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Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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Unconditional Love In Twin Flame Journey

Unconditional Love In Twin Flame Journey

In this article, we will dissect many variations on unconditional love and how this is an integral part of your Twin Flame journey and healing, whether it is moving on from old paradigms, false beliefs or patterns around it. Before we begin on what this looks like, first we should take a look at what this really means in standard definition.

Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations, or love without conditions. This term is sometimes associated with other terms such as true altruism or complete love. ~ Wikipedia

The actual meaning does not associate a person, place or thing but simply talks about a state of being in. When one shifts their focus solely in the state of being in, everything else shifts and changes around them. The only way this is achieved is when one focuses on every area of their life vs a few obvious ones. When one is focused on every aspect of their life, it becomes a ripple dynamical effect as one is interconnected with the other. Now that we have the above explained a bit better, let’s begin working through the breakdowns and what this means.

True love is not having any indifference or non-attachments; rather it simply indicates that the shared love is not conditional. True love should never feel like a prison sentence. Being nonattached to a loved one allows them the room to exist in one’s life without any conditions or expectations.

Unconditional Love Lies In You

Unconditional Love Lies In You

This herald’s first and uttermost priority in my list as it derives from self-love. While many are too engrossed in wanting to give unconditional love to others, be it their love interest and the whole World, it first should derive from loving you. When it comes to your Twin Flame, too many are only looking at one aspect of this rather than thinking on a deeper level. If you are only going to give unconditional love to others, you cannot neglect yourself in this equation. Unconditional love begins from within than reflects to others. This is where the famous saying, “As within so without” comes in.

If you are in a Twin Flame journey, looking for love outside of yourself will never give you the desired outcome, often leading in heartbreaks and disappointments. This is when Twin Flame experience becomes excruciating and unbearable for some. Twin Flames are meant to set new relationship templates; while anchoring union in 5D paradigm, you have to shed all your fears around love.

Your Twin’s 3D (lower paradigm) behavior is meant to force you to look within yourself as to why he/she is neglecting you. Their 3D behavior of ghosting you and running away from the connection forces you to heal your abandonment issues. We will dive deeper on this topic later in the article.


  • When you love, your surroundings also come at play. It is most often an inner reflection of your current state of being in, where you will begin to improve your exterior reality along with your inner reality. What this means is, you will suddenly want to change your living area by planning a big move whether it includes another place you fell in love with and upgrading to a new place, another City or even Country. The sudden change is a result of you making a change by exercising your leap of faith or having another sense of new adventure.
  • This may also be another job as well especially if your current job is no longer meeting your needs or desires. You have a desire to try something new, which is more challenging or simply you are looking for another change.
  • Many form a desire to decorate their home or office space as well. Perhaps even home renovations. This could be exterior or interior. This could also be landscaping and gardening as the desire to bond with nature may develop.
  • You may acquire some hobbies and crafts, be it cooking good food, knitting, sewing to even handyman craft projects. Because you are in euphoric state of being in, your creative juices will naturally begin flowing. You will be in dire need to change your outer reality to reflect your inner state.

Other Relationships

Other Relationships

When it comes to other form of relationships, especially if you are trying to remove weed from your garden so that good things flourish, it doesn’t mean you remove people from your lives if they are deemed weed. The whole point of your healing is to figure out why things ended up the way it did and see if you can make amends to the connection. Keep your end of the spectrum clear and conscience free. As long as you have done your due diligence, you are on the track to shifting your paradigms. If you need to apologize, then do so. Trust this process as well and lift the weight off your shoulders. You will feel better…

Remember on a Soul Level, even these experiences were meant to happen for your journey and growth lessons. This doesn’t mean you have to become close to the person(s) but allow forgiveness here, for yourself and them. Below are some relationships you can focus on.

  • Relationship With Parents – I come across this often with collectives when they had bad experiences with their parent(s) as a result of their upbringing, often inner child issues or trauma. If you are struggling to have a harmonize relationship with either or both parents, this could be a direct result of victimhood. Best to allow unconditional love to heal you here. Remember it is all about giving without any reciprocity especially if your personal relationship with your parents were less than ideal.
  • Siblings – While growing up, many found themselves being in constant competition with their siblings. If you grew up dealing with sibling rivalry, or still face it today, best to let it go. Be in the space where it does not affect your life anymore. Love for one’s siblings should be unconditional.
  • Work – Let’s face it, if you had a choice not to work with colleagues that you do not like or get along with, you would quit in a heartbeat but unfortunately, this is not always possible in reality. This can be tricky as you are not able to choose who you work with but same principles apply. You don’t have to become best friends with your colleagues but it is best to remain cordial with them especially if you have to work with them very closely. Even if they have wronged or backstabbed you, attempt to forgive them so that you move past the hurt and disappointment.
  • Friends – This is a bit different as you have the ability to pick and choose your friends. Naturally, you will have some friends you can depend on and others not so much. Friends, who constantly drain your vibe or energy, choose yourself here. There is no reason to put up with any abusive behavior from them either. Detach from drama because you choose your self-worth. You must have heard that friends come and go by the season. When it comes to your betterment, always choose you.

Loving Money

Loving Money

I have spoken about this before regarding how money is a form of self-love. It is a form of energy so whether it is a dollar or thousands of dollars, it only emits frequency. It only knows emotions and, “Emotions are energy in Motion.” You see The Universe is forever abundant and it doesn’t pick its favorites. The same frequencies is for all, so how come you are still not able to manifest financial independence or financial abundance. Somewhere along either it was overridden with subconscious blocks such as past life vows or trauma, or you are unable to tap into abundance of self-unconditional love. Not only you have to remove unconscious blocks around money but also apply forgiveness wherever it is required in your healing.

If you love yourself enough, you will make room to invest in yourself. This is not any different from getting an education. Not only it requires money to go to school but it also demands self-dedication, time and commitment. Money aspect does not override unconditional love. It is part of unconditional love. The moment you become into this realization, your whole dynamics will change when it comes to money and being able to afford abundance in all areas of one’s life.

You see, if you love yourself, you will pamper yourself with things you can afford such as housing, clothing, shoes, travel, electronics, education, entertainment, transportation, fancy meals with friends and family, healthy eating such as organics or high-end groceries, savings in the account, paying all your monetary debts, your spiritual journey, helping in goodwill, helping friends and family in need and so forth. List is endless.

I am almost certain, once put like this; you have another epiphany regarding money relevance in your day to day existence.

Relationship With Your Twin Flame

Relationship With Your Twin Flame

Let me begin by saying normal romantic 3D rules do not apply in your true Twin Flame connection. If you were in a standard normal connection, your love interest’s behavior or lack of interest towards you would indicate red flags through the roof. What it would typically mean is that this person is playing mind games with you and is simply not worth your time or effort. This is when choosing unconditional love will be doing justice to your psyche. You would want to remove yourself from any toxic behavior.

On the other hand, your Twin Flame’s lack of interests or them ghosting you has a higher reason from a Soul’s perspective. It is meant to resurrect triggers for you to heal regarding fear of loss or abandonment issues on a deeper level. If they are ghosting you or showing lack of interest, by giving them cold treatment, it does not come from unconditional love. By simply giving back what they are giving you, denotes from conditioned love or equal give and take. In this context, it is deemed negative through egoistic behavior. This kind of relationship tactics do not work in a Twin Flame connection.

You see, because your Twin Flame loves you so deeply, their behavior or lack of interest in reality seems like a punishment, but when you begin to see transformation of your own healing through their push and pull dynamics with heavy triggers, you begin to appreciate their devotion to you and for keeping up with their end of the bargain. If this is not conditional love from their side, then what it? Love them passionately without any expectations; love them unconditionally as they love you.

Find Your Acceptance

Find Your Acceptance

What this means is to release your expectations and go with the ebb and flow of the Universe rather than worrying about things you have no control over. Find your inner peace and know that whatever is happening is in the highest and greatest good for your Soul.

Find acceptance within yourself for your inner union…

  • By being kind to yourself without having any self-judgement towards you.
  • By confronting your fear also known as your dragons and demons and meeting them in the bull’s eye to heal.
  • By remaining positive at all times so that you create your own reality.
  • By accepting imperfections within yourself. Remember even Moon is flawed yet it is one of the most magnificent wonders.
  • By not taking your Twin Flame’s behavior personally or those who are close to you. When it comes to your higher learning, remember they aid in your Soul expansion and growth.
  • By forgiving those who have been unjust to you. Forgiveness allows you to move forward without having any grudges towards the person/people.
  • By simply believing in yourself because let’s face it, if you do not believe in you, no one else will.
  • By not giving up no matter what it looks like in your reality. Your Twin Flame journey is for a long haul.
  • By simply knowing that you are enough and that you are Love in Divine Self. You are the Empress or Emperor of your dreams. “You must become the producer, director and the actor in the unfolding story of your life.” ~ Wayne W. Dyer

As you can see when broken down like this, there is more that meets the usual standard definition or what you perceived unconditional love to have been. Keep digging your answers from all angles. Hope this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

Know your journey, know your connection

Twin Flame Union

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Twin Flame Union

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