Types Of Fear Blocks – Twin Flames
Fear presents itself in many shapes and forms during the course of our soul’s journey. Fear presents as blocks, such as cultural conditioning, societal expectations, relationships, financial freedom, health, past life traumas, and much more. In this article, we will learn what they are, and how to identify why it causes it so that you can begin to heal them once and for all.
Before we dive deep into the topic, let’s understand what fear means.
Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by a belief that someone or something is dangerous and is likely to cause pain or a threat. Fear causes psychological changes that may produce behavioral reactions such as mounting an aggressive response or fleeing a threat.
Most people are not aware that their entire perception of life is based from having fear issues, nor do they know that fear comes in blocks and certain programming.
13 Types Of Fears
- Fear of being alone – This type of fear stems of being ignored and not being heard. Fear of being left alone. Fear of deemed not important to others.
- Fear of abandonment – As humans, it is our nature to bond with people but the fear of being abandoned by them can become a very traumatic experience. As a result, humans create a protective shield to avoid being hurt by choosing to become too clingy or may become very independent.
- Fear of connecting with others – Often stemming from past painful experiences in relationships, connecting emotionally, romantically, intimately with others seems dangerous. In this case, these experiences endured leaves the individual not feeling safe. Fear houses the heart, so to avoid injury, they withdraw from connections.
- Fear of no recognition – When we do not get acceptance in relationships, we are often left with a feeling of not being good enough. Not being recognized for our worth and for who we really are can hinder our success and growth. Fear of being respected and loved takes home, often with resentment, humiliations and shame.
- Fear of financial insecurity – Fear of not having enough money to live. Fear for not making enough to clear financial debts. Fear of not having enough money to pursue dreams and goals. Fear of losing source of income or revenue. These could be a direct result of their upbringing especially while growing up, money was scarce.
- Fear of failure – When you have met failure in your previous relationships or endeavors, opening up to that sort of painful experiences may be something you fear. If you faced success at someone’s expenses, guilt may prevent you to risk it again. You may feel both guilty and afraid to pursue whom or what you love once more.
- Fear of self awareness – Fear of speaking up or standing up to your own truth. Stemming from childhood or relationship trauma, fear on lack of self awareness leading to not having one’s own individuality, which then affects the development of one’s own personality traits. It is often shadowed by others who dictate how you should be as an individual.
- Fear of living your dreams and desires – Fear of conforming to the demands and expectations of family, work, religion, society and cultural conditioning. Suppressing living your life in your own terms rather than something or someone else’s terms. Rather than placing yourself first, fear of creating conflicts, giving in to the demands is easier.
- Fear of health – Fear of contracting life threatening diseases, often preventing one to live their full potential. People who have nosophobia have an illogical fear of developing a specific disease that is usually life threatening. The word nosophobia originates from the Greek word for disease, “Nosos,” and fear, “Phóbos.”
- Fear of unknown trauma – Fear of the unknown trauma often stems from previous lifetimes that bled into its current reality. Often karma is unfolding and balancing from those lifetimes. Everyone is born with soul amnesia so the only way the soul can make you remember is through current life experiences via repeating the same sequences.
- Fear of cultural issues – Xenophobia derived from ancient Greek word, “Xénos” meaning strange, foreign or alien, “Phóbos” is the fear or dislike of anything which is perceived as being foreign or strange. In this case, it could be a personal development through ancestral conditioning or societal. Xenophobia is based on a perception that certain activities within certain groups may cause racial, ethnic and national conflicts through targets of suspicion and fear.
- Fear of societal issues – Fear of situations that arise in which you may feel being judged negatively by others within the society you live in. Having constant worry of being humiliated and embarrassed. Having intense fear towards strangers, especially when it comes to having interactions with them. Having fear that others will notice your anxiousness.
- Fear of religious issues – Fear of religion, often based through certain childhood experience or conditioning, led by a belief that all religion is bad. Fear of holy buildings such as church and temples are bad due to feelings of distrust. Some of this subconscious beliefs are formed from trauma of previous lifetime as well which the person cannot seem to explain.

Fear Of Relationships
You have briefly learnt different types of fears. One of the most common fear factor are relationships. When you have relationship fear, it plays out through your connections especially if the connection comes with soul lessons. If you are a Twin Flame dealing with your Twin, relationship fear blocks would have presented already in your connection. So what does fear of relationship mean?
Philophobia is a term used for those who have an intense fear of love. This fear is so intense that they find it difficult, sometimes impossible to form and maintain loving relationships. “Philos” is a Greek word for loving or beloved. “Phóbos” is the Greek word for fear.
Philophobia usually describes as an extreme fear of falling in love and developing an emotional connection with someone and maintaining that connection. Philophobia is a form of an attachment disorder that stems from one’s broken heart; usually from a serious relationship or a connection.
Most phobias including philophobia are simply defense mechanism that the brain has created to avoid fear of pain. Philophobia is the result of some traumatic experience that set the origin for it to birth in a form of intense fear, such as fear of love or having emotional connection with someone.
This could present to the individual as a subconscious block especially if they are not aware of the many underlying trauma in their present life. If this is the case, the trauma could be from previous lifetimes that is now playing out in their current reality.
Limited Beliefs
A person’s openness to relationships with others usually begins with their own relation with themselves which becomes an outer reality on how they behave with others. If someone has an internalized limited beliefs regarding their self-worth, or perceive that they are not enough, they may consider themselves unworthy of receiving love and predict painful rejection. This then becomes a subconscious pattern in a form of avoidance where they are unable to provide love or affection to others in the fear of causing someone else pain.
Avoiding Fear
While avoiding the situations may make you feel better in the short term, but having avoidance issues can cause increased anxiety in the long term. When you completely avoid your fears, you teach your amygdala that you cannot handle them. Amygdala is the fear center in your brain.
Past Trauma
I decided to highlight this particular area, as dealing with so many clients who seems to have relationship issues with their Twin Flame, including my own connection, past life traumas have a huge bearing on one’s current relationship blocks regarding fear issues. For those who have done some past life work, if there was trauma regarding betrayal, jealousy, unrequited love, murder, infidelity, one person passing away leaving the other Twin Flame stranded, can lead to philophobia.
In order to learn what your story is within your own connection, doing past life work is necessary. In order to know where your fear blocks originate, diving into your past lives can shed some light so that you can heal on a cellular and vibrational level.

Conquering Fear
Knowing where your own fear lies is not always easy. When you begin to heal psychologically, spiritually, socially and mentally, some of the fear blocks will begin to phase out. When it comes to healing, identifying the origin of fears does help. It gives you various direction on how to heal them and diminish phobias permanently.
Powerful Shamanic clearing can assist in removing some of the existing blocks. Self-help books help in assisting you to move your consciousness to another level which can help in removing fear blocks. Most self-help books gear around being positive at all times which can play a huge deal with manipulating your psyche.
Journaling can also help you to list your own current fears and deal with it on a permanent basis. Taking some sort of counselling such as seeing a therapist or a psychologist can play a crucial part in your healing. Hypnosis healing is excellent to face and rewire your fears and phobias so that it does not control your life regarding your own growth or relations.
Powerful guided meditations can also assist in rewiring your subconscious mind into positivity.
It is a not an overnight healing but know it is a gradual process. Simply allow the healing to take place as you tackle each type of fear modality.
No healing can begin until you face your own truth. In order to face your own truth, going inwards will assist in identifying where you need to heal. Simply be open to your healing.

Stepping Into Your Truth
Stepping in your own truth is first owning that you are an amazing person. Whether you were programmed through your upbringing, previous life experiences that led you to having fear issues, owning your healing is crucial to your self-empowerment. Knowing that you are simply enough is part of your wellbeing and self-development.
Acceptance is the key to change in terms of who you are, and by accepting what struggles you deal with can lead to your healing process. Without acceptance you will constantly feel unworthy of any progress. It is normal to struggle, to be disappointed in choices you had made, but it is okay. It was part of your soul growth and soul lessons.
Accept who you are, without any judgment or blame, and feel the flood gates of progress open up before you. You are perfect, right here, right now. Remember it and believe it. You do not need fear to control you. You do not need fear to give you a false belief or a story that hinders your daily life decisions.
Be proud and that you are aware of your truth. Allow no one to decide for you what is good and bad for you. Be honest and full in your truth. Do not hide behind being judged by self, others, or society inflicted, or anything else that hinders your truth. Your personal truth is just that, truth. We have been told to always tell the truth as a child. So do it loudly and proudly.
You should not be influenced by members of your family, religion, race, culture, societal expectations or anything that is not in alignment with you. You are the master of all creations. You can conquer anything that is holding you back from living the life of your dreams.
After all, you are the master and creator of your own reality. I hope this article was informative. I pray that this article finds you well and that you can conquer your fears with ease. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection.
Twin Flame Union