Which Ascended Masters Is Overseeing Your Twin Flame Journey
Not many collectives are even aware which Ascended Masters are guiding or overseeing their own Twin Flame journey. During my sessions with clients, I reveal who theirs is and usually they are not surprised by the reveal. Most often, as they are awakened to being a Twin Flame, their own Ascended Masters begin to present themselves via signs and synchronicities so when the reveal is done, they can relate to it. I also receive feedbacks from the collectives all the time on how once they began an intimate connection with them; they feel that their Twin Flame path became much easier to navigate. Suddenly everything in their life begins to land in order rather than chaos. They begin getting more spiritual downloads and their Ascension process becomes much more bearable, not to mention they are able to connect and liaise with their own Twin Flame in a much deeper way energetically.
Not necessarily, God or Source is who you have accustomed to worship all your life as per your religion, faith or culture. It could very well be someone you least expect, so try to have an open mind on this. Remember your connection with Source exceeds this lifetime. Your connection with them could be a continuum of another lifetime…
While signing your own Twin Flame contract with Source, you and your Twin Flame were in a Soul form. I call this the Holy Trinity. You, your Twin Flame and Source.
Why knowing who your Ascended Master(s) is Important?
Before incarnating, you and your Twin Flame had a meeting with Source or God to sketch a plan to perfection. You both planned on how to connect with each other, example location, scenario, when and so forth. What type of relationship dynamics and core wounds you both will need to have in order to heal and restore balance for spiritual enlightenment. You both drew contracts with other Soul forms to assist in your Ascension Path. In this planning, they decided to aid you and your Twin Flame by becoming life partners or romantic interests, children and so forth. You then signed a contract before God or Source, your Ascended Masters on all of the above.
Because you are dealing with Soul Amnesia, most often all of this is a blur to you but as you continue your path and mission, little by little everything else begins to align, just as a jigsaw puzzle. This is why you begin seeing 111 Angel Numbers, which to me indicates, you, your Twin Flame and Source in manifestation mode of the Alchemical Process, from 3D lead of ego to 5D gold of consciousness.
When you are progressing towards 5D consciousness, you will begin to get bombarded with 333 Ascended Masters number which is you, your Twin Flame and Source in manifested mode, the Holy Trinity of Alchemy. This is when you begin to connect with Source in Oneness, the roadway to ultimate Spiritual Enlightenment. For those who believe this is a solo journey without Source, you can see it is not.
For those who are having trouble knowing who your Ascended Masters could be, just know that most often you already have an indication of who your Ascended Masters are based on your Soul recollection or your tie to them. Remember this does not have to be based on who you know your God to be. It could very well be someone whom you have least expected it to be. Pay attention to the Universe who will also show you via signs and synchronicity as well. Go within and ask your Guides to step in to assist as well.
My Ascended Masters
My story is a bit easier. After I was awakened to the Twin Flame Journey, some of the miracles and occurrences helped me to piece the clues together. This is how you may also get a very good indication as well.
A few years ago, I decided to place my Shivling in a water fountain outside my house. A Shivling symbolizes the union of males and the female reproductive organs in a state of blissful union. It represents the creation of life force.
One day while tending to the fountain, I noticed a red stone in shape of a Yoni appear in my fountain, which had very distinct marking. On Shiva’s forehead, he has three horizontal lines in form of a tilak. On this stone, I could visibly see three lines formed, marking it Lord Shiva’s stone.
Because the fountain withstood all types of harsh weather conditions for over two years, the Shivling also took some brunt of it. The Shivling formed an image of a cobra snake’s head with fangs. As by now you know Lord Shiva is known as the King of Snakes. This was another sign of his presence, an auspicious sign.
A couple of years later when I met my real Twin Flame, the pictures he gave me on WhatsApp happened to be saved with all the Shivling pictures, only 2 days apart in my phone gallery as thumbnails. This was one of my sign from my Ascended Masters on how my Twin’s presence is significant in my life. During my discovery, I still was not aware that he was my Twin Flame, it was only revealed to me two months forward. Then everything else aligned. All the signs leading up to then made sense to me.
Few weeks after he pulled off, one day I looked closely at the photographs on my phone and noticed the image of Lord Shiva and Shakti as they both look male and female in one image. Once moment the image looked of Lord Shiva, the other moment it looked of Goddess Parvati. This kept happening to me for about a week, to the point I conjured that my eyes were playing tricks with me. As you can see in the picture below, this is hardly any coincidence.
Another sync to all this was when I met my Twin Flame, I was in the middle of my 16 Monday fast to Lord Shiva. In fact, we met in physical on a Monday during my fasting. Devotees usually pray to Lord Shiva on Mondays in Hinduism. After reading Sabriye’s article from Twin Flame Tribe on Ascended Masters, everything made perfect sense to me. This was their way for conveying their support in my own Twin Flame journey, life purpose, guidance and the rewards of my own devotion to him. From there on, I only consume white food on Mondays as my tribute and devotion to Him. I offer limes to Goddess Kali on Fridays.
In my lifetime, I have completed five sets of 16 Monday Fast to Lord Shiva. For the last 10 years plus, I have kept nine night (Navratri) fast to Goddess Shakti.
As you can see, this is a lifelong commitment to your Ascended Masters. Knowing only who they are is one aspect, devoting your energy and commitment is another. This is an equal exchange of energy, a give and take relationship. Once you learn who your own Ascended Masters is or are, that is guiding your Twin Flame journey; you should connect with Him or Her. As you develop a unique bond with them, you will reap the rewards as well.
Hope this article finds you well and that this has given you some insight on how to connect with your Ascended Masters. For those who do not know who they are, I can reveal them for you as well during a session. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection
Twin Flame Union