Why Listening To Twin Flame Advice Can Be Harmful
Often we second guess our own intuition and spiritual guidance when it comes to our Twin Flame connection. It is normal to get entrapped into doubts and fear especially when the 3D reality is full of arguments, conflicts, separation, third party and so forth. In this article, we will go over why not listening to your own intuition can bring more harm for the connection than one anticipates.
It is confusing enough to deal with your Twin Flame’s behavior as is, let alone how others perceive what your connection is. Often they interpret your lack of actions / non actions on what they believe should be your decision regarding your relationship with your beloved.
Do you also find that they simply do not understand your connection with your Twin Flame? Do you find that your friends and family pretend to support you, when deep down, you feel unsupported.
True, if you were dealing with a normal karmic relationship, you will not feel the intensity of the connection as the way you would feel when it comes to a Twin Flame connection. In this article, we will dive deep into why normal relationship advice does not apply when it comes to your Twin Flame. This article will not only give you insights from a spiritual perspective but also from a Twin Flame perspective. This article will explain in depth why taking advice from your friends, family and even psychics can result in having more doubts, fears and blocks when it comes to your Twin Flame connection.
Receiving bad advice from people often derives from their own wounding, trauma or consciousness. Think about it for a minute. If they are not as consciously evolved as you are, then they wouldn’t be able to give you a higher vibration advice. Next time someone is advising you regarding something that is not intuitively in alignment with your soul plan, simply observe how their life is on the subject, especially if it is regarding a romantic connection. For example, if they are advising you regarding Twin Flame relationship, then their own romantic life with someone specific has not worked out the way they envisioned it to be.
So if they are still nursing their wounding or trauma that is related to their specific relationship(s), their advices to you will be coming from those wounding. Their issues around trust, hurt, guilt, and shame will be part of the advice you will receive.
Friends And Family
There is no real need to share your Twin Flame experience with your friends and family. For the simple reason being that you will not find it helping you in any way because they may not really understand soul lessons, triggers, past life wounding, energetic blocks, childhood traumas, relationship traumas, soul connection, spiritual lessons and so forth until they themselves have gone through a spiritual awakening and ascension process.
Unless they go through a certain awakening themselves, they will naturally judge your narrative from a very earthly and logical perspective. If they have not encountered their divine counterpart, they will not be able to relate to your push and pull situation with your Twin Flame. The reason this is the case is because even though everyone has a Twin Flame, it was not written in their soul agreement to live a Twin Flame experience, nor meet their divine counterpart in this lifetime.
This would be true if you were dealing with someone normal, and not your Twin Flame. And this is why when you receive advice from them, it does not resonate with you spiritually. If it feels that their advice is not in alignment with you, then you should ignore them.
There are a lot of people who get stuck in their pre awakening or awakening phase through doubts towards their own feelings and the experiences that they are going through. This then often leads to a lot of confusion for not being able to trust the journey, so giving into someone else’s opinions becomes a natural behavior. In cases such as this, they can definitely deviate you from your spiritual path.
This is why we need to learn to listen to our own inner voice and trust its guidance vs succumbing to the 3D fear. If your faith is in its place, nothing can deviate you from your journey.

Seeing Your Future With Them
Can you honestly blame yourself if you have been in a lengthy separation and you still continue to see a future with your Twin Flame? Not really. This is again part of your soul agreement to have a reconciled and harmonious relationship with them. If you sense that your Twin Flame relationship will boomerang back around, then you are not deluding yourself. It is part of your own soul agreement with them.
Some Twin Flames also sense their future children which again is part of their soul agreement. Souls choose their parents before their incarnation on Earth as part of their soul agreement or soul contract. There are no exit points on this type of soul contract as once soul have decided collectively to agree on it, from parents to children, Twin Flame children incarnation is imminent.
Some contracts have exit points where one can choose “free will” to make new soul contracts, but again even this aspect is pre-scripted before incarnation. Nothing is contracted out of one’s soul agreement. If you see flashes of your life with your Twin Flame and your future kids, simply know that you are seeing this for a reason. Chances are, your higher self is showing you on what is in store for you.
Do not doubt this process. Do not succumb to the fear. Have faith in the Universe, the higher powers, your guides or your higher self that whatever is being shown to you is on its way to you. As part of the grand plan from the Universe, at times you are also being tested on what your true heart’s desires are, so it will send you little bits of confusion to test whether you are staying on course with your spiritual journey.
In other words, The Universe is testing you to ensure that you are still trusting the process and are going to attain what you desire.

Psychic Readings
This now brings me to the next topic regarding psychics. No matter how great a psychic is, they are still human, which means that they read people from their own consciousness. In other words, if the psychic is not evolved in their spiritual journey, then they will certainly not understand yours.
If they are not in a Twin Flame connection, chances are that they will have a hard time wrapping their mind around your Twin Flame connection. If they cannot relate, then chances are, they are giving their opinion vs giving you an actual reading from their guides.
If this is a divine connection, psychics will see through the connection by channeling their guides, and will be able to provide whatever messages you are meant to know at the time of the reading conducted. If they are having a bad day, then it can also reflect on your reading. If they are wounded from their own experiences with their specific person, and have not done much healing, that will reflect / affect your reading. At the end, physics are human.
Be aware that some readings can be a hit or a miss. If you are not feeling good after a psychic reading, then it is not in alignment with your soul. You will sense that the reading was a waste of time and money. Getting a psychic reading is like roll the dice game. You may hit the numbers or you may simply not.
How many of you have experienced this? If you are energetically aligned to the reader, then you will have a good positive reading. Don’t get me wrong. Not everything in any reading can be positive as readers do read the energy. What I am saying is to look out for wrong advice which does not align with you.
During the reading, if you are not resonating with what the reader is telling you, then simply know that the reader was not able to pick up your Twin Flame’s energy. Whatever the reader will say, will seem off when it comes to the specifics of your Twin Flame connection. Intuitively, you will know to ignore whatever the reader is saying.
Usually because you are energetically connected with your Twin Flame all the time, you have an idea how the reading will pan through, so if the reading seems to be alienated, then know you are not receiving an authentic reading.
As a teacher, healer and facilitator, people reach out to me all the time asking for a reading because the person who did their Twin Flame reading was totally off. Not all psychics are familiar with Twin Flames nor their journey. They are not familiar with the lessons and soul integrations, nor do they understand the role of a Karmic. They simply have no idea why a Karmic is presented to the pair. Next time before you book a reading with someone, best to do your research on what they specialize with. Ask your guidance team to help you to choose someone that will give you valuable insights vs confusing you even more.

Feeling Free From Confusion
Doesn’t it feel great when you finally are free from the confinements of your ego, be it fear, distrust, hurt, anger, shame, exhaustion and so forth. You know what I mean. Releasing any ego gets you into the next level of positive vibration. Remember always that you are not having relationship issues when it comes to your Twin Flame, but vibration issues.
The only way you can energetically draw in your manifestation is through higher 5D vibration frequency. By not trusting your intuition, you are simply succumbing to lower 3D vibration. You will have a hard time attracting anything when your vibration is low.
You see, The Universe only knows vibration. The entire universal existence is based off energy. So if you are emitting positive energy, then tuning into the manifestation frequency becomes easy.
The more healing and inner work you do, the more positive things will happen to you. The more positive things happens to you, the higher your vibration will become. And it plays off to each other. If you are feeling on a high vibration, then you will become a magnet for all good things.
When it comes to your Twin Flame and the connection, it is advisable to keep your own vibration high. Distrust, hurt, anger, impatience can delay your own union process. Best to remain positive and trust that whatever is being shown to you repeatedly has some bearing to the end outcome.
Trusting Your Intuition
Your biggest ally in Twin Flame journey is your own inner guidance which forms from your Solar Plexus and Third Eye Chakra. Your natural instincts is your best soul GPS navigation system. Universe will continue to give you messages through many signs and syncs. It is in your best interest to pay attention to what is being shown to you.
Keep a diary log and journal what the signs mean to you. Your first thoughts will usually be your answer. Sit with the signs for a few months and revisit your journal to gain any further insights, if there are any. If you are continuing to see the same signs repeatedly, it is your best indicator that your future depends on it.
Your own signs and syncs are going to be very personal to you so it means that most psychics will not be able to decode them even.
Another way to know whether there is any meaning is to notice on what is being shown while you meditate and connect with your spiritual team. You can learn more insights of the journey and connection through your team as they shed some light. Every Twin Flame couple have different spiritual team. Every Twin Flame pair have their own Ascended Masters.
Your guidance team was selected by you specifically to help you to navigate your journey through its trials and tribulations. During this time, you will be drawn to certain Teachers and Coaches to help you to a higher consciousness. If all this sounds like a process, then simply trust that the rest of whatever is being shown to you repeatedly through your experiences is, also a process.
Simply breathe through it.
I hope this article was informative. I pray that this article finds you well. If you wish to purchase any of my services, click here. Feel free to share this article if it resonates. Thank you and much blessings.
Know your journey, know your connection.
Twin Flame Union