Twin Flames and Money Blocks
While this article is geared mainly for Twin Flames, if you are not on a Twin Flame path, yet have stumbled upon this article, read through it as the basic fundamental principles still are the same, whether you are in a Twin Flame path or not. This is my final part of the Twin Flame Healing series. If you have not read Part I, Part II and Part III, click on the links to read them first.
Money is really a symbol of the life energy we exchange, and the life energy we use as a result of the service we provide to the Universe. Another word for money is currency which also reflects the flowing nature of energy. The word currency comes from Latin word “currere” which means to run or flow. If you stop the circulation of money, if our intention is to hold on to it and hoard it, since it is a form of energy, we will stop its circulation back into our lives as well. In order to keep that energy coming to us and to avoid stagnation, we have to keep the energy circulating – the lifeforce energy.
Dealing with Twin Flames for more than two years, money seems to be the biggest block though it is not something heavily discussed. Most often, it is because it derives from shame for the lack of. If you are a Twin Flame, how often the word shame comes on a day-to-day basis. There’s a reason for this as the wounds run deeper for most to conquer. Fear is another low paradigm word, which also shows up daily and this is vital in the money block aspect due to the old conditioning that, “Money is the root cause of all problems.” In this article, I will show you point by point how this is subconsciously governing your life, while you are not even aware.
In my own journey, this has shown up in many ways time after time to heal and release which was a blessing as now I have enough experience and healing to give this article a good justice. Without further ado, let’s dive deep into this.

Spiritual Journey
Many believe that if they are on a Spiritual Journey, they are entitled to free spiritual products and services. Their subconscious and unconscious money block does not allow them to overcome their fears stemming from either old conditional belief system or past life trauma that they should not pay for this. I will break it down what I mean by this. If one would dive deep into their past life wounding, they will discover that either they were
Prosecuted being a healer/psychic, which derived from fear, shame, victim consciousness and karma.
It was made it to be a taboo from their family or society to fully practice this openly so lived constantly in fear on what if the secret came out…deriving from guilt.
Grandparents or parents teaching you how money makes you unhappy in life (often from their own subconscious programing or wounding) deriving from guilt.
Due to family obligations, one was not allowed to practice their spiritual gifts, deriving from guilt.
Was considered an evil practice, deriving from shame and victim consciousness.
You being murdered for your property or status / or you murdering someone else for property or status, stemming from forgiveness.
As you can see, some of the listed issues stem from fear, guilt, victim consciousness, karma, shame and forgiveness – all in the name of money when it shouldn’t be the case. As you can now see that, it is.
Did you know that 85% of the Twin Flames do not want to invest monetarily in their Twin Flame journey because they feel waving a magic wand will magically erase some of their Twin Flame blocks, old paradigm conditioning and past life woundings. If these were so simple, you would have already attained abundance with your Twin Flame in all matters of your life. If you are in this category, ask your Higher Self to show you ways to make some money so that you can do your Spiritual Healing. If this is meant for your highest and greatest goods, even if you cannot afford your journey, once you allow room for money to flow in, you will automatically find ways to manifest money or from somewhere money will show up. You see your Higher Self wants you to succeed in your journey so it will make room for money to flow in. Trust this process.

Self-Love and Money
In order to have abundance, one must master abundance in all areas of their life. Money is a form of abundance as it provides us the ability to have a comfortable life. There is no such thing as chanting Om under a tree and wishing that all our daily necessities are met such as food, shelter, clothing, transportation, entertainment. We are in twenty first century and in order to survive in today’s time, you need money. Now some of you will argue that you do not need entertainment yet here you are reading this article on some sort of electronic device, or watching news/movies/shows on social media or television. Stop being unrealistic and most importantly, stop being in denial. If you are using some form of internet, either you or someone is paying for it. I had people tell me that they don’t do entertainment but yet they were commenting from Facebook which is Social Media. It is not necessity form of living. Many people out in rural skirts of the World do not have internet/electricity/phone to this day.

Did you know that money derives from self-love? It is an equal exchange of giving and receiving love. You know about giving love, but in order to give love unconditionally, you have to be able to receive love unconditionally as well. One cannot override the other. This is why most currencies are printed in green color as it matches the Heart Chakra color, also green as the picture. Now if you thought everything along in these terms, imagine how wrong your own programming is. When one is on a Spiritual Journey, one of the hardest Chakras to open and often the last one to open is the Heart Chakra. The reason being we have thrown layers of armor around it to protect ourselves. Your Twin Flame’s lack of showing their love to you is constantly triggering/mirroring you to heal this.
During one’s spiritual journey, investing in yourself is a form of love as well be it getting the tools or services to further your journey. It’s called an equal exchange of goods and services. You cannot expect to do well on only free stuff. It’s the Universal Law of Abundance you are violating. Try listening to Heart Chakra Solfeggio frequencies to unclog the drain. Donation is another key aspect not to forget. It’s been taught since the beginning of time that if you donate 10% of your earnings to Charity, you will receive in ten folds. There is reason why rich people always donate.

How Money Blocks Shows Up In Your Reality
We have learnt what money block are but how do you know how it looks like. Below are some indicators. Most of these listed here are tied to negative aspects of money cords which is now draining your flow of abundance, aka money flow.
You lent someone money and now are not getting repayment. Now this can be $1 or $1000.00. Money does not know amount. Remember it is a form of energy so it only knows frequencies and emotions tied to it.
You didn’t get value for your own product which you sold. This could be a business, house, transportation, goods or services. How many times in your life, in order to tie loose ends quickly, you end up letting go of the value in peanuts. Again, there are huge emotions tied to it. Often disappointment.
Someone cheated you into charging for goods or services that did not go into your favor. This could be anything example, real estate broker, lawyer, insurance salesman, goods salesman and so forth. This could either be something you had purchased and the product did not meet your standards, and now you are stuck with it, or it could also be that you received a faulty product. Though these scenarios are daily mundane stuff, it still sends triggers to you hence why it messes with your energy and wellbeing.
Awaited any sort of money settlement but at the end did not receive a favorable outcome.
Thinking about whether you can afford any desired goods or services. This could be as simple as buying groceries at the store, to big items such as real estate. If you were abundant, would you not buy any food you desired from the food shelves? Would you be counting your pennies? You are at a clothing store or shopping online, you love a product but after seeing the price tag, you drift away from it. Let’s face it, we have all been here many times.
You owed someone money. Carrying debts can be burdensome so imagine the energy associated to this now. Be it credit cards debts, loans, real estate or simply owing money to a friend or relative. If you are an honest person, you will not feel at ease until it’s all paid off.
Past lives vows on either vow of poverty or a vow of simplicity that you have taken. If these vows exist, it will create an energetic gridlock and will prevent you from having financial freedom.
You have money yet have a difficult time spending it. Because money is a form of energy, you cannot keep any energy stagnant. You must have heard or seen many who became ill as a result of hoarding their money and not being able to enjoy their life as they were meant to.

Divine Masculines
This brings us to The Divine Masculines, often known as the runner Twin. You must have heard many readers and teachers talk about Divine Masculine energy who are simply focused driven on career, business and building their empire, hence why they are called The Emperor in the Tarot Deck. There is a logic reason behind this for the simple reason being that it is true. While most chaser Twins in their Alchemy are focused mainly on getting their life in order, so are the Masculines. Their primal instincts to provide for their family is a very important part of their dynamics. This does not mean that the chaser Twin should solely rely on the Masculine energy to provide for them; rather they also should become independent as well. You want to become that power couple.
How to Heal Money Blocks
While guided meditations are great, working one on one with healers can assist in discovering what had happened to you. Read self-help books to assist in reprograming your subconscious mind. Law of Attraction techniques will assist as well. Some great authors who wrote excellent money books are Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich) and Gayle Van Oxley (Debt Free Forever). Try to keep track of your expenses. There are many example on how to create one in the internet. Gayle’s book is great one to dig into as she teaches how to track money and do budget. Money manifesting techniques. See my YouTube video on how to manifest money and try my money block clearing guided meditation
As you can see there’s more that meets the eye when it comes to money and self-healing. Both go hand in hand. The more you heal your money issues, the more your life will become abundant. Avoid having limited beliefs around this. Hope this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection
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