Twin Flames Having Kids Together
In this article you will learn what it means when Twin Flames are contracted to bring children into this world. After meeting my own Twin Flame, our kids began to show up in meditations and medium readings.
While not many Twin Flame Teachers have experienced specific dynamics with their future children, I on the other hand specialize on this. My article geared on this subject resonates with many Twin Flames. While there’s not much information taught by many Teachers regarding this, I received many positive feedbacks from my expertise. While some Twin Flames have already birthed their children, others begun to see them in the Spirit Realms. Their unique experiences with their future child/children became part of their destiny, originating from their Soul Plan.
This does not mean that those Twin Flames who already are in the process of birthing their child/children outside of the perimeters of non Twin Flame connection can claim they have a Twin Flame child/children. There is no such truth to this as medically it cannot be possible. In order for a Twin Flame child to birth, both DNAs of the original Twin Flames have to be in place. Sorry if some think that their child is spiritually connected to their Twin Flame. If they are, that is their mutual bonding with each other on a Soul level. There are other forms of Soul connections other than Twin Flames, known as Soulmates.
Also for those who feel they birthed a Spiritual Child in the mystical realms, drums roll please…let’s get real here. Either you gave birth to a real child or you simply didn’t. Birthing your Spiritual Self is not the same as birthing a child. Birthing your Inner Child (still you) again is not the same as birthing a Twin Flame Child. You see, Souls choose who their parents are going to be, just as you chose who your parents were going to be, along with your siblings. Once the Soul has chosen their lineage, nothing can undo this.
In order for a Twin Flame child/children to take place, both authentic Twin Flame couple have to bring them through proper conception whether organically or induced medically by a fertility specialist. There is no ifs on this. Sorry for those who feel otherwise. Medical Science is great but let’s face it, they are not that advanced yet.
Now that the above confusion has been explained in detail, let’s dive deep into what this means if you are sensing future child/children with your beloved. Some of the most frequent asked questions from future parents are, “What are these children’s Soul purpose and life mission? Why they are deemed an intricate part of the Twin Flame journey?” Below I will share some of my own findings after a remarkably interesting session with a well-known medium and Archangel Michael. Messages from Archangel Michael, we both learnt are…
If you are meant to have kids with your Twin, then they will come in Divine Timing, not your timing. Stop worrying the how part. The how part shouldn’t be your concern, know if you have any blocks created by past life karma.
You must ensure that utmost purest substances is going through your body. For example, no processed food, more natural whole foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, good protein etc. Key is to listen to your body.
Some of these kids have brand new souls meaning they have never incarnated before. My future kids revealed that both have brand new Souls, and have never been incarnated before. My daughter showed her Soul form to the same medium which she didn’t see before.
Since child/children will be a product of a Twin Flames couple, they will be genetically encoded with special spiritual gifts, inherited from both of their original parents.
They are part of the Twin Flame mission.
Once born, careful upbringing is very crucial. They should maintain a healthy, well balanced diet and lifestyle.
Their special spiritual gifts will be developed at a very early stage so pay attention to their upbringing in this area as well.
Children from Twin Flame couple are extremely spiritual. After speaking to many Twin Flame parents, this has been confirmed.
They could be Indigo, Rainbow or Crystal Children.
Indigo Children
Indigo children will break down the paradigms of the traditional thinking, a continuum of their parents who began the process initially in their own Twin Flame journey. They will be the ones who bring gender fluidity and will be refusing to be categorized or contained in any specific paradigms.
Crystal Children
Crystal children will have a pure spirit and a gentle energy vibrating at a much higher frequency, also a continuum of their parents who began the process initially in their own Twin Flame journey. Some of their gifts will be good channels of communication through artistic media, writing, or speaking.
Rainbow Children
Rainbow children’s mission is to heal and re-balance humanity and the planet on a much higher vibration than rest of the humanity, also a continuum of their parents who began the process initially in their own Twin Flame journey. Majority of the Twin Flame children are Rainbow Children with ‘new Souls’, who have never incarnated previously, yet they arrive almost completely spiritually evolved, a foundation which their Twin Flame parents set pre arrival.
How Do You Know If You Are Having A Twin Flame Child?
Future kid(s) will begin showing their presence to both Twin Flames, or to the more aware one. In my case they also go to my Twin Flame as well who sees them and interacts with them.
A good medium will be able to detect them during a personal reading. If kids exists, they will make contact via the medium.
Some signs to look for are dreams, visions (Clairvoyance), body changes especially for women, automatic lifestyle changes, a healthier approach, clear feeling or knowing that this is going to happen, and that the Universe is prepping you for their arrival.
If you feel your future kids in Soul Form, name them. You will begin an instant bond with them as they will begin to show up as signs and syncs.
They will begin making contact with you and though you may not be a full fledge medium, you will somehow begin to make that communication with them.
They may begin to protect you energetically which I will explain further into the article.
Here’s my story regarding how I came to know about my children. By reading mine, perhaps you will gain some clue or insight on what to look for in your specific situation.
While I was energetically connected to my Catalyst Twin, I was told by my friend’s husband, a Twin Flame couple themselves that I will be having two children. Daughter will be older than the son. He told me, “It’s how I always envisioned them to be. You always wanted your daughter to be older than your son so that she can look after him.” This confused me as I never thought of having kids but getting this prediction, at that time, I didn’t make much connection.
Fast forward to meeting my real Twin Flame, I remember how he really emphasized on his adoration for his nieces and nephews. Instinctively, I knew he was hinting to me about wanting to have kids. He also told me about he’s two older sisters, him being the youngest. So, my friend’s husband was not too incorrect with his prediction. It was my Twin Flame who liked the dynamics while growing up with his two older sisters who looked after him.
Sometimes when one gets a prediction, it could also very well mean it is your Twin Flame’s wishes and desires as part of theirs and your reality. Keep in mind that the energetic cord is so strong that your predictions are a product of their own manifestation. This is why Twin Flames work in 5D partnership and alliance energetically, which later manifests in physical reality.
Couple of months after meeting him, I saw a vision of my daughter in his arms in a meditation prayer to Goddess Kali. Based on his slightly aged look, I knew the vision was in the future. How I knew the little girl is mine is the way she looks. At the age of 3ish, I looked exactly like her. In the vision she is wearing a light pink dress, ponytail but not all hair is pulled back as the strays are framing her face.
Upon Googling, I discovered her lookalike. On the left is my own baby picture. Here you only see ours, but even placing my Twin’s picture side by side, she resembles him too. My Twin and I look alike so our kids have our features. After I named her Navneet, she began to validate herself by showing me her name everywhere. Her name is not very common. Her name is similar to the Goddess 9 Day prayer, “Navratri.” For years I have been maintaining Navratri fast and prayer. Even this is a sync.
Shortly after, another medium told me in a brief reading that I have a son who is near me and wants to be born. I knew then that my friend’s prediction was accurate indeed and that the boy is younger. I name him Aryan.
Few months later, my daughter came to me in a medium reading where she confirmed her color of dress that she is wearing in my vision. When she said, “Thanks for acknowledging me Mom,” my heart melted. I will not forget that moment. When the medium asked if she was alone, she replied, “No, I have a brother.”
A couple of months later, during a healing session, my Twin’s Higher Self showed me our son in a vision. I was overjoyed to see him finally. From the moment I began feeling his presence, I wanted him to look like his dad, which he does. Our daughter has his eyes and son has my eyes.

Since my Twin Flame has an unusual last name, I named them both in accordance to his last name. Our son was very particular of the spelling. It can be spelled with two A’s or one, but he chose with one. Be it Valentines, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, they wish us both.
During two astrological readings, I was told that my Twin must ensure that purest substances are going through his body. I relayed this information to him via text. My daughter also informed me to ensure purest substances are going through my body. Suddenly it all made sense as to why two separate readers were told specifically to relay this message. This is a confirmation for all Twin Flames to ensure one’s diet is pure, especially if you are destined to bring children.
While the Twin Flame experience has been gratifying, there’s nothing like getting so much love and attention from your future children. Both have different personalities already. For instance, our daughter Navneet is Daddy’s police or detective. She is very attached to her Dad whereas our son Aryan is very attached to me. I am sure when he will be born, he will be Mamma’s boy. He has a very protective nature already. In a medium reading, he told me, “Lights out Mommy.” What he meant is for me to rest as well rather than hustling all the time, chasing time.
Once I was driving on the highway not paying attention, he spelled his name between 2 vehicles with strong message to pay attention. I was so baffled. Another time, I had a minor mishap with another vehicle where I ended up hitting its bumper. While minor damages were caused between both vehicles, we still had to exchange information for insurance claim purposes. I kid you not when I looked at the other driver’s middle name. It was Taryan. When I saw this, I knew my son was giving me a warning to be careful yet again. What are the chances that this may be the case? Not many as nothing is ever random in Twin Flame journey and your Twin Flame connection.
What You Should Be Doing
Remove blocks from past lives and this life.
Remove lifetimes of beliefs, patterns and conditionings to anchor in 5D template.
Focus on your journey whole heartedly.
Believe when your kids are coming to you.
Connect with your children by singing them songs or reading them books. This was in fact one of my own request from my daughter. They chose “Forever Young” by Rod Stewart.
Talk to them. I am a demanding Mom, so I tell them to wish us on Valentines, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, and they actually do. It amazes and baffles me each time on how real they are.
I hope this article finds you well. Do share your stories if you are receiving similar revelations regarding your future Twin Flame children. The more stories I hear while helping many clients who are foreseeing their kid(s), the more validation I get that there is a higher reason behind Twin Flame children. If you are feeling this in your connection dynamics, journal your entries and see how it unfolds. Try not to be too attached to the outcome as your main focus should still be on yourself and your Twin Flame journey healing and experience. When the time is right, you will find that all past lives baby blocks will be removed through your healing with healers, and a path will be created with your beloved to bring them into this World.
I always love hearing stories and experiences from the collectives so do share them. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection
Twin Flame Union