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Vineeta Kumar

Twin Flame Teacher
Twin Flame Reader and Healer

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What Happens When Your Twin Flame Blocks You

What Happens When Your Twin Flame Blocks You

One of my most read Twin Flame article is, “Help!!! My Twin Flame Is Ghosting Me.” Dealing with many clients over the years while stepping into my platform as a Twin Flame Teacher, I have seen and heard many Twin Flames face the battle of their Twin Flame blocking them. This can come in the form of energetically being distant (going into their cave mode or building walls around them), or simply being blocked on social media.

The runner Twin Flame will cease all means of communication by blocking all means of contact from the chaser Twin Flame. I have said this before that if you are in a true Twin Flame connection; one of the most obvious thing you will notice about your Twin Flame is that they do not block you from all means of contact, meaning that they will leave some window of social media platform open. In my observation, this is the case because they feel the same intensity of the connection just as much as you do as well.

In this article I will explain to you what exactly happens after they have blocked you. In my own Twin Flame journey, I have seen what impact it made when he blocked me and how it transformed my life for the better. If your Twin Flame has blocked you, buckle your seatbelt up for the journey ahead. I promise you that you will feel it was the best present you had received from your Twin Flame. I will explain it in depth as we dive deep into the reasons why this is happening to you, and no, you are not losing your marbles. In fact, it is far from it.

Why Do They Ghost You?

This is an interesting question, as many would often wonder reasons on why they have blocked you. Here are some of the reasons you can rule out in your connection.

  • If they blocked you, it does not mean that you are not in a Twin Flame connection. To know whether they are indeed your Twin Flame, try my 72-hour Twin Flame test.
  • You are dealing with a Catalyst Twin Flame.
  • They are not feeling the intensity of the connection as you are.
  • They are not awakened to the journey as you are.
  • They do not have feelings for you.

What Is Ghosting?

Ghosting is a colloquial term used to describe the practice of ceasing all communication and contact with a person without any apparent warning or justification and subsequently ignoring any attempts to reach out or communicate with the said person. This term originated in the early 2000s when electronic social media and online dating sites immerged.

Through the following decades, rise in ghosting was reported as the increase in volume of social media and online dating apps were introduced. By being blocked from your contact on social media and online dating apps, you are prevented from reaching out to them or seeing their messages or posts on that particular social network platform.

What Happens When Your Twin Flame Blocks You

Why You Attract This?

From a soul level, through other forms of experiences and relationship dynamics, you will constantly see same regurgitated cycles and patterns reoccur for you to remember what you need to heal and clear on a karmic level. This could also be unresolved karma from previous lives with other people who incarnated here or your beloved.

When it comes to your Twin Flame connection, in actuality, you did not attract this on a vibrational level but merely you are playing out a script for your soul to remember what inner work you need to conjure for your healing and soul expansion. Because your Twin Flame mirrors your own healing blocks and fears through their 3D behavior, it forces you to dive into your own subconscious issues of self-love and abandonment issues.

In order for you to wake up to your own truth and awareness, your Twin Flame plays out their script to perfection. From a soul level, if they did not love you the way they do, they wouldn’t hold on to their end of the bargain. Of course, this is not how the stayer Twin Flame views the rejection. They are weighing the entire experience through normal relationship dynamics vs what the journey is teaching them.

Remember you do not attract what you want. You attract who you are!!

What Does This Mean?

From a soul level, what this means when the runner Twin Flame uses blocking and ghosting behavior towards the stayer Twin Flame in the form of 3D tactics, they are forcing you to go inwards in your healing. You see, you have blocked many aspects of yourself through lack of self-acceptance, through your childhood trauma and negligence from your loved ones. Once you begin to go inwards and heal this aspect of yourself, you will find the excruciating pain of Twin Flame separation bearable.

You were meant to become the highest version of who you were destined to be, and your Twin Flame agreed to assist you in your ascension process. In fact, when it came to your soul lessons and soul expansion, energetically you both agreed upon assisting each other.

Many stayer Twin Flame feel that they are only doing their inner work and healing while their Twin Flame is not. Many feel that only their Twin Flame is teaching them soul lessons when in reality, you are also teaching them soul lessons. Just because you are not aware of what lessons you are teaching them, does not mean that they are not also learning and expanding on a soul level. This is a false misconception based out of ego if you feel that they are not learning or healing.

Are You Ready?

This now bring me to the next part of the teaching. Many Twin Flames fail to see the higher reasons of their Twin Flame experience because they are too hung up on the romantic outcome of their connection vs diving deep into their massive self-transformation.

Your Twin Flame is meant to be your catalyst in your accession process. You and your Twin Flame agreed upon this before you both incarnated. Each one of you are playing by the script with other players. This could be in the form of parents, siblings, Karmic partners and much more. You have no idea what is written in the script so why not allow it to unfold, as it should.

Instead of asking, what the future has in store for you, ask your Higher Self to show you what your next move should be. Ask your Higher Self to lead you into the next step. Ask your Higher Self what lessons it is teaching you. Tell your Higher Self that you are paying attention to whatever they are showing you.

“I am divine magnificent of life and deserve the best. I accept miracles. I accept healing. I accept wholeness. And most of all, I accept myself. I am precious and I cherish who I am.” ~ Louise Hay


You should be asking yourself the most important question of your life, and that is whether you are worth it.

  • Are you ready to begin your own inner work?
  • Are you ready to give it all you have got into your own Twin Flame journey?
  • Are you ready for any outcome as your “end result” which could very well be not to be with your Twin Flame?
  • Are you afraid to surrender to your Divine Self?

Divine Selection

Trust the Divine process also known as your Higher Self. Look at this way. Has your Higher Self let you down so far in your life? After going through all your experiences from childhood to adulthood, can you honestly say that whatever happened to you so far did not happen for your highest and greatest goods? If your answer is yes, then simply allow yourself this knowledge that whatever happens in the future, will also happen for your best interest.

“All that is mine by Divine Right is now released and reaches me in the great avalanches of abundance, under grace in miraculous ways. There is no separation in Divine Mind; therefore, I cannot be separated from love and companionship which are mine by Divine Right.” ~ Florence Scovel Shinn

Stand In Your Power

We spoke about spiritual reasons why you need to focus on yourself rather than your Twin Flame. In this section, we will tackle the logical reason why your prime focus should be on your own self-respect. When your Twin Flame ghosts you in physical reality, it is very clear that they are making it aware to you that they are not interested in you for the duration you are being ghosted.

See below what it means when a person ghosts you in normal terms.

A ghoster’s reasons for ghosting are often all about them—they’re not ready for a real relationship, real feelings, real conversations, etc. —and have nothing to do with you. So if and when you ever get ghosted, walk away from that situation knowing you dodged a bullet! And you’re better off moving on. ~ Cosmopolitan

Whether this is on a permanent basis, or temporary setback period, this will depend on your connection. If they have ghosted you, then take this time to allow space between you two. In fact, by ghosting you, they have already created the separation.

Twin Flames use closeness and distances to resurrect chore-healing wounds to heal. This is not only exclusive to one Twin Flame. Both Twins are healing their issues. It is not your business on what they are healing. Your prime focus should be to see how they are mirroring the wounding back to you from their 3D behavior.

Twin Flame connections are so powerful. With their highs and lows, blocking and ghosting aspects of the relationship, they become teachers and catalysts to each other in their soul growth process. No other connection can herald this kind of healing between the pair. The pair can open up fractured and disowned parts of themselves that has been hidden and locked up away from eons and lifetimes ago, which also includes childhood trauma.

Stand in your power and allow yourself the dignity not to chase them. If they are blocking you and ghosting you, shift your focus on you. Separation time becomes precious when it comes to your soul alchemy and transformation process. You have been gifted time and freedom to channel the energy into your own transformation.

It is harder to conduct a massive transformation and healing in a relationship when you both are constantly fighting and arguing.

By walking away, your Twin Flame gave you the biggest gift. It is up to you to channel this gift of time to your best advantage.

What Happens When They Come Back?

Each time after a period of ghosting, when the runner Twin Flame returns, another layer of deep healing occurs to the stayer Twin Flame. The stayer Twin Flame releases healing blocks, leading them one-step closer to their own inner union process. This is different from Twin Flame relationship union.

I have heard about this from many Twin Flames and have seen this repeat in my own Twin Flame connection. After twenty-eight months of complete ghosting, my Twin Flame unblocked me, which lead to my own inner union. I achieved my inner union few month after he unblocked and blocked me. This part was necessary for me to attain my inner union.

When he unblocked me, his display picture on WhatsApp showed his 3rd eye open vertically which wasn’t there in his earlier pictures. It is true that whatever healing you do in your soul journey, because you are a vibrational match to each other, your healing will have a knock off effect on them. In addition, their healing will have a knock off effect on you.

Both Twins work off this aspect and this is why I do not teach that they are not healing in reality. Their healing may be different from what you are healing, but this does not mean they are exclusive to any healing. It is simply not true. This is also, why your Twin Flame’s Higher Self will often show up in your healing sessions with healers, because they are healing too at the same time.

If you allow Twin Flame ghosting/blocking as your biggest blessing in your journey, then you will reap the rewards of your labor. I pray that this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.

Know your journey, know your connection.

Twin Flame Union

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Twin Flame Union

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