Picture of Vineeta Kumar

Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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Twin Flames And Crystal Healing

Being on a roller coaster ascension path is not easy. As a Twin Flame, often you will find yourself going through spirals of energy shifts, some even picked up from your Divine Counterpart as you both navigate through this very complicated journey. It’s crucial to keep your energy grounded. Crystals are one way of ensuring so and as well as you can use it for your own spiritual healing as some of these crystals help you to release emotions, trauma and promote healing through your Chakra System. 

Below are some crystals I have listed. While there are so many various types of crystals, this may assist you in working with the right ones while you are targeting any particular areas. If you do not find anything specific for your unique healing, dry Googling it.

Do not forget to charge them daily. Selenite crystals are amazing way to charge them as they contain self charging properties. You can find Selenite charging plate at any metaphysical stores, Amazon or Etsy. Hematite is another crystal which allows you to release any trapped energy in your metaphysical tools. 

You can also watch my YouTube Video on how to charge your crystals using a pendulum. I have mentioned some of the Chakras here with its crystal coordination, but to keep this article short, I have not listed it with all crystals that have more than one color spectrum. You can coordinate each color of crystal with whatever Chakra color it relates with. If you are in doubt, you can always Google for your in-depth answers.

What crystals are used for…

  • Grounding or anchoring space
  • Clearing or transmuting energy in your day to day healing
  • Using crystals as jewelry to protect self or empowerment
  • Charging your metaphysical tools
  • Manifestation
  • Meditation

**Make sure it's authentic crystal for best effect**

Amethyst – Aides in psychic awareness, intoxication, incenses decision making. Psychic intuition. Great for Crown or 3rd Eye Chakra or bringing down the Violet Flame.

Amazonite – Enhances communication, thoughts, feelings, dream interpretation. Great for Heart Chakra and Throat Chakra.

Aquamarine – Heals emotional trauma, releases stress, helps getting in touch with suppressed emotions by activating Throat Chakra to speak one’s truth.

Azurite – cleanses and strengthens emotional body by releasing stress and worry. Helps in overcoming grief or sadness. It brings healing light into one’s consciousness.

Black Obsidian – Stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura and is a strong psychic protection stone. This stone has powerful metaphysical properties that will help to shield you against negativity.

Black Tourmaline – A powerful stone for protection against negative energy of all kinds including psychic protection and electromagnetic fields (EMF) protection. Strong spiritual grounding stone.

Black Onyx – Absorbs and transforms negative energy and helps to prevent the drain of personal energy. Develops emotional, physical strength and stamina.

Bloodstone – excellent blood cleanser, heightens intuition, increases creativity. It’s perfect crystal to use for grounding and protection against negative energies.

Citrine – Stimulates mental power and wealth. Helps to focus. Brings happiness, joy, and positivity in life by eliminating the negative energies and vibes. Citrine does not accumulate or hold negative energy; in fact, it transforms negativity into positive energy. Great for Solar Plexus Chakra.

Coral – Calms anger. Helps in overcoming fear and nervousness in the individual. Boosts self esteem.

Garnet – Balance of physical, emotional and intellectual elements. Psychic protection in the realm of spiritual healing. Used for Root Chakra.

Green Aventurine – Nurtures heart, love, wealth and luck. Dissolves negative emotion and thoughts. Brings well being and emotional calmness. Great for Heart Chakra.

Goldstone – builds positive energy, courage and positive attitude. Increases self confidence and promotes vitality.

Hematite – focus energy and emotions to balance body, mind and spirit. Dissolves negative energy and prevents you from absorbing any negative energy from others. Enhances confidence, self-power and willpower which makes it excellent for manifesting anchors.

Jade – attracts prosperity, wealth and love. Brings positive vibes and good fortune into your life.

Kyanite – aligns all Chakras and subtle bodies instantly. It provides balance of Yin-Yang energy and dispels blockages, moving energy gently through the physical body.

Lapis Lazuli – Encourages self-awareness, allows self-expression and reveals inner truth, providing qualities of honesty, compassion and morality to the personality. Great for 3rd Eye Chakra.

Labradorite – transformation, bringing change, imparting strength and perseverance. It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. Excellent for strengthening intuition and promoting psychic abilities.

Malachite – Balance, abundance, manifestation and intention, deep energy cleaning, bringing healing and positive transformation. Great for wealth.

Moonstone – aides in inner growth and expansion. Stabilizes emotions, provides calmness of mind, increases intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and all business matters.

Obsidian – protective stone, shields negative energy, excellent for cord cutting, blocks psychic attacks and negative energies. Brings clarity of the mind and clears confusion.

Peridot – increases mental focus, reduces depression, protects against negative energy, boosts self worth.

Pyrite – Shields off negative energy. Blocks energy leaks and mends auric tears. Great for wealth and abundance.

Rose Quartz – Known for its heart healing properties. The love and healing vibrations help replace toxic emotions and blockages that clogs the Heart Chakra and replaces it with the energy of love.

Red Carnelian – Psychological protection. Reduces tension, stress, incompatibility of a person. It’s a stone of motivation, endurance, leadership and courage. Great for Sacral Chakra.

Red Jasper – Carries a strong spiritual grounding vibration. This is very helpful for emotional equilibrium and spiritual grounding. It gives deep insight into personal difficulties and gives you a strong sense of stability. Great for Root Chakra.

Rhodonite – balances emotions and clears away emotional trauma and wounds from the past. Balances the Heart Chakra by reactivation of the heart and evoking self love. Grounds the Yin-Yang energy for inner union process.

Rhodochrosite – integrates physical and spiritual energies by stimulating love and compassion while energizing the Soul. It opens up the Heart Chakra by improving self love, self worth and emotional stress.

Selenite – Cleanses aura, charges crystals with its self charging properties, absorbs negative energy, removes negative energy blockages.

Smokey Quartz – neutralizes negative vibrations by detoxifying all levels Chakra System. Disperses fear, lifts depression and negativity. Brings emotional calmness, relieving stress and anxiety.

Sodalite – brings emotional balance, calms panic attacks, enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance and self-trust. Boosts immune system, metabolism. Opens up 3rd Eye Chakra.

Tiger’s Eye – Releases fear and anxiety, and aids harmony and balance. Helps makes decisions and unclouded emotions. Great for Solar Plexus Chakra.

Tourmaline – It promotes self-confidence and diminishes fear, attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity. It balances the right-left sides of the brain.

Turquoise – Improves mental state, serenity, creativity, empathy, positive thinking, sensitivity, intuition, happiness and wisdom. Great for Throat Chakra.

White Quartz – Master Healer. Open heart & mind to higher guidance. Opens up Crown Chakra. Great use for grounding with white light energy.

Twin Flame Crystal

Twin Flame Crystal

Twin Flame crystals are crystals, which have twin peak formation on its top that had occurred naturally overtime. They are also recommended for all Twin Flames who have chosen to walk this path for their Twin Flame journey, during this lifetime. Twin Flame crystals are very powerful for manifesting anchors, for neutralizing negative energies, for argumentative healing, anger, resentment, guilt, shame, self-union or reunion.

They come in any crystal formation and color.

If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

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Twin Flame Union

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