing’ catch phrase is something you should use or not, without further ado, let’s dive deep into various areas of how divine timing can aid and as well as hold you back in your Twin Flame journey.

I do not heavily concentrate on this subject in my teachings or my own soul’s journey, as I believe it has a negative connotation to it. Teachers only teach based on their own consciousness and experiences. This may come as a surprise to you as I am sure you have encountered numerous Twin Flames talk about it in the community, along with teachers and gurus that everything happens in divine timing. In this article I will break it down whether this concept is used accurately or not.

In fact, there are even oracle cards printed on divine timing, along with tarot card Temperance that depicts Archangel Michael pouring from both cups. Traditional tarot shows an angel pouring liquid from one receptacle into another. Traditional meaning suggests blending, mixing, and combining diverse elements in such a way that it creates something new and even more valuable than from its original elements. This tarot card indicates that you should learn to bring balance, patience and moderation in your life before rushing things along; instead, you are encouraged to take your time to ensure that you do the best job you can.

Even the traditional meaning behind Temperance card suggests that you take your time to do your inner shadow work; alchemy healing and transformation so that in due time you will obtain the fruit of your labor.

What is Divine Timing?

Divine timing is a belief that everything in your life happens at exactly the right moment through certain things or events even if it seems tough, unusual or if it does not make any sense at the time. Divine timing assures you that The Universe is placing people, things, challenges and life lessons into your life knowing that you are more than capable of handling them.

Some even believe that divine timing controls everything happening in the world without you having the ability to intervene or gain control of everything. The Universe decides a time to ensure all activities either mundane or big occurs during that particular time. Some say the concept of divine timing is difficult to live by in life due to humans having the urge to be in control of everything, while being delusional that everything can be controlled.

Divine Time Holding You Captive

Divine Time Holding You Captive

If divine timing is perceived to be on its original interpretation, does it mean we are chained to it. Do we have free will to exercise our own will to bypass timelines? The answer is simply no! We cannot bypass soul lessons that are meant to be learnt during timelines. Neither can you manipulate timelines. Because the work of higher self is at play, it will somehow divert your attention to other matters in ways of distraction so that you integrate more soul lessons.

A good way to explain what this means is, let’s say there are two friends who are on the same soul’s journey. We will call them Person A, and Person B. Both have a different understanding of their journey, so Person A goes into the quest of healing and self-transformation whereas Person B repeats same cycles and patterns.

Who do you think from the two will shave their timeline to reach their end destination? You are correct; it will be Person A who is focused on their own healing and self-transformation.

Person B was purposely steered away by their higher self from their timeline shift so that more soul lessons were learnt and integrated through repeated cycles and patterns. It was simply not their time to make leaps in their self-transformation, hence why in reality person B was closed off to their self-transformation, meaning the realization never became known.

If You Only Focus on Your Desire

So many make mistakes by not doing any inner work and only waiting for things to click in place by leaving everything to divine timing. Rather than focusing on healing and self-transformation, they are wishing for things to fall in place in divine timing. When I place it this way, I hope you realize how this theory will not work either. If you are only stuck on divine timing and not doing your spiritual transformation, you will be stuck in 3D paradigm.

Twin Flame relationships are meant to anchor their union in 5D paradigm. Those who are still stuck in 3D paradigm will not be able to hold their divine relationship with all the triggers, eventually leading to separation. In 3D paradigm, your soul or your higher self will throw doubts, fear, and anxiety vs relaxing and enjoying the soul journey experience. While embarking on shifting one’s paradigms, you will encounter spiritual gifts, signs and syncs.

The more you are hung-up on divine timing only, the more you will find yourself being stuck in your soul’s journey. Many of my readers are on a Twin Flame journey or Divine Soul connection, so this will mean that you will find yourself being stuck in your soul connection.

Shifting your focus on your healing and self-transformation can very well become your end desire. You will have no way of knowing this at 100% but by shifting your focus from your desire and not leaving to divine timing, you can allow The Universe to make room for your desire to turn into your reality.

When you look at it from this perspective, you could say it is not a shabby deal.

Leaving It All For Divine Timing

Leaving It All For Divine Timing

There is no such thing as divine timing bringing your very heart’s desire back to you miraculously. You must have heard this analogy, in order for a tree to bear fruit, it has to be planted in dirt in its proper environment, nurtured and brought to its bearing stage before it grants fruit of labor. The tree represents your intention or your desire.

What I need to ask you is, “Are you going to simply take a chance in throwing your seed of intention aimlessly anywhere in the hope and wish that it will miraculously grow itself and bear you your scrumptious fruit in divine timing?” If not, then how do you expect divine timing to deliver your fruit prematurely?

Leaving your desires to only divine timing stagnates your inner desires and wishes.

Your desires are also a form of energy, so you must keep it moving forward and not stagnated. Your soul’s primal desire in your soul’s journey is to become in oneness to yourself. Your Twin Flame or your soul connection is only a catalyst into your own soul oneness.

Divine Timing And Your Twin Flame

It is true that if you are on a Twin Flame journey, you have encountered your Twin Flame in its divine timing. Your meeting and phases of your journey was preplanned before you both incarnated. Nothing was out of your perfectly orchestrated script. People, places and things were systematically aligned to perfection for you and your Twin Flame to meet. 

You were meant to meet under those circumstances and for many of you, to head into separation shortly after. You were meant to have other people such as Karmic partners as an additional soul experience to your connection with your beloved, along with karma and lessons. Nothing is out of the random.

Once you begin your soul transformation, you will be grateful that divine timing did give you and your Twin Flame separation period so that you could transform into the higher version of who you were destined to become.

You were meant to learn your lessons and conduct a vigorous healing and self-transformation. You were meant to go through many stages of the alchemical process. Nothing was out of the umbrella of divine timing. If you were under the impression that other people played influence to your separation, maybe it was part of divine timing. If you were under the impression that you could manipulate the situation to your whims and desires, you know now that it was orchestrated by divine timing.

Another name you should know now for divine timing is your own very soul, your higher self. Nothing is ever random and nothing is out of the norm when it comes to your Twin Flame journey.

Surrender To The Journey

This is another false misconception that you need to surrender to divine timing only and to allow it to unfold organically as it is meant to. This is a yes and no analogy and I will explain you why this is the case. Yes, you allowed the seed of intention to take its place by placing the intention and moving out of its way by allowing it space to grow fully in divine timing; no, you cannot wishfully think divine timing will work its course by you doing no inner work for your fruit of labor.

Surrender to the journey does not mean only waiting for divine timing. Surrendering to the journey means you need to surrender to your own inner desires to self-transform you into a higher version of you were always destined to be.

Universe will be throwing you some obvious and some non-so obvious roadblocks. It could be divine timing issues, you would not know fully until it is integrated much later. It is best to place that project or goal on hold for a bit while you concentrate on manifesting something else. This could be something else that is in alignment of your soul purpose until The Universe is are ready to give you green light to proceed with your original goal or desires. You will know you are getting a green light when something in your life is flowing well or when you have been receiving many synchronicities around your desires.

There are no cutoff dates as to when you can be in union with your Twin Flame. There is no such thing as portals and planetary alignments that affect your union process. Your Twin Flame union is only in your hands.

Divinely Guided

During the course of your soul’s journey, you may have to take detour points to deviate you from your end destination. This part is also the works of your higher self. Nothing happens without a script. You obviously drew some exit points into your soul contract to learn deeper soul lessons around it. This also lengthens your timelines from your end destination. Best to trust your soul that it knows what it is doing for your higher goods.

You will soon realize that subsequent events pertaining to timelines were not meant to be controlled, so it is best to relax and to be receptive. By relinquishing control, you are taking some stress and pressure off you.

Trust that your soul has a plan even if you are not able to see it for the moment. Simply know that everything will unfold as it is meant to. Those who are living, or dead, divine timing will reveal what needs to be revealed to us in due time. Even departed souls have their own timelines to conquer. Best not to skip your healing and transformation.

So long as you are doing what you are guided to do, divine timing will do what it is meant to do. Waiting for divine timing to unfold your destiny will never work. You cannot fool your soul. Your soul is the higher version of you.

Everything we need to fulfill, our true destiny will always come to us at the perfect time. You have to have enough spiritual awareness to be awakened to recognize those gifts and opportunities to apply it into your Twin Flame journey.

If you allow divine timing to hinder your healing by waiting around for it to play its course, you will be waiting forever. Divine timing does not suggest skipping your inner shadow work. In fact, divine timing suggests that while you wait for things to fall in its place, to heal and transform your frequency to 5D template.

I pray that this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

Know your journey, know your connection.

Twin Flame Union

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