Twin Flames And Trust Issues
Twin Flames and their trust issues. Why we have them? In my daily teachings to the Twin Flames, I always found that this is a roadblock among many Twin Flames. During my monthly collective reading on YouTube, “trust” oracle card always show up as a message for all Twin Flames to heal, which led me to expand this fully in my article.
In this article, we will dive deep into many layers and aspects of “trust issues” and how it applies in our soul’s journey and healing. Whether you are not trusting your connection with your Twin Flame, whether you are not trusting the signs and syncs you are forever receiving from The Universe, whether you are not trusting your healing process, the list goes endless. These lessons will keep knocking on your doorstep until you learn to exercise your “trust” issues. You see, having trust is merely a faith muscle. The more you flex your faith muscle, the stronger your connection to “trust” will become.
Trust is also about choosing to let go of fear and doubt, which is your ego consciousness. Simply allow The Universe to make roadway for your goals, dreams, and desires to come into fruition. The more you allow The Universe to take charge, the more you align to your 5D consciousness. Simply know within, that whatever is meant for you by your Divine Right, will happen no matter what. The Universe is asking you to trust all process.
What is Trust?
We have talked about trust earlier, but what does trust mean to you? Trust is having a firm belief in the character, strength, or truth of someone or something.
Trust issues often come from early childhood experiences and life lessons through relationships and interactions. These experiences often take place in one’s childhood, then leading up to adulthood. Self-esteem can also play a large role in a person’s capacity to trust. People with low self-esteem may be less likely to trust others and all process in daily life matters. We will talk about this further in the article.

Why Do You Suffer From Trust Issues?
Trust issues often develop as a result of your past or present experiences. Trust issues also develops from major disappointments and upheavals in life. As a result, it typically develops on a subconscious level of being betrayed or hurt in relationships, be it as a child or as an adult. This then bleeds into relationship with friends, work or business environment, family members, or romantic partners.
In most case scenarios, because this is on a subconscious level, it may or may not be known to the individual. Whether a person is aware of some of the underlying issues or not, it will still play out in day to day matters in all areas of one’s life, especially if it is left unattended or not addressed.
We talked about how on a subconscious level, some of the inner fears around trust issues develop. In order for you to dive deeper into how it can play in your physical reality in your daily matters, let’s break it down on how it can play out in your physical reality through dissecting a few of these scenarios.
Early Childhood Experiences
If you have read my articles before, you are aware that I mention how a person gets their preconditioning quite early throughout their childhood years. Through a person’s childhood, they are preconditioned on various religious, societal, and cultural issues. Later, this then develops into either negative adverse or a positive attribute during the course of their life.
During one’s childhood, it is common to develop trust issues through some sort of betrayal issues either from parent(s) or from siblings. It could be as drastic as any form of an assault such as an incest, violence, or something as little as not getting what you want, for example a toy. While not receiving your toy may sound very mundane, but through the lenses of the child’s mind, this aspect could be very traumatic especially if they did not get their way, which ultimately led to their disappointment.
Then the ongoing relationship with disappointments birth and it continues to play in their adult life. Children who still carry burden of their childhood traumas live through these types of disappointments all their life until they break the pattern or cycle. Subconsciously they will manifest similar scenarios through relationships regarding all matters.
This aspect can also stem from one’s childhood especially if they had sibling rivalry while growing up, or if a parent favored one child more than they favored the other sibling. The lack of attention from the parent could also lead to disappointments so it will roll out in their adult relationships. Betrayal will birth in the early childhood, leading to their adult life.
At times, some children find being abandoned by their parent(s) very painful so they develop an inward fear around trust that the person they love the most will leave them too. No matter how confident they might seem, they will always have an inward fear that it can repeat once again.
The loss of hope simply diminishes. In romantic relationships, infidelity then can be attracted from their partner or even themselves, which is often stemming from trust issues. In their mind, they will never be able to trust any form of relationship to serve as their rewarding experience.
Life Upheavals
Dealing with areas of life matters often stem from lack of confidence and faith that whatever is happening to them has very little bearing on their higher purpose or life lessons. In their mind, the World is targeting them and picking on them, resulting on their daily disappointments and unhappiness.
People who have this type of mindset will continue to attract negative experiences time after time again without any break. For some of you who are resonating to this, you may want to shift your subconscious state of setting blame by overcoming the shift through gratitude and forgiveness.
By being grateful for the life experiences and life lessons, you can move forward without carrying the burdens of the past. By journaling and discussing with those involved can clear some misunderstandings. Even if you are unable to discuss this with them, you can always seek counselling to move forward in life. Trust the process of releasing the burdens of your past.
Disagreements between people happen all the time so this is nothing abnormal. As long as you make a conscious effort to heal from it, you are on the right path to your own healing. You may not always get the result you desire, depending on their life lessons; but you can at least guarantee closure of your own state.

Past Life Trauma
When it comes to trust issues, specific occurrences from your past life can have some bearing on your current life. Do not be surprised to find that you have some sort of karma to balance between you and your Twin Flame or someone else who has birthed with you from another lifetime. Doing your past life healing can reveal the story which essentially will explain certain life patterns, preconditioning and cycles.
Betrayal stemming from past lives could strongly indicate reasons why you have difficulty around trusting. It could be regarding people, fate, karma, God or Universe and much more. One of the most common scenarios I found as a healer and even in my own past life discovery was around money issues, hence why most Twin Flames find it difficult to heal their issues around money. This could be as simple as manifesting money, hanging on to money, or spending money. Past life work can indicate you being killed for money, or you killed others for money.
Another common scenario is betrayal around the heart meaning someone killed you for love, or you killed someone for love. If this is familiar in your past life work, then this should explain why you are having issues, or your Twin Flame having issues around trusting love. If love and betrayal are part of your past life trauma, it will certainly explain your current issues around trusting love.
If you discovered that as a child you were assaulted or killed in your previous life; either by your loved one or by a stranger, it should explain to you why you created a protective shield around yourself from childhood in this lifetime.
Any issues around trust from your past life will bleed into your current reality in some way or the other. Trust issues from your past lives could even be a key Twin Flame block that is preventing your physical union with your Twin Flame. The only way you will understand how and why it is happening is through past life work.

Trusting The Process
Even if your current reality looks bleak, it doesn’t mean that this is how it will remain in future. You must have heard, “There is light at the end of the tunnel.” This is not only a simple metaphor, as it comes with great wisdom and teachings that no matter how things may appear in your current situation, just like you meet the light after the end of the tunnel, your life will also take another cycle that will contain a lighter load vs the current heavier load.
Even if things may look bad now, simply know that The Universe has a plan in place to make it better for you. When we learn to trust Divine plans, we learn to embrace it. We can then begin to build trust in tough circumstances and believe that no matter what comes our way, it will be for our benefit to develop us. This is the entire soul journey experience. What this means is to trust and have faith that all happens for your highest and greatest good even if the current reality contradicts it.
Faith is a spiritual muscle that allows you to exercise constantly during your soul’s journey. Faith is having the confidence in whatever you have hoped for, and having the assurance that The Universe is working to deliver it to you, even though you cannot see it. Faith knows that no matter what the situation is, in your life or someone else’s, The Universe is working nonstop to bring it to fruition.
The more you exercise faith, the stronger your trust to The Universe will develop. There will be a time when despite your current reality, you would have shifted your own consciousness around it so much that whether the “end result” The Universe gave you as an alternate ending, wouldn’t matter. You would be content of your “end result” regardless.
A perfect example will be your past romantic relationships. You know now that The Universe worked in your favor by not allowing your previous romantic relationships to continue. The more you reflect on this knowledge itself, the stronger “Trusting The Process” will become. If the Universe didn’t do you wrong before, have faith that in the future it will not be unjust to you either.
This also applies to your Twin Flame connection or your soul connection. If you are reading this article, intuitively you are drawn to the subject because you are awakened to your consciousness. Whether you are a Twin Flame reading this article or someone who has been awakened to the spiritual journey, you must allow trust to lead you the way into your soul journey. What this simply means is to allow trust to guide you on the specific signs and syncs you receive from The Universe. This includes for many who constantly see some sort of future with your beloved. If you are being shown time after time that there is a future with your beloved, then simply allow your trust in knowing this.
Nothing is random when it comes to The Universe and your Higher Self. There is a reason why you are being shown this aspect so you should connect with your Higher Self and ask them to show you what is next, to show you on what your next action plan is to remove your current block. The block could be your own self-acceptance, your neglected inner child, your neglected self-love, or past life karma.
Because your beloved’s love for you is so powerful, they have no problem hanging on to their soul contract by keeping their distance from you. Your Twin Flame’s behavior should indicate to you what you are lacking within you and what energetic obstacles you carry within you to heal.
You don’t know what you don’t know. If some aspects are not explained yet, it means you are not ready to know this yet. Trust your Higher Self to deliver it to you in the most precise time you are meant to know.

Trust All Process
Trusting all process is another extension to trusting the process. Trusting all process is different from trusting the process. Trusting the process is allowing God/The Universe to lead you the way, whereas trusting all process is allowing your Higher Self to lead the way. When it comes to your soul contract, your soul lessons, your Higher Self overrides all the other higher forces and that includes God/The Universe.
Some consider one’s Higher Self the ultimate creator and executer. This depends on your own awareness and how you perceive Higher Forces to be. You can decide how you want to view it. Trusting all process is handing your fate/destiny back to your Higher Self so that they handle the reins for the ride of your life. Do not worry if you have difficulty in doing so. This is the part of the ego-based consciousness you are discarding to birth the higher consciousness where you shed all sorts of doubts and fear.
If you have mastered this aspect of your soul’s journey, know that the future will look different from your past for the simple fact that you have shifted your consciousness. This will be the birth of your light being. When put this way, it doesn’t sound so scary, which is the most important lesson you have learnt from this article, to allow yourself to trust all process vs picking and choosing based off your ego desires.
When it comes to your ego desires vs the desires of the soul, guess which one of the two will win the race? You understood it correctly; it will be your soul. At the end, it is still a version of you so it definitely knows what is best for your soul lessons and soul growth.

Asking For Help
This brings me to the conclusion of my teachings to you, especially if you have made it this far into the article. Often we are so busy in trying to understand and endure the highs and lows of our soul journey, that we forget that we are not alone. What this means is that you have the entire force around you, conspiring to assist. Depending on who you believe are the higher forces, do not forget to ask for help.
Whether you believe in The Universe, God almighty, your Higher Self, the cosmos, galactic stars and planets, Mother Gaia, Archangels, your Guides (loved ones), just remember that they are here for you and that you can depend on them. You were never meant to do this alone, so seek help.
If you are in alignment with your soul’s journey, you will come into alignment with everything else, and that includes spiritual gurus, teachers, healers and so forth who will aide you further into your soul evolution.
Trust your journey. Trust your connection. Trust your Higher Self. Trust the Universe. Trust your Guides. Trust your Ascended Masters overlooking your Twin Flame union process. Trust your healing. Trust your lessons. Trust your intuition. Trust your Divine plan. Trust this entire system process! Never doubt this process either, but simply place trust that all is okay.
You are meant to be where you are. Simply trust and have faith that all is well. Be grateful for everything that comes your way. Hope you enjoyed reading this article and it finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection.
Twin Flame Union