Picture of Vineeta Kumar

Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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Twin Flames And Narcissists

Twin Flames And Narcissists

Most often, Twin Flames within the community blame their Twin Flame of narcissism behavior without understanding whether the perceived Twin Flame is a narcissist. It is easy to label your experience as having to deal with one but did you really? Whether you did or not, in this article I will debunk one of the biggest myth regarding narcissism and teach the spiritual lessons and aspects of being in a Soul’s journey. Whether your Twin Flame is a man or a woman, it does not matter, as this article is not geared on any gender. Before we dive deep into the article, let’s understand officially what is Narcissism and who is diagnosed with one medically. Yes, this is an official medical condition where the individual has no control on their behavioral tendencies, proven and executed by medical science wherever applicable.

Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one’s idealized self-image and attributes. The term originated from Greek Mythology, where a young man Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water. Narcissism or pathological self-absorption was first identified as a disorder in 1898 by Havelock Ellis and featured in subsequent psychological models. The causes of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) are unknown, but theorized to be linked to certain types of traumas. Therapy is difficult, because people with NPD usually do not consider their own issues as symptoms, despite being in mental distress. About one percent of people are believed to be affected with NPD at some point in their lives. ~Wikipedia

Now that you have a basic idea on the subject, let’s break it down further to understand what are some of the common personality traits entwined around it. You see, it is easy to label an individual’s behavior when triggered as having “narcissist tendencies” but in order for anyone to claim that the person they dealt with was/is a narcissist, you need to at least check off 75% from the below checklist. A big one that screams off from the list is, “Having a sense of entitlement.”

How often the stayer Twin Flame within the community feels that just because they are in a Twin Flame journey dealing with their Twin Flame, they should be “entitled” to be with their Twin Flame. You see this time after time with many stayer Twins who refuse to heal and do inner work, while being bitter that their Twin Flame is not giving them time of the day in reality.

Official Criteria for Narcissist Personality Disorder (NPD)

  • Having an inflated sense of self-importance and entitlement.
  • Needing constant admiration and praise.
  • Expecting special treatment due to perceived superiority.
  • Exaggerating achievements and talents.
  • Reacting negatively to criticism.
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about power, success, beauty or ideal love.
  • Taking advantage of others.
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of other people.
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner.
  • Sense of entitlement.
  • Envious of others or a belief that others are envious of them.

Narcissist in Relationship

  • Emotionally Cold – shallow behavior or showing lack of interest in what you have to say or convey, often driving you off the wall.
  • Gaslighting – a form of emotional abuse by deflecting responsibility in tearing down someone, all while keeping the other person hooked. Gaslighting happens in relationships where there is an unequal power dynamic and the target has given the gaslighter power and often their own respect. A victim of gaslightingcan be pushed so far that they question their thoughts, memories, and the events occurring around them.
  • Projecting – accusing someone of doing what they are doing or will call out their flaws and fears in someone else.
  • Manipulative – twisting the situation to better suit their narrative.
  • Infidelity – 3rd party connections where someone is cheating on someone in the connection equation.
  • Never taking responsibility – no give and take in the connection, often playing the blame game.
  • Controlling – dictating all terms and conditions in a relationship connection. Their way or the highway.

Why Their Behavior Triggers You To Heal

Why Their Behavior Triggers You To Heal

This brings me to the next part of my teaching. We touched briefly on “Sense of Entitlement” and why your Soul dangles your Twin Flame as a juicy bait for your to dive into your own inner unification process, to heal all triggers, wounds and traumas not only stemming from childhood but also from past lives. You cannot anchor your Divine Partnership into 5D when you carry the lower baggage of 3D based thought process and mentality. The whole point of your Twin Flame’s behavior, though you may classify it being as fancy as having “Narcissistic tendencies” is to get you to do your own inner work.

Part of being in a soul’s journey is learning soul lessons and as well as healing from it. If you are attracting negative people around you, doesn’t have to be just romantic who have behavioral issues; it is time you ask yourself why you are attracted to such people? When it comes to vibration, energy is a form of vibration so you attract likeminded people. For those who have begun to heal on a deeper level, the first sign of deep healing and shifting your own vibration higher is when people and things are removed from your own environment automatically so that you are not distracted from your own inner alchemy. Your Higher Self will created havocs where you will end up leaving the situation yourself or it is done for you.

You create your own reality and the sooner you lay off the blame, the sooner you begin to understand the dynamics of healing. It is hard to apply “forgiveness” and play “victim” but in order to grow and evolve spiritually, and to move forward, one must shift their state of being in. You cannot control anyone’s behavior but you can control yours. Best to allow the process to recycle through as you incorporate the lessons and heal accordingly. Every experience you endured was meant for it to happen as per your Soul choosing to experience it on a soul level. Though you may not remember, you chose the circumstances and how it was going to roll out.

Money Scammers

This is a common experience while being in a relationship when one of the partner bleeds the other person dry off their finances. If you have had a similar experience such as this, it is more common than you think. Often people feel that they are entitled to have monetary favors from their respective partners. How this rolls into your story, only you know this but know that this is not part of standard narcissistic behavior but simply you got manipulated. This can apply to either person in the relationship. This often derives from one partner needing financial security from the other, then later ends up in sour terms once the giver realizes that they are being manipulated.

Once you master the art of self-love, you will begin to say no to any form of manipulation. I have wrote an entire article alone on this subject, which you can read here. Money issues are still one of the leading reasons why couples break up or never hit it off in a solid relationship. Part of being in a soul’s journey is to understand the value of money and why you shouldn’t allow anyone to control or manipulate it. Time to reclaim your power within.

Twin Flame Ghosting You

Twin Flame Ghosting You

This brings me to the next topic where some stayer Twin Flames blame their Twin Flame for ghosting as having narcissistic tendencies, often mistaking the term, “Gaslighting” as one of the tell a tale signs. I have already explained the term gaslighting above where it is used loosely for using manipulation tactics to have the other person question their sanity and mental state. What constitutes of Twin Flame ghosting.

Ghosting is a colloquial term used to describe the practice of ceasing all communication and contact with a partner, friend, or similar individual without any apparent warning or justification and subsequently ignoring any attempts to reach out or communication made by said partner, friend, or individual. ~ Wikipedia

The stayer Twin feels being rejected when the runner Twin Flame ceases all forms of communication from them. There are two reasons why your Twin Flame is ghosting you. One is that they cannot handle the intensity of the connection as you are mirroring their subconscious wounds to heal on an energetic level. Second being that they are staying true to their end of soul agreement by having you look deeper into your own healing and blocks regarding abandonment issues, self-love, inner child wounding, feeling lack off and so forth.

Twin Flame connection is designed this way in New Age for its deeper spiritual lessons, healing and incorporation. Next time you are being triggered by your Twin Flame’s silence, try to shift your awareness into actually listening to them. You will be surprised that without fail, they are still in communication with you with underlying messages. How much you understand them will be a direct result of how much awake your spiritual awareness is, and how much you have healed and shifted your perspective regarding the connection.

Reclaim Your Power Through Healing

Reclaim Your Power Through Healing

“When you blame others, you give up your power to change.” ~ Robert Anthony

Isn’t this true if you think deeply behind the meaning. The fact whether you had a bad experience with someone or not is not the lesson here. The lesson is how are you moving forward with this from herein forth. Are you willing to allow someone else’s behavior control your state of being in or are you going to reclaim your inner power and focus on yourself. You can sulk but wouldn’t it feel much better if you didn’t.

You do not watch a movie with its beginning and fast-forward the ending; you watch the middle part, the best aspect of the movie to know how the movie made it to the end. Your soul’s journey is designed this way as well. What fun is it if you fast-forward it to the end without learning the lessons behind it? Wouldn’t you call it a boring movie then, and realistically who wants to watch a boring movie. The best part of the movie is the middle part, so embrace the learning experience, heal and march forward.

You can only change you; and when you change your perspective, the entire Universe shifts in your favor to get you where you need to be. The Universe does not play dice. There are no winners and losers; it is an entirely big cinematic experience.

You must become the producer, director, actor in the unfolding story of your life. ~ Wayne Dyer

If you have made it to the end of my article, I also want to add that in a true Twin Flame Divine connection, there is no such thing as your Twin Flame being a narcissist. After reading this article if you still feel that they are, then you need to reflect on what lessons they are teaching you and why you perceive them to be a narcissist. No experience is ever random when it comes to a Twin Flames and their soul’s journey. All Karmic and Soul connections are meant to teach us life lessons and soul growth. Simply grow and heal…

I hope this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

Know your journey, know your connection.

Twin Flame Union

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