Picture of Vineeta Kumar

Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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Twin Flames And Mirror Exercises

Twin Flames And Mirror Exercises

If you are a Twin Flame on a Twin Flame path, you must have come across several variations of “Twin Flame Mirror Exercises.” How effective this method is, we will dive deep into it and also various other types of mirror exercises. Whether you are a Twin Flame or not, stay at the end of the article to simply educate yourself on how using mirror methods can either harm or benefit you.

Personally, I was never drawn to Twin Flame Mirror Exercises. To me it felt far too easy to heal in order to lure one’s Twin Flame back. When I mean lure, it means you are panting for the union you crave with your Twin Flame and are resorting to shortcuts while thinking it will work on Twin Flame connection. Most often due to dire need to be with one’s Twin Flame, most end up taking all sorts of routes that causes more harm to the connection than good.

Though there are various type of memes on mirror exercises within the community and even more mirror exercise videos on YouTube, just because it’s popular does not mean it works effectively. Just because others are delusional enough to swear by it, it does not have to be your truth. Just because others are using it, it does not mean you have to. There are other forms of healing which get better desired results than mirror exercises.

Twin Flame Mirror Exercise

Twin Flame Mirror Exercise

What is then mirror exercises and why it does not work? Without further ado, let’s dive deep into various techniques of “Mirror Exercises” and what they really mean in a Twin Flame journey or a Soul’s journey.

  • Write down in few words what is upsetting you and what you are experiencing.
  • Write these sentence all over again, but switch all the nouns to pronouns and point them to person.
  • Ask yourself, “Is there any truth to this statement?” Go deeper until you find the root of the issue.
  • Now close your eyes and imagine all the hurt and problems that are part of you. Ask yourself what do you need to heal and what to feel loved?

Say what???? When I looked up the exercise, I had to re-read this a few times to even understand what this even means. This is the most ludicrous exercise evented. How does this even work for a normal human, let alone someone who is on a Twin Flame strenuous journey and ascension process. Where does this even fall in a Twin Flame healing process. Does it target the following areas? There are more to the list but for article’s sake, we will only mention a few for you to get the point I am making across.

  • Past life traumas and wounds that have bled into your current reality from countless lives.
  • Inner child wounds stemming from self-love, confidence, traumas, triggers, family relationships, abandonment issues.
  • Family lineage through ancestral traumas and wounding example around the womb. Whether one is a male or a female, all life force were created in their mother’s womb from both parental family lineage dated back to one’s ancestral family line. Just as diseases are hereditary, any traumas they had, bled through the lineage.
  • Fragmented Soul where a healer mends all your fragmented Soul back into its oneness. No, you cannot mediate this away by using free-guided meditations from YouTube. You actually have to work with a healer to achieve this example a good Shamanic Healer.
  • Balancing of your Chakra System. Just as you need food to nourish your body, your Chakra needs to be adjusted frequently to have a well-balanced energy.
  • De armoring your programs and conditions whether it is regarding gender, race, religion, culture, patriotic issues and so forth from not only from this lifetime, but from eons of lifetimes.
  • Connection with Source and balancing the Ying and Yang (Masculine and Feminine) energies within oneself.
  • Cord cutting and clearing from your past lovers, friends, colleagues or family.
  • Money blocks

What is Twin Flame Mirroring?

What is Twin Flame Mirroring?

Mirrors are known to show a true form of who you really are. This is no different when it comes to your true Twin Flame. They also have the same effect on you as you to them. Everything is a mirror – what is in your inner reality, reflects in the outer reality.

Twin Flame mirroring happens through their behavior or lack of attention towards you; often mirroring back to you to get you to see why you are being triggered. Your Twin Flame is reflecting back all of your subconscious and unconscious thoughts, beliefs and patterns to literally show you a trail on what areas to heal. Usually it stems from abandonment issues and rejection, showing you where you have lacked self-love and self-care. Your Twin Flame sees you fragmented just as this mirror with reflection of you.

The whole point of your Soul’s journey is to become in oneness through your own inner Soul Alchemy. If you are merely using a temporary glue to attach the broken mirror, cracks will still be visible and since your Twin Flame shares the same Soul frequency as you, the very fragmented Soul will still repel them.

This also applies to them as well. Their issues are being mirrored to them through your behavior for them to heal and incorporate. Whatever you do, as your true Twin Flame, it has a knock off effect on them. The reason being that you both share same energetic frequency. What this means is to dive deep into your Soul Alchemy. When you do so, they will also reap rewards of your Alchemical breakthroughs via the mirror effect.

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror

You see, Disney used this wisely in the movie Snow White. This movie depicted The Evil Queen talking to her candid, her Higher Self as a Guide who told her the truth. Your Soul will also tell you the truth, as they are a version of yourself. You can fool yourself and tell stories to your ego self, also known as ego desires that “Mirror Exercises” work but your Soul will advise you otherwise. In fact, I challenge you to print out a “Twin Flame Mirror Exercise” meme and stick it on your mirror. See if your Twin Flame connection gets your desired outcome from it. Twin Flame mirror exercises simply do not go deep enough for a person to move forward in their journey. You are better off working out in front of the mirror to get your desired physical form rather than to waste your precious breath on this exercise.

In fact, exercising in front of a mirror works because it boosts your self-esteem and shows you how to use a proper form or technique of a certain workout. This why gyms and dance rooms always have mirrors around. It’s an oldest self-boosting technique used for decades.

You are better off saying affirmations such as, “Andrew Carnegie, I’m not only going to equal your achievements in life, but I’m going to challenge you at the post and pass you at the grandstand.” ~ Think and Grow Rich.

At least this self-help book will give you a better breakthrough in your Soul’s journey since the book has made many millionaires, and is still considered today as a number one bookseller for self-empowerment and self-help. At the end, you get what you invest in, meaning you reap the rewards of however much time and energy you have invested. There is no such thing as “free rides.”

What is Scrying?

What is Scrying?

This brings me to the much-discussed topic within the spiritual community regarding scrying. The word scrying comes from an English word descry which means “catch of sight.” Scrying is all about revealing the unseen through the use of our 3rd Eye or our intuition through our perception and interpretation rather than only seeing it as images.


Scrying, also known by various names such as “seeing” or “peeping,” is the practice of looking into a suitable medium in the hope of detecting significant messages or visions. ~ Wikipedia


Many forms of scrying has been used for centuries by psychics and witches. During ancient and Medieval Times divination tools such as crystal ball and water were used for scrying and still are widely practiced today by modern skilled practitioners. In today’s time, candles flames, walls, looking into someone’s eyes, or mirrors are naming a few that are used as divination tools to practice peeping.

While some forms of scrying are a safer practice by unskilled or spiritual beginners, it is still advised against it especially if you are not well skilled in the subject and have not been gifted long enough to safely practice it. You see scrying is crossing gateways and portals, or seeing the unknown which has very little to do with your Soul work. You Higher Self shows you what you need to see organically and not through any form of force or manipulation. When you begin to manipulate a situation, nothing good comes out of it as then it derives from ego desires, vs the desires of the Soul.

Your Soul then steps aside for you to learn lessons and I assume the lessons I am explaining in this article is something you will not dig too much. Continue reading as I unveil what they are.

Black Mirror Scrying

Black Mirror Scrying

Black mirror is a powerful divination and visioning tool, revered for centuries for its ability to penetrate the veil between Worlds, Dimensions or Portals. Mirror gazing or scrying is an ancient art for making contact with the dead and seeing into the past and future. When you begin to communicate with the dead who haven’t passed on to the other side, you bring energies or entities back with you, hence why it is deemed dangerous and shouldn’t be practiced.

No, you are not opening a safe portal unless you are skilled at what you do. In fact, most highly acclaimed healers and readers will not use this divination tool in their practice. For those who think otherwise, drumroll please, you are simply delusional to think this is a safe practice.

A skilled healer has the ability to open a safe portal energetically for an individual to travel back into their past life, astral planes and dimension, and be able to bring them safely back home without any entities piggy backing.

Demons and Entities During Scrying

Demons and Entities During Scrying

If you see demons and entities during any forms of meditations, dreams and crossing portals or astral traveling, you are seeing exactly that. There is no sugar coating it. You see how movies portray this all the time so what makes you think it does not exist. If you believe in goodness, there is evilness. If you believe there is light, then there is darkness as well. One doesn’t override the other. There is always two sides of the spectrum. Time you understood it and referred to your Guides and Higher Self to assist in showing you the clarity. Just because someone had an amazing experience or wrote an article does not mean it has to be your experience. You were not there so you have no idea what happened during their trance.

Facing your dragons and demons is a metaphor regarding your subconscious and unconscious blocks, traumas and wounds. It does not actually mean meeting entities such as ghosts, demons and dragons. Let’s get real here. You play with fire you will be burned. It cannot get any simpler than this. You will not get your Twin Flame this way, but you will need a Spirit Extractor to deal with your exorcism, not your Spiritualism. All your inner ghosts and demons of wanting to be with your Twin Flame will go out the window so fast; you wouldn’t know what part hit you first.

For those who end up seeing your Higher Self and your Twin Flame’s Higher Self, drumroll…they are not there for decoration. They are telling you to get the hell out! They are there to warn you, not give you messages or insights. Get real!

You want to heal, you heal by taking the harder route and the correct way vs taking shortcuts, which will do more harm and damage than actually having spiritual breakthroughs. This is a Soul’s Journey into Oneness, not a demonic journey into chaos.

In Shamanism, the practitioner travels into the Upper-world, Middle-world and Lower-world with their Power Animal, not Animal Spirit Guide who possess the animal’s vigor and spiritual essence. To journey into the Middle-world, great skill is acquired so that they do not bring back entities or Souls who have not passed onto the other side. For a Shaman Practitioner, their Power Animal is their protector and Guardian.

Three years ago, while experiencing an out of body experience in my dream, I found myself in my dream in a long hallway. There was one picture frame that drew my attention. I found myself looking at it intently. Green light illuminated around it and behind the picture, I saw an entity who was trying to pull me towards him. I began to struggle and managed to ask for help from my Guides. I found myself waking up in sweat. Even in dreams, portal crossing through framed art or mirror is dangerous.

Crossing Mirror Portals

Crossing Mirror Portals

We talked about various ways of doing “Mirror Exercises” and crossing portals with dangerous consequences. Another aspect to ensure is that you aren’t a victim for not returning home. I am not talking about returning home to your Twin Flame per se but not returning home to your mind and body. When you cross a portal, you are susceptible to remaining in there hence why many lose their marbles practicing this type of witchery. There is no guarantee that you will return in the form you crossed the portal.

Skilled practitioners know this and this is why they do not practice this method in their journey. Even skilled Mediums never work alone. They are always with a permanent Guide who ensures the safety of the medium and is able to guard the gateway between the inquirer and the questioner. Even this part is an intricate process as it takes eons to tune into your permanent Guide. Your permanent Guide will be known to you in your Soul’s time, not your time. You cannot force to choose any Guide, the Guide chooses you. That is when you make the most breakthroughs when it all happens organically, not forcefully.

I have had five medium sessions with a highly acclaimed medium. Each time, guess what, she checks with her Guide to see whether she should go ahead and allow me to book with her. There’s a reason for her to do this and that is to ensure she is not inviting anything back to her. When you kick the hornet’s nest, you will get stung. If you do not know what you are doing, do yourself a favor, DON’T!!

While this is an extensive article on this subject based on my understanding, knowledge and research, at the end you can decide which way you want to navigate your spiritualism. I personally will not have anything to do with anyone who practices the above in their work. I was never drawn to these dark methods and never will be. My Guides and Higher Self knows what is in my best interest for my Twin Flame Journey and Mission work. I trust their process vs the cray-cray ooh la la methods. For further knowledge on out of body experience, see my article. 

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. ~ Beverly Sills. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

Know your journey, know your connection

Twin Flame Union

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Twin Flame Union

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